“The Secrets of a Rock Badger!”


Proverbs 30:26, “…The Conies are but a feeble folk, yet make they their houses in the Rocks…”  The New King James Version says it like this: “The Rock Badgers are a feeble folk, Yet they make their homes in the crags” 

Today we’re going to do some parable teaching, hope you enjoy!

“The Conies or the Rock Badgers”, “make their houses in the Rocks”. You see, the conies are afraid of foxes, and dogs, and cruel men who hunt and kill them. They are considered poor, weak things, and are not strong enough to fight and take care of themselves. So what do they do? They make their holes among stones and rocks whenever they can! They go where men can’t dig them out. They go where dogs and foxes can’t follow them in. And then, when they see men, or dogs, or foxes coming – they run into those rock holes, and are found safe! 

Now, truth be told, the wolf can run much faster than the Rock Badger, for it has much longer legs. And the deer is much bigger than the Rock Badger, and has good antlers. However, the wolf and the deer have no rock holes to run into! They lie out on the open fields. And so when men come to hunt them with dogs and guns, they are soon caught and killed. But the little “feeble” Cony, that Radical Rock Badger, has a hiding place to run to, therefore, he often escapes!  

Listen: The problem isn’t your fears or the attacks of the enemy, the problem is you don’t know how to Respond Like a Rock Badger! You see, a Coney, or Rock Badger, looks like a rabbit, but he can’t run like one. He resembles a mole but he can’t dig deep like one. Therefore, since he can’t run like a rabbit, or dig like a mole, he uses what he got to his advantage! If I was preaching this, I’d tell you to tell your neighbor, use what you got! You see, Rock Badgers move to higher ground and positions himself in rocks, which is a place of strength. And what’s the word for you today? Reposition Yourself! Rock Badgers know how to Reposition Themselves In a Place of Strength! In the Place of the Rocks! Fear doesn’t stop them, being feeble doesn’t hinder them, because they know how to Reposition Themselves in a place of Strength! Do you?

Rock Badgers, says the Bible, are aFeeble Folk”. And the wordfeeblemeanslacking physical or mental strength.” It comes from a Latin Origin which means tolament, weep or cry.” And that’s the problem with some of us, when it comes to attaining our purpose in God. We focus on what we lack, to the extent, it leads to depression, and low self-esteem, which causes us to lament, weep and cry. What we need to do is follow the example of the Rock Badgers. They don’t cry, become depressed or self-loathing, because their considered feeble. No, they refuse to stay in a weak environment, instead they reposition themselves, and go up higher into the rocks, to a place of strength! In order for you to overcome your fears and attain your purpose in God, you’ve got to reach a point where you stop comparing yourself and cutting yourself down. Stop allowing your limitations to limit you, because they don’t limit God. Use what you got and make it work for you! Think about it, Even Rock Badgers have enough sense to know that if where I’m at has me weak and vulnerable, then I need to Reposition Myself and go up higher into a place of strength! Why stay the same way, and keep doing the same thing? Which reminds me of a quote I live by, “Insanity is doing the same thing but expecting different results.Saints, stop acting like a lunatic that has lost his/her mind, the Bible says He has given you a Sound Mind, so stop acting Insane! Reposition yourself in a place of strength! Think about it: If you hire a man to do a job and you pay him to it, if he stops doing the job, do you continue to pay him? Of course not, that would be foolish. Well, likewise, stop paying all of your attention, energy and strength to doing the same thing that hasn’t worked in the past, ain’t working in the present and won’t work in the future either! Reposition Yourself In a Place of Strength!

Now don’t miss this part, because even though Rock Badgers are consideredfeeble folk”, who lack physical and mental strength, they yet have enough physical and mental strength to build houses in rocks! You see they supposedly lack the ability to do anything. When you look at them physically or mentally, they shouldn’t be able to accomplish much. And yet, not only do they take themselves to a higher place of strength, but in their weakness, they have the audacity to build houses there!

