“What YOU Have is Enough!”

The Bible says: When he came to Lehi, the Philistines came shouting against him. Then the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon him; and the ropes that were on his arms became like flax that is burned with fire, and his bonds broke loose from his hands. He found a fresh jawbone of a donkey, reached out his hand and took it, and killed a thousand men with it. Then Samson said: “With the jawbone of a donkey, Heaps upon heaps, With the jawbone of a donkey I have slain a thousand men!”And so it was, when he had finished speaking, that he threw the jawbone from his hand, and called that place Ramath Lehi.” (Judges 15:14-17 NKJV).

Notice Point #1: SAMSON ALLOWED THE ENEMY TO BIND HIM: …We are come down to bind thee…we will bind thee fast…AND THEY BOUND HIM…” (Judges 15:12-13). If the truth be told, much of what we would like to blame on others, WE need to take Accountability and be Honest that WE Alone are to Blame.

It is not only what we do, but also what we do Not do, for which we are Accountable.” (Moliere).

Samson was not shocked, surprised or caught off guard by his enemies! In fact, his enemies even had the audacity to let him know, IN ADVANCE, that they were coming for no other reason or purpose than to BIND HIM! The bible says, “…We are come down to BIND thee…we will BIND thee fast…AND THEY BOUND HIM… And sadly enough, the enemy was true to his word!

Now, I already know Samson’s story, but might I ask YOU, “what has you tied up today?” Or better yet, “what have you ALLOWED to tie you up today?” “What/Who have you ALLOWED to bind you, tie you up and hold you back from the work assigned to your hands?And before you answer, know that you can’t say you didn’t know that the enemies purpose was to hinder and harm you, because Jesus gave you a heads up: “The thief’s PURPOSE is to STEAL and KILL and DESTROY…” (John 10:10 NLT). So, since you knew, IN ADVANCE, but the enemy was able to bind you ANYWAY, that only means you entered into battle WILLFULLY UNPREPARED! You did not obey the orders of your Commanding Officer:

“…God is strong, and he wants you strong. So take everything the Master has set out for you, well-made weapons of the best materials. And put them to use so you will be able to stand up to everything the Devil throws your way. This is no afternoon athletic contest that we’ll walk away from and forget about in a couple of hours. This is for keeps, a life-or-death fight to the finish against the Devil and all his angels. BE PREPARED. You’re up against far more than you can handle on your own. Take all the help you can get, every weapon God has issued, so that when it’s all over but the shouting you’ll still be on your feet. Truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation are more than words. Learn how to apply them. You’ll need them throughout your life. God’s Word is an indispensable weapon. In the same way, prayer is essential in this ongoing warfare. Pray hard and long. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Keep your eyes open. Keep each other’s spirits up so that no one falls behind or drops out.” (Ephesians 6:10-18 MSG).

People of God, you have Far Too Much Ammunition to Use to Your Advantage to continuously be bound, held captive, restrained and detained from the work of the Lord! Stop putting up help wanted posters on your life for the enemy to answer! Remember the Word of God admonishes: Leave no [such] room or foothold for the devil [GIVE NO OPPORTUNITY TO HIM].” (Ephesians 4:27 AMP). Stop Allowing him to turn your life into his career opportunity! Stop offering him room for growth, advancement, increase in pay, vacation, sick, personal and comp time, stop giving him the stocks and bonds in your life that are making him rich and leaving your body, soul and spirit bankrupt! And most of all stop handing him bonuses every time he’s successful at binding you! And all of this is what YOU allow when you keep showing up to battle ill-prepared with no armor or weaponry!

Listen to that text again:

“Don’t provide an opportunity for the devil.” (CEB)

“and don’t give the devil a chance.” (CEV)

“Don’t give the devil a way to defeat you.” (ERV)

“Don’t give the devil any opportunity to work.” (GWT)

The devil is seeking the want ads for employment, stop hiring him! Stop giving him opportunities to keep working to defeat you! Stop extending ‘grace’ to the devil, we give him just as many chances as we ask God to give us! Which is why it’s so vital that you are never without your armor! The devil is always busy, and clearly always employed to wage war on us and win! God said to BE PREPARED, and the best way to BE prepared is to STAY prepared!

Understand that: “When the devil is called the god of this world, it is not because he made it, but because we serve him with our worldliness.” (Symeon). Remember you are in Spiritual Warfare, you can’t keep allowing your flesh to give the devil a foothold or you’ll never win the war!

