“The Importance of a Father’s Blessing”


Genesis 28:1-5, “SO ISAAC CALLED IN JACOB AND BLESSED HIM. Then he ordered him, “Don’t take a Caananite wife. Leave at once. Go to Paddan Aram to the family of your mother’s father, Bethuel. Get a wife for yourself from the daughters of your uncle Laban. “And may The Strong God bless you and give you many, many children, a congregation of peoples; and pass on the blessing of Abraham to you and your descendants so that you will get this land which you live, this land God gave Abraham. So Isaac sent Jacob off. He went to Paddan Aram, to Laban son of Bethuel the Aramean, the brother of Rebekah who was the mother of Jacob and Esau.” (MSG)

In Bible times Fathers placed their hands on their children’s heads and spoke certain promises over them, passing on the blessing from generation to generation. It’s why the Bible says, “Isaac called Jacob and blessed him,” and why Jacob even refused to die before blessing his grandchildren: Genesis 48:8-16: “Just then Jacob noticed Joseph’s sons and said, “Who are these?” Joseph told his father, “They are my sons whom God gave to me in this place.” “Bring them to me,” he said, “SO I CAN BLESS THEM.” Israel’s eyesight was poor from old age; he was nearly blind. So Joseph brought them up close. Old Israel kissed and embraced them and then said to Joseph, “I never expected to see your face again, and now God has let me see your children as well!” Joseph took them from Israel’s knees and bowed respectfully, his face to the ground. Then Joseph took the two boys, Ephraim with his right hand setting him to Israel’s left, and Manasseh with his left hand setting him to Israel’s right, and stood them before him. But Israel crossed his arms and put his right hand on the head of Ephraim who was the younger and his left hand on the head of Manasseh, the firstborn. THEN HE BLESSED THEM: The God before whom walked my fathers Abraham and Isaac, The God who has been my shepherd all my life long to this very day, The Angel who delivered me from every evil, BLESS THESE BOYS. May my name be echoed in their lives, and the names of Abraham and Isaac, my fathers, And may they grow covering the Earth with their children.” (MSG).

Grandfathers, it is still vital that you not only lay your hands on your sons heads, but on your grandsons as well. Follow Isaac’s example and declare blessings over generations that will follow you. Speak well over them and make sure that they hear you. Declare that they will be obedient and well disciplined boys; that they will excel in academia; that they will be healthy and wealthy; that they will make wise decisions; that they will walk in favor, faith and discernment; that they will not be found in the company of fools; that they will grow into godly men who protect their wives and children; that they are an asset to their communities; that they will leave a legacy of greatness to be carried on; that they will be men of integrity, character, influence, gifting’s, intelligence, and purpose; that they will be the epitome of a child of God in their homes, work, business, community and church. Grandfathers, speak blessings over your grandsons that they may keep the torch of greatness shining brightly for generations who are yet to even be born! Your blessing is a must in the life your grandsons!

Likewise, a Father’s Blessing Is a Must in the Life of His Sons! However, There Are Certain Specifics Isaac Covered In His Blessing of Genesis 28:1-5 MSG that I want men and boys to pay close attention to. Sisters, I’m not leaving you out, I just want to focus today on our male counterparts instead especially since June is Men’s Health Month, and this Sunday is Father’s Day, so don’t take it personal! With that out of the way, Let’s See What the Specifics Are:

1… The Bible says,So Isaac called in Jacob and blessed him…”: First, I need Men to say this and grasp it with both hands: “I’m not going anywhere to do anything unless My Father Calls Me!” Remember: “So Isaac CALLED in Jacob…”. A Father, whether Natural or Spiritual will make sure they Call YouYou Don’t Get To Call Yourself! If Pastors, that were Never Called could get this, we could close down 20 Unfruitful Ministries on One Block Tonight! Men, never move until you’re called! I don’t care what anybody says they see in you; think about you; can hear in your tone of voice; no matter what they say about your gifting’s and anointing, don’t you dare move until your father who covers you, calls you! That’s why we have Deacons now pastoring dying churches because they went before they were called, and some weren’t even called, because they weren’t called! Sometimes you need to embrace that where you are is where you need to stay! Don’t let people persuade you that you must elevate through all of these ministerial levels to reach your purpose in God. All God requires of you is that you do what HE called you to do! And if that’s to usher from age 8 to 80, be the best doorkeeper the church has ever seen! Listen, in that same text also pay close attention to this: “So ISAAC called in JACOB…”. Men, I just need to know one simple thing: “Do You Know Your Name?” The Scripture Is Specific As to WHO Isaac Was Calling! And His Name Was Jacob! If we could learn simply to Answer to the Calling Assigned Specifically to Our Name We Could Finally Get Misplaced People From All Over The Ministry Into Their Rightful Places! Which is hard to do when Jesse is trying to answer Jacob’s call, David is trying to answer Darren’s call, Shawn is trying to answer Scott’s call! Brothers, Know Your Specific Name and Answer Only Your Specific Call! I don’t care if you can do it better, if God didn’t sign your name to that assignment, leave other people’s mail alone! What’s not addressed to you don’t belong to you, and it’s a felony to open other people’s mail! A third thing to notice in this same small piece of Scripture is: “So Isaac called IN Jacob…” later the text will Eventually say “…So Isaac sent Jacob OFF.” Brothers, Jacob Wasn’t Sent OUT Until He Was First Called IN! Therefore, Stop expecting to be sent OFF to Africa on a 6 month assignment, when you haven’t even had enough discipline to bring yourself IN to Sunday School, IN to Prayer, IN to Bible Study, IN to Worship, IN to Rehearsal, IN to Meetings, In on Time…You getting this? Good! You Have To Come IN Before You Can Be Sent OUT! Too many want an outside assignment with an Honorarium to go to Hawaii when we can’t get you inside the House of Worship in Brooklyn to serve a Ham Sandwich to the Homeless! Men, Until You Master Humility You’ll Always Miss Honor! Therefore, Keep In Mind: You Can’t Go OFF Until You First Go IN!

2… Next, the Bible says Isaac: “… ordered him,…” Brothers, You Will Never Be SENT Until You SUBMIT! That’s why we have so many Pastoral Bastards now! No One Has Enough Humility, Patience and Obedience to Allow Someone To Father Them! Because Fathering them means Discipline and Chastisement, and no one wants to receive it, but the Bible says:  “But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons” (Hebrews 12:8) The Amplified Bible says it like this: “Now if you are exempt from correction and left without discipline in which all [of God’s children] share, then you are illegitimate offspring and not true sons [at all]”  The word “Illegitimate” means “Not in accordance with the law or accepted standards” In other words, you’re operating under an Illegal Anointing and Calling! And anything “Illegal” is defined as “Contrary to or Forbidden by Law, therefore, deserving of Punishment!” Until you reach a place where you can Sit and Submit under a Father’s teaching and obey it, you will never be Legal! And “Legal” is defined as “To Permit!” If you can’t be fathered you can’t receive a permit, and without a permit you can’t be licensed! And without a license you are Illegal Deserving of Punishment! Sons of God, Submit to the Order of the House! True leaders don’t care about your talent if you’re not submitted enough to tithe and be on time; true leaders don’t care about your anointing if you’re not submitted enough to show up faithfully in service, even if the mic never graces your hand; true leaders don’t care about your skill if you’re not submitted enough to sit in Sunday School; true leaders don’t care about your oil if you’re not submitted enough to obey; true leaders don’t care about your following if you’re not submitted enough to follow your own leader; true leaders don’t care about your fancy footwork during praise breaks, if you’re not submitted enough to walk in character, integrity, excellence and holiness, especially when no one is looking; true leaders don’t care about your resume, if you’re not submitted enough to maintain righteousness. Are you getting this men? Submit, obey, serve, and receive honor. Don’t seek a seat; don’t seek to be seen; seek to be submissive! And for those men that think submission is gender based, and for women only, let me help you. There was no greater Man than Jesus, and even He was a Man of Submission to His Father’s Will!