See, when you take a piece of property and build a house on it, you have no intentions on leaving! You are pretty much letting folks know, I’m moving in and staying right here! The Rock Badgers built houses in a place of strength. That’s why you need to let folks know with my weak, feeble self, I still possess the ability to build, and I have enough nerve to do it in a place of strength! Cross your eyes, talk about me, laugh behind my back, but know this, I’m staying right here! No education, no money, alcohol and drug addicted, past of prostitution and yet you keep watching me, before you know it, I’ll be singing on the choir, preaching in the pulpit, and witnessing in the streets! Folks would have you believe, that you don’t have the ability to accomplish a thing. But the devil is a liar! She ain’t never led no song, he never directed a choir, she’s never been a women’s ministry overseer, he don’t know how to plan no retreat, she’s never conducted a meeting, he’s not qualified to hold that position. And what should you say to this? So what! Why? Because it don’t even matter! As long as I learn how to wait on God, He’ll do “exceeding abundantly above all that I ask or thinkevery single time. Learn how to Wait on God, Reposition Yourself in a Place of Strength, and Realize your limitations don’t limit God. That’s a Rock Badgers Rationale! 

I love Rock Badgers, because it’s something about the Rocks they build and establish themselves in that encourages me! Which means I had to study the Rock Badgers and Rocks to find out what is it about the Rocks that keep a Rock Badger Fearless! Well, as the parable preacher that I am, let me share with you some insights about Rocks that will help you to Overcome Your Fears! 

1…The enemy will not mess with a Rock Badger because even though he’s the accuser of the brethren, the Bible says, he that is without sin, cast the first STONE! Don’t miss it! STONES, or ROCKS shut down all those who would attempt to point out your sins and transgressions and attempt to shame and guilt you into not fulfilling your purpose. The enemy attempts to use your past, your pain, your mistakes, and your missteps against you so that the fear of folks finding out about your mess will send you into silence! But the Bible says he that is without sin cast the first STONE! Now, you can look your attackers in the face and tell em ‘unless your sinless, remain stoneless!’ Why fear your past, or fear the people who know about it, when they have no ammunition to use against you! The ROCKS are on your side!  

2…Furthermore, ROCKS were heaped over the DEAD! Therefore, your accuser can’t use anything from your past! Because like a dead body, your past is over, it’s dead and ROCKS have been laid over what is dead! When you become confident in God you realize that no matter how many bones are in your closet, when it’s dead, it’s dead! No where in the Bible did God cause a resurrection for someone’s past, a resurrection was because there was more to yet accomplish. And your past my friend has nothing else to accomplish! So even if they want to poke through your closet and pick at your bones, you can confidently tell them, ‘you can connect the thigh bone to the hip bone, the hip bone to the leg bone, the leg bone to the knee bone, the knee bone to the ankle bone, the ankle bone to the foot bone, and still My Past Will Not Walk Into My Future!’ Whisper to yourself: ‘that was for me!’ 

3…You have no need to fear the enemy because as a Rock Badger, ROCKS are a sign of WORSHIP. ALTARS for WORSHIP were made out of ROCKS. Jesus was tempted by Satan, but the last straw was when the devil attempted to mess with His WORSHIP. Then Jesus declared “Satan get thee behind me”, In essence get out of my face! How dare you attempt to mess with my WORSHIP! You need to understand the power of your WORSHIP! The enemy can’t affect your WORSHIP for John 4:24 declares you must WORSHIP IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH, but if you journey a few more chapters over into, John 8:44 it says ‘the devil is a liar and the father of such for there is NO TRUTH IN HIM.’ Therefore, when you enter WORSHIP, you enter TRUTH and that LYING TRUTH can’t handle TRUTH, so he can’t handle your WORSHIP! Remember ALTARS of WORSHIP were made from ROCKS! And Rock Badgers LIVED in ROCKS, therefore the next time fear rears its ugly head, just bow down in WORSHIP! The reason why the devil can’t mess with a WORSHIPER is because the Bible says the Father is looking for TRUE WORSHIPERS, and the enemy knows that to mess with you, while your ministering in WORSHIP will provoke the Father to come see about you!  

4…The devil won’t mess with a Rock Badger because according to Judges 6:20-21 ROCKS are the place where you place your OFFERING and when you place your OFFERING on the ROCK a FIRE is provoked and consumes everything! The devil knows that FIRE represents the PRESENCE OF GOD, FIRE represents the POWER OF GOD, FIRE represents the DEMONSTRATION OF GOD! The enemy is not going to mess with you because where ROCKS are, an OFFERING is close, and the FIRE OF GOD’S PRESENCE, POWER AND DEMONSTRATION are even closer! 