Church, you can’t get free with SECULAR ANTICS, only with SPIRITUAL ARTILLERY! With that said, if you want to really get free and stay free, I’ll give you a little hint: “And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, AND THE YOKE SHALL BE DESTROYED BECAUSE OF THE ANOINTING” (Isaiah 10:27).  This might buck up against some folks theology, but you will not get free by running around the church, jumping over pews, singing, dancing, praising, praying, spinning, falling out at the altar, or even worshiping! The Bible says: “…THE YOKE SHALL BE DESTROYED BECAUSE OF THE ANOINTING”! And the Scripture does not say the yoke will be broken, bruised or battered, but DESTROYED! The word ‘Destroy’ means to “put out of existence by severe damage or attack; to completely ruin or spoil. That’s why it’s vital that you locate your anointing and live there! A yoke cannot and will not withstand the presence and power of the anointing! And you’ll always know when you have the right Spirit behind the anointing, because there will always be a RELEASE! The Bible says, “…the Spirit of the LORD entered Samson and gave him great power. The ropes on him weakened like burned strings and fell off his hands!” (Judges 15:14 NCV).  The anointing will destroy anything or anyone trying to bind you to the extent that it will “put out of existence” your yoke of bondage, that it never returns again! Don’t allow the enemy to bind you, and even if he has already, don’t become distressed, depressed, discouraged, dismayed, disheartened or doomed for destruction, simply follow the road-map to release, IT’S FOUND IN THE ANOINTING!

The Bible says: “…He found a fresh jawbone of a donkey, reached out his hand and took it, and killed a thousand men…’” (Judges 15:14-18 NKJV). 

Notice Point #2: SAMSON NEEDED TO SEE WHAT HAD ALREADY BEEN GIVEN TO HIM: It was just the jawbone of a donkey, but with God’s help it was enough to win the day! Unfortunately, however, we spend far too much time focusing on what we DON’T have, that we lessen the value in what we DO possess! We focus on the gifting’s that others have, while down-playing the gifts the Holy Spirit has “willed” and “desired” for us to have. We continuously want what’s in someone else’s hand when what we actually need is placed right in our own!

Instead of complaining at his lot, a contented man is thankful that his condition and circumstances are no worse than they are. Instead of greedily desiring something more than the supply of his present need, he rejoices that God still cares for him. Such an one is “content” with such as he has.”  (Arthur W. Pink).

If the truth be told, many marriages and ministries have been destroyed by the foolish assumption that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, when in actuality, if we simply took the time to nurture, weed and water our own lawn, it would supersede even the fantasy-image we have conjured up of someone else’s yard!

Christian Contentment is that sweet, inward, quiet, gracious frame of spirit, which freely submits to and delights in God’s wise and fatherly disposal in every condition.” (Jeremiah Burroughs).

Many of you may have looked at the jawbone of the donkey and thought, “what am I supposed to do with that?”; “God you didn’t have anything else you could give me?”; “God you gave Saul full armor, you couldn’t give me the same?”; “It’s just a jawbone of a donkey, are you trying to say that’s all I can handle?Or can we really be honest and bring it home and say: “God I can sing just as good as her, why can’t I lead a song?”; “I worked with women longer than she has, why can’t I be over the women’s ministry?”; “I’m nicer than Sister Celery, why can’t I be on the usher board too?And the list could go on and on forever, because we love to complain about all that we don’t have, or better yet, all that we THINK we don’t have.

Discontent is a sin that is its own punishment and makes men torment themselves; it makes the spirit sad, the body sick, and all the enjoyments sour; it is the heaviness of the heart and the rottenness of the bones. It is a sin that is its own parent. It arises not from the condition, but from the mind. As we find Paul contented in a prison, so Ahab discontent in a palace.”  (Matthew Henry).

Saints, learn to be content both with what God gave you, and with what He saw fit NOT to give you! If you truly trust Him, then you’ll rejoice over what He has approved AND what He has Denied!

“The very first temptation in the history of mankind was the temptation to be discontent…that is exactly what discontent(ment) is—a questioning of the goodness of God.”  (Jerry Bridges).

You see, too many of us would rather preach to 500 people, who don’t care to hear us in the first place, than sing to 5 people who receive fresh strength for the journey from one simple song. Why? Because the pulpit Appears more prestigious, than the podium on the floor, hidden in the corner, unnoticed by the organ! But as for me, I would rather use what God gave me to bless, strengthen and encourage 5 people than waste my time, energy and life doing something for 500 that produces absolutely no fruit! Whatever God has given you is enough! You don’t have to be like him, you don’t have to look like her, you don’t have to act like them, you don’t need to sit over there, you don’t need that title, you don’t require that position, leave their talents, gifts, and skill-set alone. What God assigned to you is all you need to fulfill YOUR assignment! Stop comparing your equipment to others, and simply use what God has equipped YOU with!

God is most glorified in us, when we are most satisfied in Him.” (John Piper).