3… Next Isaac warns his son: “Don’t take a Caananite wife…” Any Father That Wants The Best For His Son Will At Some Point Address The Women In His Life! And the First Thing a Father Will Tell You Is the Type of Woman to AVOID! Brothers, where you go and how far you go in Life and Ministry will be Impacted Greatly By the Woman YOU Choose To Give Your Last Name! In receiving your Name she carries the Dangerous Potential to be Irresponsible With How You, Your Family and Your Family Name Is Reflected In Private and Public! And just like you wouldn’t give just anybody your social security number; your date of birth; your home address; the code to your phone; your credit card; your license; be just as protective over who you give your last name to! Marital Identity Theft is just as real! She may seem like the right one; appear like the right one; sound like the right one; do all the things you thought the right one would do; and she can still be an imposter! Therefore, When Daddy Says Don’t Take a…Wife…LISTEN! Your Father, Whether Natural or Spiritual, Will Do Nothing to Hurt You, Lead You Astray or Hinder Your Life in Any Way! So if they share their concerns it’s in Your Best Interest to Take Heed! Many men Stand Powerful In the Day, but Lay With a Poor Excuse At Night! Don’t Let That Be Your Testimony!

4… Next Isaac Instructs his Son: “Leave at once. Go to Paddan Aram to the family of your mother’s father, Bethuel. Get a wife for yourself from the daughters of your uncle Laban.” A few things need to be pointed out here: A) He told him “…leave at once…” Listen, When your Spiritual Father tells you it’s time to go…GO! Don’t drag your feet, don’t try to take folks with you that were not released to go…Just Go! B) A Father Will Always Give You Specific Instructions and Directions! Think about it, He told Jacob where to go Specifically and Who to seek out Specifically! Can you imagine if Spiritual Leaders gave Specific Instructions/Directions and Names and then you actually Listened and Obeyed…Do You Realize The Greatness In That Blessing alone?! You don’t have to play “eenie meanie miney moe” for a wife or a ministry! You’ll Know Exactly Where To Go and With Whom! Men, Allow Yourself To Be Fathered! You Can’t Get the Father’s Blessing Without It! C) It was Isaac who told Jacob “…Get a wife…” I can hear you saying, “I’m a grown man, nobody has to tell me when to get a wife!” I Reiterate…You Can’t Be Sent Until You Submit! Your Father Will Not Have You Follow Directions That Will Be Fatal to You Fulfilling Your Calling! Therefore, if nothing else, listen and take heed! I promise you, when you get older (Naturally and Spiritually) and look back, 9 times out of 10 you’ll have several regrets about not taking parental heed! D) In addition, he tells Jacob Where To Find His Wife! She’ll Be Amongst Those IN THE FAMILY! And NO I do not suggest incest in anyway, however, I do Highly Suggest You Stay Within the Faith Family when looking for your wife! I don’t care how gifted, anointing and mighty in God you are, you can’t marry an unbeliever and expect her to live right! Heck, the ones who are saved still struggle to live right, what do you think you’ll get from someone who don’t even follow God?! God will not lead you to find a wife among the unsaved. What about Hosea? God had a point to prove to His disobedient people regarding their constant infidelity in their relationship with Him which is the only reason He allowed Hosea to marry Gomer. It was about making a point, not making marrying a prostitute a generational principle! Follow your father’s instructions and do not veer off course no matter what she looks like or what she promises! Proverbs 14:12/16:25, “There’s a way of life that looks harmless enough;look again—it leads straight to hell.” (MSG) And if you marry her, so will you!