5…The devil don’t mess with a Rock Badger because according to Judges 13:19-20, ROCKS aren’t just the place of offering, or the place of fire, but it’s the place where the ANGELS show up and do wondrous works! You have nothing to fear, with the mindset of a Rock Badger, because ANGELS are ready to arrive when you enter the ROCK!  

6…The devil won’t mess with a Rock Badger because a Rock Badger has BACK-UP in the ROCKS! Jeremiah 49:16 declares that EAGLES reside in the ROCKS! Song of Solomon 2:14 declares that DOVES reside in the ROCKS! Job 39:1 declares that WILD GOATS reside in the ROCKS! And what’s so special about those BACK-UPS? Well, the EAGLES are symbolic of the STRONG; DOVES are symbolic of the HOLY GHOST and WILD GOATS are symbolic of FIGHTERS! Therefore, you have no need to fear the enemy because the devil knows your BACK-UP is a STRONG HOLY GHOST WHO KNOWS HOW TO FIGHT! On top of that, Rock Badgers are known for HUDDLING TOGETHER, they’ll lie on top of one another to the point they are three to four layers deep! You need to surround yourself with some strong folks and let the devil know to be careful in messing with you because you’ve Got BACK-UP! 

7…The enemy won’t mess with a Rock Badger because they have a HIND CLAW that is specially designed for GROOMING, therefore Rock Badgers are EXTREMELY CLEAN. Saints,f Just Stay Clean! The enemy likes to mess with dirty folks, that’s why you have to go out of your way to maintain a LEVEL and LIFESTYLE of HOLINESS, because it deters the dirty hands of the enemy!

8…The enemy won’t mess with a Rock Badger because the enemy knows that ROCKS are the place of MIRACLES. In Exodus 17:6 and Numbers 20:11 WATER was brought forth from the ROCK; In Judges 6:21 FIRE arose up out the ROCKS; In 1 Kings 19:11 the WIND broke the ROCKS; and In Matthew 27:51 the EARTH quaked and Rent the ROCKS! So what does all that mean? Well, it takes me back to my childhood to a little cartoon called the Fantastic Four. They represented Water, Fire, Wind and Earth! The Four most powerful elements in the world and still, when it comes to a Rock Badger even the Four most powerful elements have to bow down! How can you walk in fear when you have power even over the elements over your environment?! 

9…The enemy won’t mess with a Rock Badger because according to Acts 27:29 when the fishermen were at sea, and saw the ROCKS, fear griped them and they let down FOUR ANCHORS! The enemy won’t mess with you when you’re in the ROCKS because as soon as fear arises, he’ll see you let down your ANCHORS! Which is a sign that I shall not be moved! I’m grounded, I’m rooted, I’m planted! People of God, when fear comes, ANCHOR YOURSELF! ANCHOR in the Word, ANCHOR in Prayer, ANCHOR in Praise, ANCHOR in Worship! 

10…The enemy won’t mess with a Rock Badger because Exodus 33:22 says that’s where Moses hid in the cleft of the ROCK and GOD’S GLORY passed by! Saints, when fear arises, just hide in the ROCK, the devil won’t mess with you because he can’t face GOD’S GLORY! 

11…The enemy won’t mess with a Rock Badger because Deuteronomy 32:13 declares HONEY AND OIL come out of the ROCK! Job 29:6 says the ROCK poured me out rivers of OIL! HONEY represents VALUE and OIL represents the ANOINTING. Therefore, when fear arises, place yourself in the ROCK! Because the Rock represents a VALUABLE ANOINTING! And the devil knows that the ANOINTING Destroys the Yoke! Not bends it, not breaks it, but utterly destroys it! The enemy uses fear to distract you so you forget the VALUE of your ANOINTING! The enemy knows that if you dare tap into your ANOINTING you will Utterly Destroy Every Yoke the Enemy has tried to Bind You With! 