Family, Samson’s “…jawbone of a donkey…may seem little, insignificant, unnoticeable, irrelevant, unimportant, useless and unimpressive. But the Bible states: “…He found a fresh jawbone of a donkey, reached out his hand and took it, AND KILLED A THOUSAND MEN… Pay close attention, what God provided for Samson appeared, little, insignificant, unnoticeable, irrelevant, unimportant, useless and unimpressive, but, “…HE REACHED OUT HIS HAND AND TOOK IT…

Listen: If you don’t learn anything else, learn to accept what God has given YOU! Accept what God has made available for your use. Accept the road He’s called you to travel and the path He’s allowed you to cross. Whether it’s your spouse, your children, your job or your church, reach out your hand and take hold of what God has blessed you with!

Think about sports, not everyone is holding the ball at the same time. Only those who need to, do. We may praise the quarterback’s position, but not even he keeps the ball. Everybody on the team has their talents, gifts, and assignments, everybody on the team has their role to play and their position to hold. And if winning is key, then you don’t attempt to take someone else’s spot! We have to learn to work together in the Kingdom if we are to advance the Kingdom. We can’t win trying to beat our own teammates! I can’t play the organ, but so what, I don’t need to. But what I can do is join in the singing and praising and worshiping with everyone else. I don’t usher, I’m an Elder. Usher’s have their role in the church and so do I. Our ushers don’t attempt to preach, and I don’t attempt to take their bulletins and tell people where they can and can’t sit! Respect what your brothers and sisters have been assigned to do in the Kingdom of God. Stay your lane so we don’t all crash on impact and die because someone was trying to move over into a lane not needed for them to travel in order to get to their intended destination. I hope you’re getting this. Samson was successful because he used what was made available to HIM! He did not attempt to grab anyone else’s weapon in his warfare! And neither should you! What God Gave YOU Is Enough!

The contented person experiences the sufficiency of God’s provision for his needs and the sufficiency of God’s grace for his circumstances. He believes God will indeed meet all his material needs and that He will work in all his circumstances for his good. That is why Paul could say, “Godliness with contentment is great gain.” The godly person has found what the greedy or envious or discontented person always searches for but never finds. He has found satisfaction and rest in his soul.” (Jerry Bridges).

Reach out your hand and take hold of your spouse, children, job and church and don’t try to change them, alter them, or compare them to what others have! His grace is sufficient, and so is all that He has given you (and all that He’s kept from you as well)! Stop complaining and comparing and learn to be content with what you have!

Can you imagine if Samson picked up that jawbone and said, ‘I don’t want this, I want a big, shiny, new spear!’ And so he throws away the very thing that was made available to him to win! Do not discard your ‘jawbone’! You see, jawbone’s are easy to dismiss, after all, who wants one? It’s the remains of something that died! It’s a bone with no life, no breathing, no organs! And since just about everything was dust and dirty then (not like our marbled streets, and paved roads) the jawbone would’ve been dusty and dirty too. Not to mention the bible says it was a ‘fresh jawbone of a donkey.’ So it had rotting flesh and blood on it as well. Surely everybody wants to be given that right? Wrong! But regardless to what was left of it, regardless that it’s no longer what it used to be, regardless that it’s bloody, dirty and dusty and a very little use, still it was what Samson needed to use to kill his enemies and win his battle! Likewise, your spouse is more than likely not as small or as young as they used to be. Wrinkles have formed, bags and sags are so disrespectful since they were not invited to be a part of our bodies. They are no longer 21 and ready to take on the world, no they’re 51 and ready to take on the bed for a nap! Yet, they are who God allowed you to marry and build a family and life with. They are who God allowed to be available to help you build that ministry, that church, that business, that school! And although they may not look like they did 20 or 40 years ago, don’t you dare discard your ‘jawbone’ now! They are a part of your life for the long haul! And since you haven’t fought your last battle with the devil, I suggest you hold on to who helped you win the last fight!

It’s so sad to say, but we’ve become a comfortable circumstantial church of convenience. If we don’t like the circumstances we quit; if it’s not comfortable and convenient, we quit. NO! Believers, that’s not our lot. We value and appreciate what/who God has made available to us to help us and make us better! So don’t be so quick to quit! Don’t throw away your ‘jawbone’, you need it to fight and win!  My dad used to say, ‘don’t chase a shiny penny because you don’t like a crumbled dollar! No matter what either one looks like, their value is still the same.’ And that’s exactly what many of us are doing, casting aside our crumpled dollars for a shiny penny! But you do realize, crumpled or not, the dollar has 99 cents more value over the one shiny penny! Be careful in the decisions you make to discard people! You Have Everything You Need in YOUR Jawbone, Keep It!

Discouragement is dissatisfaction with the past, distaste for the present, and distrust of the future. It is ingratitude for the blessings of yesterday, indifference to the opportunities of today, and insecurity regarding strength for tomorrow. It is unawareness of the presence of beauty, unconcern for the needs of our fellowman, and unbelief in the promises of old. It is impatience with time, immaturity of thought, and impoliteness to God.” (William Ward).