5… Next Isaac says, “And may The Strong God bless you…” If it’s one thing every father wants is for God to bless the lives of their children! As a father, it is your Responsibility to declare the Blessings of God over your children, Natural and Spiritual! And as many fathers know, as your children age, both Spiritually and Naturally, they will have some struggling times that will bring them to their knees! As strong as their faith may be, they will have moments when weakness will set in. It’s at those times in which they need to grasp on to the remembrance of your teaching them that their God is STRONG! As you speak the Blessings of God over them remind them that He is their Refuge, Strength, Strongtower, Mighty God, All-Powerful One…There is no greater blessing than speaking of the Lord’s Strength over your children’s lives! Truth is, they will not always receive a clean bill of health from the doctor; their money will not always flow right; their marriage will not always feel like it was made in heaven; their job will not always feel safe and secure as it once did. They will face betrayal, lies, gossip, rumors, hardship, heartache and the like, and you need to teach them young how to grow up with this but not allow it to stunt their spiritual growth! They need to know about God’s strength before their weakness is tempted! And father’s, it’s your responsibility to Teach Them!

6… Next Isaac says to Jacob, “And may The Strong God bless you and give you many, many children, a congregation of peoples;” Isaac blesses Jacob and his children and children’s children! Fathers, Speak blessings over what your children have Now and what they will have Later, whether you are present or not to see it! As their father, speak blessings over their future generations! Speak well of their seeds seed! Speak well over their future and the greatness of it! Isaac prayed for Jacob to have “…a congregation of peoples…” Do you believe that level of abundance is in the future of your child? If not, shame on you! If so, speak even greater! Begin speaking blessings over their children, whether they are here now or not, whether they are spiritual or natural, speak that they will be obedient, that they will follow in the footsteps of Jesus, that they will pray and seek the Lord’s face, that they will be debt free, that they will be faithful in marriage, that they will revive their communities faith etc…Isaac spoke a father’s blessing over his son Jacob’s future! Have you done the same for yours? And some of you will say, yes, I pray that all the time. But this isn’t something Isaac prayed in his prayer closet with no one present to hear but him and God. No, he said this out loud, to his son’s face, in his son’s hearing. Make sure you do the same, remember faith comes by hearing, so what are you saying to your sons to increase their faith about their future?!

7… Then Isaac admonishes Jacob, “and pass on the blessing of Abraham to you and your descendants…” Isaac speaks a blessing over Jacob that his children will be many and great, a congregation of peoples, and then he goes further to speak the Blessing of Abraham over All His Descendants! And what blessing was that? The Bible says, “God told Abram: “Leave your country, your family, and your father’s home for a land that I will show you. I’ll make you a great nation and bless you.  I’ll make you famous; you’ll be a blessing. I’ll bless those who bless you; those who curse you I’ll curse. All the families of the Earth will be blessed through you.” … At that time the Canaanites occupied the land. God appeared to Abram and said, “I WILL GIVE THIS LAND TO YOUR CHILDREN …” (Genesis 12:1-7 MSG) AND THAT’S NOT ALL! The Bible goes on to say,  “…God said to Abram, “Open your eyes, look around. Look north, south, east, and west. Everything you see, the whole land spread out before you, I WILL GIVE TO YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN FOREVER. I’ll make your DESCENDANTS like dust—counting your DESCENDANTS will be as impossible as counting the dust of the Earth. So—on your feet, get moving! Walk through the country, its length and breadth; I’m giving it all to you.” (Genesis 13: 14-17 MSG). Guess What? We’re His Descendants! The Bible says, “In Christ’s family there can be no division into Jew and non-Jew, slave and free, male and female. Among us you are all equal. That is, we are all in a common relationship with Jesus Christ. Also, SINCE YOU ARE CHRIST’S FAMILY, THEN YOU ARE ABRAHAM’S FAMOUS “DESCENDANTS”, HEIRS ACCORDING TO THE COVENANT PROMISES” (Galatians 3:28-29 MSG). Dad, How Can You NOT Speak This Blessing Over Your Children???!!! In the words of Isaac, “…PASS ON THE BLESSING OF ABRAHAM TO YOU AND YOUR DESCENDANTS…”!