12…The enemy won’t mess with a Rock Badger because Exodus 33:21 declares God saying THERE IS A PLACE BY ME, and thou shalt STAND upon a ROCK! The enemy will try various scare tactics to trip you up, but he knows he has not a chance when you get to the ROCK because that’s the place where you’re STANDING SIDE-BY-SIDE with God! The place where you shall STAND! And having done all to STAND you will STAND therefore! Don’t allow fears to shift you, your FOOTING is sure because you STAND on the SURE FOUNDATION OF JESUS CHRIST!  That’s why the enemy gets frustrated, because he’s used to sending fears your way and watching you cower down on your knees groveling and crying and complaining. But he’s not use to you STANDING tall because you’ve found your place SIDE-BY-SIDE with the King of kings and Lord of lords! He’s not use to you STANDING strong! The Psalmist declared, “…he shall set me up upon a ROCK…and establish my goings” (Psalms 27:5; Psalms 40:2). The reason you should never fear the enemy is because no matter where you go, your every STEP is established by the Lord! The enemy can’t catch you off guard!  Even the Psalmist said, “my FOOT almost slipped” the reason it didn’t was because my FOOTING is established by the One who said “Now unto Him who is able to KEEP YOU FROM FALLING”!  

13…The enemy won’t mess with a Rock Badger because Numbers 23:9 declares from the top of the ROCKS I SEE HIM! The enemy won’t mess with a Rock Badger because a Rock Badger has VISION! A Rock Badger has KEEN EYESIGHT. And if it’s one person the enemy will not mess with it’s a person with VISION! A Rock Badger can detect movement up to a mile away! You see, Rock Badgers are so high up in the ROCKS, they’re close to the SUN, which causes them to be an easy target for predators. But what the predators don’t know is that the Rock Badger is equipped with a special membrane which filters the rays of the sun! The Rock Badger can look directly at the sun with no adverse effects! The enemy won’t mess with a Rock Badger because they’re close to the Sun and can easily spot their attackers! Likewise, when you possess Rock Badger Characteristics you learn how to go high up and KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE SON, He will expose your attacks and attackers and you will escape the Hand of the Enemy! 

14…The reason the enemy won’t mess with a Rock Badger is because when a Rock Badger is about to be attacked by a predator, the Rock Badger OPENS HIS MOUTH AND LETS OUT A LOUD BARK! You can’t be a Rock Badger and be Silent! PRAISE is your weapon! Adult Rock Badgers use at least 21 DIFFERENT VOCAL SIGNALS! So whether you hit every key or none of the keys, JUST OPEN YOUR MOUTH AND GO FORTH IN PRAISE! The Rock Badgers use their VOICE TO DENOTE DANGER that a predator is near! Likewise, you need to OPEN YOUR MOUTH and let your VOICE CRY OUT when the enemy is at hand! Why? Because God is drawn and attracted to PRAISE! The Bible says PRAISE is ‘Comely’ for the Believer, or it’s just plain Natural for a believer to OPEN THEIR MOUTH IN PRAISE! You need to SOUND FORTH A SIGNAL to the heavenlies that danger is at hand and watch God come to see who’s messing with His PRAISE and His PRAISER! 

15…The enemy won’t mess with a Rock Badger because a Rock Badger has RESOURCES in the Rocks! Revelation 6:15 declares “And the KINGS of the earth, and the GREAT MEN, and the RICH MEN, and the CHIEF CAPTAINS, and the MIGHTY MEN, and every BONDMAN, and every FREE MAN, hid themselves in the dens and in the ROCKS of the mountains” The reason the enemy won’t mess with you is because of your RESOURCES in the ROCKS! Why walk in fear when your RESOURCES are KINGS, GREAT MEN, RICH MEN, CHIEF CAPTAINS, MIGHTY MEN, BONDMEN, AND FREE MEN? Your RESOURCES in the ROCKS are those of AUTHORITY and POWER! You Have Nothing to Fear! 

16…The enemy won’t mess with a Rock Badger because Matthew 7:24-25 declares “Therefore whosoever hearth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his HOUSE UPON A ROCK: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that HOUSE; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a ROCK”. Stop fearing for your HOUSEHOLD for the Word declares that the HOUSE built and founded upon a ROCK shall not fall even though rains descends, floods come and winds blow, your HOUSE will still remain standing! Don’t let the enemy cause you to be fearful for your FAMILY! Just build them in the ROCKS and he doesn’t stand a chance! 

17…The enemy won’t mess with the CHURCH of a Rock Badger (Pastors) because according to Matthew 16:18, “…upon this ROCK I will build my CHURCH; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” Don’t let the enemy throw fears your way concerning your CHURCH, he doesn’t have a prayer! The promise is that the gates of hell shall not prevail against it! 