Yes, saints, it was just a “…jawbone of a donkey… but it “…KILLED A THOUSAND MEN…”!

So I admonish you today, be careful about underestimating, overlooking, undervaluing and discrediting what God provided FOR YOU, IT JUST MAY BE THE WEAPON YOU NEED TO KILL YOUR ENEMY! Your spouse, children, job and church may not be all that you thought they should be, or all that you wanted them to be, but if God provided them, YOU BETTER BE GRATEFUL, BECAUSE THEY’RE THE WEAPON YOU NEED TO KILL YOUR ENEMIES! Samson had to see what God had ALREADY provided for him, accept it and use it, and so do you! Why? BECAUSE IT IS ENOUGH!

You see, Samson used his jawbone to kill a thousand men in chapter 15. But over in chapter 16, he killed more than three thousand! Judges 16:26-30, “Samson said to the young servant who was leading him by the hand, “Place my hands against the pillars that hold up the temple. I want to rest against them.” Now the temple was COMPLETELY FILLED WITH PEOPLE. All the Philistine rulers were there, and there were about 3,000 MEN AND WOMEN on the roof who were watching as Samson amused them.Then Samson prayed to the Lord, “Sovereign Lord, remember me again. O God, please strengthen me just one more time. With one blow let me pay back the Philistines for the loss of my two eyes.” Then Samson put his hands on the two center pillars that held up the temple. Pushing against them with both hands,he prayed, “Let me die with the Philistines.” And the temple crashed down on the Philistine rulers and all the people. So he killed more people when he died than he had during his entire lifetime.” (NLT)

Samson had to first use that jawbone to kill a thousand before he got to the slaughter of three thousand plus! And sometimes we forget to pay attention to using what has been made available to us in our first battle. You see, if they killed him before the jawbone, he would’ve never gotten the opportunity to slay all of his enemies! Use what God has given you, and use it when He gives it to you and how. There will be more and greater opportunities down the road, but if you don’t handle the little, don’t look for the much!

No more competing and comparing, no more envy and jealousy, no more trying to grab somebody else’s gift (or spouse, yep I said it!) What God has Given YOU is Enough for YOU! Don’t discard your small beginnings and please don’t discard your ‘jawbone’!

Be Warned: “The person with the discontented heart has the attitude that everything he does for God is too much, and everything God does for him is too little.” (Don Kistler).

Be Content With What and Who God Has Made Available for YOU! It is Enough!

Much Love, Dr. Shermaine #EnjoyTheRead #BeInspired #BeEncouraged #BeEmpowered #BeChallenged #ShareTheWordFeel free to also join us at: http://www.selfcarewithdrshermaine.blogspot.com Today’s Lesson: “25 Genius Ways Fitness Trainers Stay Motivated to Exercise”

Feel free to join us at: http://www.chefshermainesbiblecafe.home.blog Today’s Chef Special Word: “SCRIBES; CHIEF PRIESTS”


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“3 Reasons You Keep Losing the Battle”


Ephesians 6:10, “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might.” The Amplified Bible says it like this, “In conclusion, be strong in the Lord [be empowered through your union with Him]; draw your strength from Him [that strength which His boundless might provides].” (AMP)

Listen to some history: In 1917 Aqaba seemed impregnable. And the word “impregnable” literally means “unable to overcome.” You see, any army approaching its port would have to face huge naval guns. Behind it in every direction lay barren, waterless, inhospitable desert. To the EAST lay the deadly “anvil of the sun”, the hot sands along what is now the border between Saudi Arabia and Jordan. The Turks believed Aqaba to be immune to attack, But They Were Wrong! Lawrence of Arabia led a force of irregular Arab cavalry across the “anvil of the sun.” Together they rallied support among the local people. On July 6, 1917, they swept into Aqaba FROM THE NORTH, FROM THE BLIND SIDE! A climactic moment of the film “Lawrence of Arabia” is the long, panning shot of the Arabs, their camels and horses, with Lawrence at their head, galloping past the gigantic naval guns That Were Completely Powerless to Stop Them! And why were their powerful naval guns powerless to stop them? BECAUSE THE GUNS WERE FACING THE WRONG WAY! Aqaba fell and the Turkish hold on Palestine was broken, to be replaced by British mandate and eventually by the nation of Israel. The Turks failed to defend Aqaba because they made Three Fatal Mistakes:


The lesson we need to learn from this is that like the Turks there are three reasons we keep losing the battle and the reasons are the same as theirs:

1…WE DO NOT KNOW OUR ENEMY! You see, the Turks would’ve expected to be attacked by a powerful army since they were powerful and had powerful weapons themselves. From their perspective, if anyone would attack them it would be someone equivalent to their battle status. They would be prepared for someone coming against them with guns blazing. But they were not however prepared for an enemy that looked so harmless as they galloped along on camels and horses. Sad as it may be, but the truth is, we spend more time fighting one another than we do fighting our Real Enemy! And Jesus Himself makes it crystal clear who our Real Enemy is! “Be well balanced (temperate, sober of mind), be vigilant and cautious at all times; for that ENEMY OF YOURS, THE DEVIL, roams around like a lion roaring [in fierce hunger], seeking someone to seize upon and devour.” (1 Peter 5:8 AMP). Believe it or not but the brother who lied on you or the sister who talked about you, IS NOT YOUR REAL ENEMY! The Word of God is Clear, YOUR REAL ENEMY IS THE DEVIL! And with his description in 1 Peter 5:8 as being like a roaring lion in fierce hunger ready to seize upon you and devour you, do you really think you have the time to waste in fighting People over what they may or may not have said?! The Devil is out to DEVOUR You, not take your position in the church, not to replace you, not to break up your clique, not to make people not like you…THE DEVIL IS OUT TO DEVOUR YOU! That word “Devour” is defined as “to eat greedily and to consume destructively.” Its Latin Origin “Devorare”, from “Vorare” literally means “to swallow whole”! Your enemy is not trying to ruin your reputation, attack your character, under estimate the ability of your gifts, give your Sunday morning assignment to someone else, or steal your anointing! People of God, your Real Enemy, THE DEVIL, is out to greedily eat and destructively consume you in one swallow! The enemy is not here to play games, he’s here on a mission to Seek, Capture, Consume and Destroy! He’s out to steal and snuff out your very LIFE! “The THIEF comes ONLY in order to STEAL AND KILL AND DESTROY…” (John 10:10 AMP) In other words, the THIEF’S ONLY ORDER OF THE DAY IS TO DEVOUR YOUR LIFE! So why are you wasting so much valuable time, efforts and energy fighting the wrong enemy?! Let me help you, people rolling their eyes at you, are not your real enemy. People who don’t pat you on the back, are not your real enemy. The people you are jealous and envious of, are not your real enemy. The people you compare yourself to and compete with, are not your real enemy. The person being elevated instead of you, is not your real enemy. The pastor’s favorite, is not your real enemy. Saints, regain your focus and clarify your vision so you can see clearly who your enemy really is so you can fight and win instead of becoming distracted and losing! There is of course a time when you are to simply resist the devil and he will flee from you according to James 4:7, “…Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” But there are also times when you need to gear up and fight! Why? Because you are in a war! The battle is real, so why aren’t you ready to fight?! “Behold! I have given you authority and power to trample upon serpents and scorpions, and [physical and mental strength and ability] over all the power that THE ENEMY [possesses]; and nothing shall in any way harm you.” (Luke 10:19 AMP) You have Weapons, Power and Authority, so why are you fighting people instead of your Real Enemy…THE DEVIL?! No more church as usual, let’s refocus on who we’re really supposed to be fighting here…THE DEVIL! The Turks didn’t know their enemy, you know yours, therefore, no more excuses for losing the battle!