8… Next Isaac says, “so that you will get this land which you live, this land God gave Abraham.” I Love It! Fathers, You Need To Learn How To Speak Entrepreneurial Inheritance Blessings Over Your Seed! Isaac let Jacob Know…the Land Is Yours! Go Get It! It Was a Covenant Promise to Abraham and His Descendants…And You Are Indeed Abraham’s Descendant! So Go Get Your Stuff! Our children should not be standing in begging lines anywhere! They Are the Seed of Abraham and the Heir of His Blessings! When They Are Born Again, They’re Born Into Blessings! They’re Born Into Wealth! They’re Born Into an Entrepreneurial Mindset! They’re Born Into a Great Inheritance! They’re Born Into Greatness and Promise! Therefore, Don’t Allow Them To Live Beneath Their Potential and Privilege! Speak the Blessings of Abraham Over Your Seed! Make sure they know who they are and what they have! Don’t let them walk with pants sagging, heads bowed, shoulders slumped, eyes, heart and spirit downcast! NO! Remind them daily of who they are, Whose they are, and what they’ve been promised and make sure they walk like it every day of their lives! Remind them that they are children of prosperity not poverty, no matter what they see in their bank accounts! Teach them the valuable asset of favor, and inform them that it is their portion! They are heirs of promise, and descendants of an unbreakable covenant! Fathers, don’t pray this over them in your prayer closet, say this repetitively to their face, in their hearing!

9… And what happens after Isaac blessed Jacob? The Bible says, “So Isaac sent Jacob off…” I Reiterate! You Are Not Sent Until You Submit! Don’t Allow Your Children, Natural or Spiritual, to Just Go! Let them know the Basics and the Importance Behind a Father’s Blessing! Let them know all that it entails and its importance over their lives. Isaac made sure that Jacob knew who he was and what he possessed before he sent him off to attain even more! Therefore, Fathers, Don’t send them unsure, or insecure. Make sure you instill in them their Identity in Christ! Give them a firm foundation of faith that the world can’t shake! And dad, don’t be selfish! Sometimes the hard part is not keeping them from going, but the issue is YOU actually having the guts to release them in a timely fashion! When they’ve received all they need to receive from you to step out in faith, hand them a good sturdy pair of shoes, open the door and send them off! Don’t let them sit in the house just because it’s your house and you want the blessings, greatness, anointing and gifting to stay in Your House! You will not be their only teacher in life, so send them off and let them further their education in their walk with God. They Will Be Okay!

10… Lastly, the text reads, “He went to Paddan Aram, to Laban son of Bethuel the Aramean, the brother of Rebekah who was the mother of Jacob and Esau.” Dad, if you do it right, they will do exactly what you said! They will walk out the blessings you spoke over them! But it’s important to let them know YOU have to SEND them OFF! Therefore, teaching them Patience is a Must! They have to Master Endurance and Waiting! Truth is, Many have messed up their family, children, business, marriage, ministry, church, and their very own lives because of Going Prematurely! Which is why James Admonishes: “…SO DON’T TRY TO GET OUT OF ANYTHING PREMATURELY. LET IT DO ITS WORK SO YOU BECOME MATURE AND WELL-DEVELOPED, NOT DEFICIENT IN ANY WAY” (James 1:2-4 MSG). So instill in them the Worth of Waiting and Then the Greatness In Going Forth…When the Time Is Right…Covered By the Important Basics Behind Their Fathers Blessing!

Much Love, Dr. Shermaine #EnjoyTheRead #BeInspired #BeEncouraged #BeEmpowered #BeChallenged #BeBlessed #HappyFathersDay
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