18…The enemy can’t intimidate the Rock Badger with being compared to others, because a Rock Badger is UNIQUE and RARE! You see, they’re FEATURES are a mixture of other animals! It has the incisors of a RODENT; the molars of a RHINO; the vascular system of a WHALE; and the feet of an ELEPHANT! It’s the only animal that’s that DIVERSE. You see, Rock Badgers refuse to be boxed in and stuck in a Status Quo! So what you’re DIFFERENT! Take advantage of it! It’s a blessing, not a curse! That’s why the enemy should never under-estimate a Rock Badger! Because as small and “feeble” as they are, they yet have the FEATURES of 3 of the LARGEST  and most POWERFUL animals in the Animal Kingdom! Don’t worry if people judge you by your LOOKS or SIZE! Just let them know, ‘I’m BIGGER, BETTER and BADDER than you think!’

19…The enemy won’t mess with a Rock Badger because a Rock Badger can EAT AND DIGEST LARGE SUMS OF FOOD! Rock Badgers don’t settle for the Milk of the Word; Rock Badgers EAT and DIGEST the MEAT OF THE WORD, and does it in LARGE SUMS! The enemy knows not to mess with a Rock Badger because they’re FILLED WITH TOO MUCH MEAT! As a Rock Badger, FILLED WITH THE MEAT OF THE WORD, what or who have you ever got to fear?! 

20…The enemy won’t mess with a Rock Badger because HE CAN’T REACH HIM Psalm 61:2 says, “When my heart is overwhelmed; lead me to the ROCK that is HIGHER than I”. The enemy is a SNAKE and SNAKES can’t handle HIGH ALTITUDES! So if you’re fearful of the enemy, YOU’RE LIVING TOO LOW! 

Lastly, Leviticus 11:5 in the God’s Word Translation reads: “You must never eat Rock Badgers…”  People of God, have no fear, you can’t be DEVOURED! Rock Badgers in the Old Testament were considered unclean because they chew the cud and have a split hoof. Therefore, a Rock Badger couldn’t be eaten because of WHAT IT ATE AND THE WAY IT WALKED! Likewise with you, the enemy cannot DEVOUR you Because of WHAT YOU EAT AND THE WAY YOU WALK! When you FEED on the MEAT of God’s Word, it will cause you to WALK in the Way of God’s Word, and because of What You EAT and the Way You WALK, You Cannot Be DEVOURED! 

According to the Word of God, He is the ROCK of His people; He is the ROCK of Strength; He is the ROCK of Defense; He is the Rock of a FORTRESS; He is the ROCK Refuge; He is the ROCK of Salvation; He is the ROCK in a Weary Land! And as a Rock Badger that Lives in the ROCK, What or Whom Shall You Ever Fear?! Answer: NOTHING AND NO ONE!

Much Love, Dr. Shermaine #EnjoyTheRead #BeInspired #BeEncouraged #BeEmpowered #BeChallenged
Feel free to also join us at: http://www.selfcarewithdrshermaine.blogspot.com Today’s Lesson: “Is the 80/20 Diet for You?”

“The Importance of Foundation”


Isaiah 28:16-17, “But the Master, God, has something to say to this: “Watch closely. I’m laying a foundation in Zion, a SOLID granite FOUNDATION, squared and true. And this is the meaning of the stone: a trusting life won’t topple…” (MSG)

It’s said that when Michael Eisner, head of the Disney Corporation, had plans drawn up for a house, one wall was so thin it almost buckled under its OWN weight.

Likewise, another software billionaire’s house had pine siding that rotted BEFORE the house was even completed.

So, were they just too busy to notice the inferior materials being used? Or were they careless in who they hired for the construction and faulty in overseeing the laying of a proper foundation? 

Architects say that people find construction details boring; they’d rather spend their money on glitzy stuff instead. They focus on the light fixtures, the desired wallpaper, the carpeting, and what colors to use in each room as opposed to if a storm hits, is the foundation fortified enough to keep this house from floating away like Noah’s Arc?!

The problem is that people fail to understand that it’s the foundation that determines the strength, stability, and ultimately the longevity and value of the house. A ceiling fan in the bedroom, central A/C, and a patio to barbecue on are irrelevant if the house collapses because you cut corners in its construction! Well, as it goes for a house, so it goes for your Character. Which is why you should take the time to ask and answer the following for yourself: Am I putting all of my efforts into maintaining an inferior ‘image’ while I neglect putting into place the foundational blocks that will fortify my character such as my attitude, integrity and responsibility to fulfilling my God-given purpose?