2…WE DO NOT KNOW OUR WEAKEST POINTS! You need to know your blind spots, temptations, enticements and triggers if you’re going to win the war! And contrary to popular belief, Your Enemy, the Devil, will not show up dressed in a red jumpsuit with horns and a pitchfork! In fact, your “Devil” will show up tall, dark and handsome or slim, light and gorgeous. In other words, your “Devil” is going to show up ready to Entrap you with what Entices you! “Let no man say when he is TEMPTED, I am TEMPTED of God: for God cannot be TEMPTED with evil, neither TEMPTETH he any man: But EVERY MAN is TEMPTED, when he is DRAWN AWAY OF HIS OWN LUST, AND ENTICED. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.” (James 1:13-15). The Message Bible says it like this: “Don’t let anyone under pressure to give in to evil say, “God is trying to trip me up.” God is impervious to evil, and puts evil in no one’s way. The TEMPTATION TO GIVE IN TO EVIL COMES FROM US AND ONLY US. WE HAVE NO ONE TO BLAME BUT THE LEERING, SEDUCING FLARE-UP OF OUR OWN LUST. Lust gets pregnant, and has a baby: sin! Sin grows up to adulthood, and becomes a real killer.” (MSG). The Turks lost the battle because they didn’t see their blind spot, are you losing the battle for the same reason? Remember this: If You Entertain What Entices You, It Will Eventually Entrap, Enslave and End You! Think about it, the ONE area the Turks didn’t think needed coverage was the very area that gave the enemy entry! Which is why Scripture admonishes us: “LEAVE NO [SUCH] ROOM OR FOOTHOLD FOR THE DEVIL [GIVE NO OPPORTUNITY TO HIM].” (Ephesians 4:27 AMP). That word “foothold” is defined as “a place where a person’s foot can be lodged to support them securely.” However, the second definition is the one I want to highlight, it means: “a secure position from which further progress may be made.” Do you not understand that the enemy doesn’t need to come in and invade your ENTIRE life? All he needs is an ENTRYWAY. Just a small space big enough to put his foot, so he can step in your life and instead of you trampling him underfoot, he now has the opportunity, invite and advantage to trample you, and to continue making progress in your life as he does! Family, you cannot afford to ignore your weaknesses! David, Solomon, and Samson all were distracted by their weakness for women. And dare we talk about Gomer (Hosea’s wife), surely she wasn’t invited to any of the Minister’s Wives meetings. There’s the woman caught in adultery, and the woman at the well with 5 husbands (none of which were her own). HOWEVER, let me insert something here before you get overly excited about the sexual sin you didn’t commit! We need to be certain that Weaknesses aren’t always Sexual Sin! “But when you follow your own wrong inclinations, your lives will produce these evil results: impure thoughts, eagerness for lustful pleasure, idolatry, spiritism (that is, encouraging the activity of demons), hatred and fighting, jealously and anger, constant effort to get the best for yourself, complaints and criticisms, the feeling that everyone else is wrong except those in your own little group- and there will be wrong doctrine, envy, murder, drunkenness, wild parties, and all that sort of thing. Let me tell you again, as I have before, that anyone living that sort of life will not inherit the Kingdom of God.” (Galatians 5:19-21 TLB). So before you focus all your sight on the Weakness of Sexual Sin, please be mindful that the Word of God indeed lists a lot more sins than that! It doesn’t minimize it, but it certainly broadens our scope to see the many sources for our blind spot distractions! Therefore, WHATEVER your blind spot is, today, discover it, and get rid of it, because it WILL cost you the war! Remember this: Saul lost his entire kingship simply because he didn’t utterly destroy his enemy! The Bible reads: “Samuel said to Saul, “God sent me to anoint you king over his people, Israel. Now, listen again to what God says. This is the God-of-the-Angel-Armies speaking: “I’m about to get even with Amalek for ambushing Israel when Israel came up out of Egypt. Here’s what you are to do: Go to war against Amalek. Put EVERYTHING connected with Amalek under a holy ban. And NO EXCEPTIONS! This is to be TOTAL DESTRUCTION – men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys – the works.” (1 Samuel 15:1-3 MSG). However, as we read further look what Saul did, “Then Saul went after Amalek…He captured Agag, king of Amalek, ALIVE. Everyone else was killed under the terms of the holy ban. Saul and the army MADE AN EXCEPTION for Agag, and for the choice sheep and cattle. They didn’t include them under the terms of the holy ban. But all the rest, which nobody wanted anyway, they destroyed as decreed by the holy ban. Then God spoke to Samuel: “I’m sorry I ever made Saul king. He’s turned his back on me. He refused to do what I tell him.” (1 Samuel 15:7-10 MSG) Then after multiple bad (and deliberate) choices, finally God has had enough! “You rejected God’s command. Now God has rejected you as king over Israel.” (1 Samuel 15:26 MSG). And it all stemmed from the same source, when God says to DESTROY the Enemy, He means DESTROY the Enemy! Leave nothing alive, and make no exceptions! If not, just a little foothold into your weakness will grant the enemy the room he needs to come in and DEVOUR YOU! Don’t put yourself in the position where God has to take Everything from you because you wouldn’t give up Anything for Him! Know your weaknesses and utterly destroy them!