Listen: We have enough people giving the appearance of a leader and the appearance of character, and the appearance of a lifestyle that exemplifies that of Christ-Likeness. But what happens when the act has to end and you have to step out of the character you’ve been portraying and now you have to face the reality of life with all of its real challenges, not the Hollywood scenes you’ve rehearsed for the audience? Will the REAL YOU be able to remaining standing, or will the façade fall?

Listen to Jesus’ words: “These words I speak to you are not incidental additions to your life, homeowner improvements to your standard of living. They are FOUNDATIONAL words, words to build a life on. If you work these words into your life, you are like a smart carpenter who built his house on solid rock. Rain poured down, the river flooded, a tornado hit—but nothing moved that house. It was fixed to the rock.” (Matthew 7:24-25 MSG).

Houses built on sand are quick, cheap and easy; they provide temporary comfort and instant gratification. And sadly, this has become the norm for believers lives today. We want everything quick, cheap and easy! We want a marriage without prayer, preparation or pre-martial counseling (not to mention you don’t clean and can’t cook); we want children when we have no savings put aside to ensure they will have milk, pampers, a crib, and an actual room to call a nursery (not grandma’s old sewing room, because you can’t afford anything else); we want a brand new car when we can’t keep a metro-card filled from week-to-week, we want a house with bad credit, 20 year old debt, and a credit score that’s too low to rate! We want a promotion and have yet to proven to excel at the current job level, we want a building with no blueprints, a business with no plan, a ministry with no calling and an anointing with no adversity or affliction. We want online degrees, credits, and credentials, because that’s easier than having to physically sit under someone and have them adequately critique us by what they See not just what we Say and Write. We want everything quick, cheap and easy, but we forget how the sandcastle crumbles: “But if you just use my words in Bible studies and don’t work them into your life, you are like a stupid carpenter who built his house on the sandy beach. When a storm rolled in and the waves came up, it collapsed like a house of cards.” (Matthew 7:26-27 MSG).  That’s the price you pay for quick, cheap and easy, are you sure it’s worth it?!

HOWEVER, building on rock is hard; it takes time, effort, foresight and perseverance – but the results are worth it because they’re lasting! Whether it’s a marriage, mother/fatherhood, a business, ministry, church or friendship, when you take the time and build it accordingly, it will outlast the storms of life! Which is why most marriages, yes even Christian ones, don’t last! We can be so desperate to change our “status” from married to single; barren to mother; high-school drop-out to Doctor of “Anything”, that we will literally settle for Anything! As long as I can have a quick turn-around, overnight it will be worth it. Well, I beg to differ for many reasons, but for one in particular, I’m a Witness That This NEVER Works!

For me, PERSONALLY, it wasn’t about marrying the wrong man, but it was about marrying at the wrong time! When me and my husband wed, we both had so much baggage from our previous relationships that it was just about impossible to build a new life with old, damaged materials. We had health challenges, financial restraints, and 6 children to figure out how to raise in one 2 bedroom attic apartment. Not to mention living in Queens, but having work and church in Long Island, and all with no car! We entered into something permanent without properly handling the temporal challenges that weren’t easy but possible to change for the better. So a good part of marriage was miserable because we didn’t do as the Scripture says:

“One day when large groups of people were walking along with him, Jesus turned and told them, “Anyone who comes to me but refuses to let go of father, mother, spouse, children, brothers, sisters—yes, even one’s own self!—can’t be my disciple. Anyone who won’t shoulder his own cross and follow behind me can’t be my disciple. “IS THERE ANYONE HERE WHO, PLANNING TO BUILD A NEW HOUSE, DOESN’T FIRST SIT DOWN AND FIGURE THE COST SO YOU’LL KNOW IF YOU CAN COMPLETE IT? IF YOU ONLY GET THE FOUNDATION LAID AND THEN RUN OUT OF MONEY, YOU’RE GOING TO LOOK PRETTY FOOLISH. Everyone passing by will poke fun at you: ‘HE STARTED SOMETHING HE COULDN’T FINISH.’ (Luke 14:25-30 MSG)

In other words, we never sat down to figure the cost of building a new life! We didn’t figure in where to live; what we could afford; how were we going to get around; where would the children go to school; will we be able to feed 8 mouths; what happens if one of us loses our job; what happens if one of us is disabled due to one of our health challenges? What will we do to send 6 children, who are all back-to-back in age) to college just about at the same time? Will we be able to afford health coverage for a family of 8?!

We did not count the cost, we did not plan, we did not prepare, we did not try to figure anything out.  And we “ran out” of many things, many times, because we did not lay a proper foundation. Are we still married? Yes, 18 years and running. How are our children? Great, educated and employed. Do we have any regrets? Absolutely! Because we still face challenges today, because of all we didn’t properly prepare for yesterday!

I share all of this with you because so many are unfortunately looking for an easy way out of just about everything! And like it or not, but a new spouse, church, clothes, hairstyle, affair, substance abuses, job promotion etc… can’t fill the void of gaps in a cracked foundation. Quick, cheap and easy, doesn’t last, but pacing yourself, taking your time, persevering, putting in hard work and counting up the cost, in advance, gives you a better return on your future investments.

So, don’t try to buy the house and car tomorrow, don’t try to drive off the parking lot today, don’t try to get a 10 year degree in 10 months, don’t try to get pregnant just yet, don’t quit the job prematurely, don’t change churches…again! Wait, sit down, take your time, be patient, draw up a plan, have a back-up plan in place, get the right construction workers to work with you, make sure you have proper backing, and all of your papers in order, then proceed wisely and cautiously. You don’t want a 2 year marriage to end up in divorce court; you don’t want children that you have to depend on the state to feed, you don’t want to go to the wrong school and get the wrong degree, that doesn’t get you into the right job. You don’t want to leave the church that feeds you for a church that eventually causes you to become spiritually malnourished.

Now, if you’re not sure what kind of house you’re building it’s really easy to find out, all you’ve got to do is just watch what happens when the storms of life hit! Because evidence that you built on sand is when you can easily walk out of the marriage, children, church, job and school because of a few drops of rain on a cloudy day! You see, a house built on rock will withstand the same storm that levels those built on sand! The marriage may not be smiles every-day, but it will last; the children may not be perfect, but they’re progressing; the church may push you to want to switch religions some days, but stick it out, growth often comes in the midst of struggles; the job may not give you the promotion you desire or even deserve, but it yet provides a paycheck that keeps you from standing in line waiting for a cot and a cup of soup at the homeless shelter and soup kitchen; school can oftentimes make you wonder if your brain even works, but remember even if what it took them 2 years to get, takes you 10, it will be worth it, because you didn’t throw in the towel. You stuck it out and made it work, and that’s what rock builders do, they work hard, they sweat hard, and many days they cry hard; but they eventually enjoy the spoils of victory from surviving life’s hardest battles!

Simply stated, there are no shortcuts! And the word “short-cut” is defined as “an alternative route that is shorter than the one usually taken”; or the secondary definition I prefer calls it, “an accelerated but somewhat irregular way of doing something.” And the word “irregular” is defined as “contrary to a rule and standard.” And what’s our rule and standard? “These words I speak to you are not incidental additions to your life, homeowner improvements to your standard of living. They are FOUNDATIONAL words, words to build a life on. If you work these words into your life, you are like a smart carpenter who built his house on solid rock. Rain poured down, the river flooded, a tornado hit—BUT NOTHING MOVED THAT HOUSE. It was fixed to the rock.” (Matthew 7:24-25 MSG). Our standard is that of excellence! We do not go the way that is quick, cheap and easy, but we plan, prepare, work hard, and build what is solid and lasting. We’re like the athlete that trains hard and wins! The Bible says it like this, “You’ve all been to the stadium and seen the athletes race. Everyone runs; one wins. Run to win. All good athletes train hard. They do it for a gold medal that tarnishes and fades. You’re after one that’s gold eternally.” (1 Corinthians 9:25 MSG). We do nothing for momentary gratification, but we live lives that will leave durable legacies built on strong, solid, fortified foundations fixed to the Rock!

Remember this: Character is the result of Commitment, Consistency, and Building According to the Principles of God’s Word. When you make these the Foundation of Your Life you’ll make it through Any Storm in Life!

Build a solid life that will outlast your life! That’s what legacies are all about!