3…WE DO NOT KNOW OUR WEAPONS! Which is sad because they are clearly listed in the Bible! “Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand safe against all strategies and tricks of Satan. For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against persons without bodies – the evil rulers of the unseen world, those mighty satanic beings and great evil princes of darkness who rule this world; and against huge numbers of wicked spirits in the spirit world. So use every piece of God’s armor to resist the enemy whenever he attacks, and when it is all over, you will still be standing up. But to do this, you will need the strong belt of truth and the breastplate of God’s approval. Wear shoes that are able to speed you on as you preach the Good News of peace with God. In every battle you will need faith as your shield to stop the fiery arrows aimed at you by Satan. And you will need the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit – which is the Word of God. Pray all the time…” (Ephesians 6:11-18 TLB). And the Bible doesn’t stop there, it goes on to share with us: “It is true that I am an ordinary, weak human being, but I don’t use human plans and methods to win my battles. I use God’s mighty weapons, not those made by men, to knock down the devil’s strongholds. These weapons can break down every proud argument against God and every wall that can be built to keep men from finding him. With these weapons I can capture rebels and bring them back to God and change them into men whose heart’s desire is obedience to Christ. I will use these weapons against every rebel who remains after I have first used them on you yourselves and you surrender to Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:3-6 TLB). God loves us enough to not only make sure we are well equipped for battle, but He gives us weapons, tells us how to effectively use them, who to use them on, and how to win the warfare! So why are we still walking around ignorantly fighting the wrong enemy with faulty weapons? Honestly, we’re spending far too much time using our words to fight against our brothers and sisters instead of using the Word of God to fight against our real enemy, the Devil!  2 Timothy 2:15, “Study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved (tested by trial), a workman who has no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and accurately dividing [rightly handling and skillfully teaching] the Word of Truth.” (AMPC) After all, what’s the best way to defeat the father of lies, but by wielding the weapon of truth?! In fact it’s his weapon of truth that trains and equips us! 2 Timothy 3:16-17, “Every Scripture is God-breathed (given by His inspiration) and profitable for instruction, for reproof and conviction of sin, for correction of error and discipline in obedience, [and] for training in righteousness (in holy living, in conformity to God’s will in thought, purpose, and action), So that the man of God may be complete and proficient, well fitted and thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (AMPC) People of God, use your sword against Satan! Hebrews 4:12, “For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power [making it active, operative, energizing, and effective]; it is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and [the immortal] spirit, and of joints and marrow [of the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart.” (AMPC) You are NOT unequipped! Use the sword of the Spirit, use the Word of God, and not just your own words talking battle strategies over with other soldiers, yet not implementing any!

Listen: Going to a friend to tell them about your struggle is fine. We are to be our brothers/sisters keeper and we are certainly to share one another’s pain and aid in the lifting of one another’s burdens. However, you are girded with weaponry to destroy the enemy! Having a chit-chat won’t accomplish that goal! Remember: you are in a war with an enemy that wants to steal, kill, destroy and devour you, now is not the time to hold hands, in tears, singing kum-ba-yah my Lord. Sometimes you have to stop ‘touching and agreeing’ and get a weapon and go to war! “God’s Way is not a matter of mere talk; it’s an Empowered Life.” (1 Corinthians 4:20 MSG) So, use every weapon the Lord has given you and FIGHT! 1 Timothy 6:12, “Fight the good fight of the faith; lay hold of the eternal life to which you were summoned and [for which] you confessed the good confession [of faith] before many witnesses.” (AMPC) This is no bed of roses, this is not a stroll through the park, this is not a lightweight fight, this is war with a determined assassin and YOU are his assignment! You need to get ready and fight, this means war, the devil knows it, why don’t you?

Listen: Jesus has always made sure that His disciples knew they were in a battle and needed to be ready and equipped to fight and win! “And he called his twelve disciples together and sent them out two by two, with POWER TO CAST OUT DEMONS…And they CAST OUT MANY DEMONS…” (Mark 6:7, 13 TLB); “Jesus called his twelve disciples to him and gave them AUTHORITY TO CAST OUT EVIL SPIRITS…” (Matthew 10:1 TLB). Just as His disciples then, were equipped and sent, so He does no different with His disciples today! Therefore, take your Power and Authority and start Casting Out Demons!

Not to mention all the varying Scriptures that empower us to overcome the enemy:

“Through You shall we push down our enemies; through Your name shall we tread them under who rise up against us.” (Psalm 44:5 AMP);

“But no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment you shall show to be in the wrong. This [peace, righteousness, security, triumph over opposition] is the heritage of the servants of the Lord [those in whom the ideal Servant of the Lord is reproduced]; this is the righteousness or the vindication which they obtain from Me [this is that which I impart to them as their justification], says the Lord.” (Isaiah 54:17 AMP);

“Blessed be God, my mountain, who trains me to fight fair and well. He’s the bedrock on which I stand, the castle in which I live, my rescuing knight, The high crag where I run for dear life, while he lays my enemies low.” (Psalm 144:1-2 MSG);

“He gives power to the faint and weary, and to him who has no might He increases strength [causing it to multiply and making it to abound]” (Isaiah 40:29 AMP);

“Yet the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen [you] and set you on a firm foundation and guard you from the evil [one]” (2 Thessalonians 3:3 AMP);

“The good man does not escape all troubles – he has them too. But the Lord helps him in each and every one.” (Psalm 34:19 TLB)

John 16:33, “I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace. In the world you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous [be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy]; I have overcome the world.” [My conquest is accomplished, My victory abiding.]” (AMP)

Now how can you possibly read all of that and not be encouraged to fight and win?! 2 Corinthians 2:14, “But thanks be to God, Who in Christ always leads us in triumph [as trophies of Christ’s victory] and through us spreads and makes evident the fragrance of the knowledge of God everywhere” (AMPC)

People of God, today is the day you stop losing and start winning your spiritual warfare! Which Means, You Need to Know Your Real Enemy; Know Your Weakest Points That Need to Be Protected and Certainly You Must Know Your Weaponry!