However, in order to attain this, you have to make sure you’re building with the right materials on the right foundation. And what are the right materials? Prayer, the Word of God, fasting, patience, faith, trust, hope, humility, wisdom, obedience, perseverance, the Voice of God, the indwelling of the Holy Ghost and the like. And we use all of this to build on what foundation? Jesus, the cornerstone that can never be moved! If you want a life, family, ministry, church, business, marriage that doesn’t topple over, use these materials and build only on the foundation Jesus has laid! Then, when the storms of life hit, you’ll remain standing! Be the Smart Builder not the Stupid One; Be Wise and Not Foolish; Build On What is Solid Not Sandy; and Then You’ll Have What Stands and Never Falls!

“But you, dear friends, must build up your lives ever more strongly upon the foundation of our holy faith, learning to pray in the power and strength of the Holy Spirit.” (Jude 1:20 TLB)

“Or, to put it another way, you are God’s house. Using the gift God gave me as a good architect, I designed blueprints; Apollos is putting up the walls. Let each carpenter who comes on the job take care to build on the foundation! Remember, there is only one foundation, the one already laid: Jesus Christ. Take particular care in picking out your building materials. Eventually there is going to be an inspection. If you use cheap or inferior materials, you’ll be found out. The inspection will be thorough and rigorous. You won’t get by with a thing. If your work passes inspection, fine; if it doesn’t, your part of the building will be torn out and started over. But you won’t be torn out; you’ll survive—but just barely.” (1 Corinthians 3:9-15 MSG)

“Afflicted city, storm-battered, unpitied: I’m about to rebuild you with stones of turquoise, Lay your foundations with sapphires, construct your towers with rubies, Your gates with jewels, and all your walls with precious stones. All your children will have God for their teacher— what a mentor for your children! You’ll be built solid, grounded in righteousness, far from any trouble—nothing to fear! far from terror—it won’t even come close! If anyone attacks you, don’t for a moment suppose that I sent them, And if any should attack, nothing will come of it. I create the blacksmith who fires up his forge and makes a weapon designed to kill. I also create the destroyer— but no weapon that can hurt you has ever been forged. Any accuser who takes you to court will be dismissed as a liar. This is what God’s servants can expect. I’ll see to it that everything works out for the best.” God’s Decree.” (Isaiah 54:11-17 MSG)

“That’s plain enough, isn’t it? You’re no longer wandering exiles. This kingdom of faith is now your home country. You’re no longer strangers or outsiders. You belong here, with as much right to the name Christian as anyone. God is building a home. He’s using us all—irrespective of how we got here—in what he is building. He used the apostles and prophets for the foundation. Now he’s using you, fitting you in brick by brick, stone by stone, with Christ Jesus as the cornerstone that holds all the parts together. We see it taking shape day after day—a holy temple built by God, all of us built into it, a temple in which God is quite at home.” (Ephesians 2:19-22 MSG)

“Meanwhile, God’s firm foundation is as firm as ever, these sentences engraved on the stones: God knows who belongs to him…” (2 Timothy 2:19 MSG)

“Welcome to the living Stone, the source of life. The workmen took one look and threw it out; God set it in the place of honor. Present yourselves as building stones for the construction of a sanctuary vibrant with life, in which you’ll serve as holy priests offering Christ-approved lives up to God. The Scriptures provide precedent: Look! I’m setting a stone in Zion, a cornerstone in the place of honor.
Whoever trusts in this stone as a foundation will never have cause to regret it. To you who trust him, he’s a Stone to be proud of, but to those who refuse to trust him, The stone the workmen threw out is now the chief foundation stone. For the untrusting it’s…a stone to trip over, a boulder blocking the way. They trip and fall because they refuse to obey, just as predicted.” (1 Peter 2:4-8 MSG)

And I tell you, you are Peter [Greek, Petros—a large piece of rock], and on this rock [Greek, petra—a huge rock like Gibraltar] I will build My church, and the gates of Hades (the powers of the infernal region) shall not overpower it [or be strong to its detriment or hold out against it].” (Matthew 16:18 AMP)


John Ruskin said, “The highest reward for man’s toil is not what he GETS for it, but what he BECOMES by it.

And when you take the proper time to use the right materials and build on the right foundation, the highest reward for your toil is not pats on the back, awards and special announcements. No, your reward is becoming a believer who knows how to build on a foundation that stands! And that’s the greatest reward this side of heaven!

 Much Love, Dr. Shermaine #EnjoyTheRead #BeInspired #BeEncouraged #BeEmpowered #BeChallenged
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