Now Soldiers, FIGHT AND WIN!

Much Love, Dr. Shermaine #EnjoyTheRead #BeInspired #BeEncouraged #BeEmpowered #BeChallenged #ShareTheWord

Feel free to also join us at: http://www.selfcarewithdrshermaine.blogspot.com Today’s Lesson: “12 Foods to Stop, and 17 Foods to Start”

Feel free to join us at: http://www.chefshermainesbiblecafe.home.blog Today’s Chef Special Word “KEEP A FEAST”

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“What YOU Have is Enough!”


The Bible says: When he came to Lehi, the Philistines came shouting against him. Then the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon him; and the ropes that were on his arms became like flax that is burned with fire, and his bonds broke loose from his hands.  He found a fresh jawbone of a donkey, reached out his hand and took it, and killed a thousand men with it.  Then Samson said: “With the jawbone of a donkey, Heaps upon heaps, With the jawbone of a donkey I have slain a thousand men!” And so it was, when he had finished speaking, that he threw the jawbone from his hand, and called that place Ramath Lehi.” (Judges 15:14-17 NKJV).

Notice Point #1: SAMSON ALLOWED THE ENEMY TO BIND HIM: …We are come down to bind thee…we will bind thee fast…AND THEY BOUND HIM…” (Judges 15:12-13). If the truth be told, much of what we would like to blame on others, WE need to take Accountability and be Honest that WE Alone are to Blame.

It is not only what we do, but also what we do Not do, for which we are Accountable.” (Moliere).

Samson was not shocked, surprised or caught off guard by his enemies! In fact, his enemies even had the audacity to let him know, IN ADVANCE, that they were coming for no other reason or purpose than to BIND HIM! The bible says, “…We are come down to BIND thee…we will BIND thee fast…AND THEY BOUND HIM… And sadly enough, the enemy was true to his word!

Now, I already know Samson’s story, but might I ask YOU, “what has you tied up today?” Or better yet, “what have you ALLOWED to tie you up today?” “What/Who have you ALLOWED to bind you, tie you up and hold you back from the work assigned to your hands?And before you answer, know that you can’t say you didn’t know that the enemies purpose was to hinder and harm you, because Jesus gave you a heads up: “The thief’s PURPOSE is to STEAL and KILL and DESTROY…” (John 10:10 NLT). So, since you knew, IN ADVANCE, but the enemy was able to bind you ANYWAY, that only means you entered into battle WILLFULLY UNPREPARED! You did not obey the orders of your Commanding Officer:

“…God is strong, and he wants you strong. So take everything the Master has set out for you, well-made weapons of the best materials. And put them to use so you will be able to stand up to everything the Devil throws your way. This is no afternoon athletic contest that we’ll walk away from and forget about in a couple of hours. This is for keeps, a life-or-death fight to the finish against the Devil and all his angels. BE PREPARED. You’re up against far more than you can handle on your own. Take all the help you can get, every weapon God has issued, so that when it’s all over but the shouting you’ll still be on your feet. Truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation are more than words. Learn how to apply them. You’ll need them throughout your life. God’s Word is an indispensable weapon. In the same way, prayer is essential in this ongoing warfare. Pray hard and long. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Keep your eyes open. Keep each other’s spirits up so that no one falls behind or drops out.” (Ephesians 6:10-18 MSG).

People of God, you have Far Too Much Ammunition to Use to Your Advantage to continuously be bound, held captive, restrained and detained from the work of the Lord! Stop putting up help wanted posters on your life for the enemy to answer! Remember the Word of God admonishes: Leave no [such] room or foothold for the devil [GIVE NO OPPORTUNITY TO HIM].” (Ephesians 4:27 AMP).  Stop Allowing him to turn your life into his career opportunity! Stop offering him room for growth, advancement, increase in pay, vacation, sick, personal and comp time, stop giving him the stocks and bonds in your life that are making him rich and leaving your body, soul and spirit bankrupt! And most of all stop handing him bonuses every time he’s successful at binding you! And all of this is what YOU allow when you keep showing up to battle ill-prepared with no armor or weaponry!

Listen to that text again:

“Don’t provide an opportunity for the devil.” (CEB)

“and don’t give the devil a chance.” (CEV)

“Don’t give the devil a way to defeat you.” (ERV)

“Don’t give the devil any opportunity to work.” (GWT)

The devil is seeking the want ads for employment, stop hiring him! Stop giving him opportunities to keep working to defeat you! Stop extending ‘grace’ to the devil, we give him just as many chances as we ask God to give us! Which is why it’s so vital that you are never without your armor! The devil is always busy, and clearly always employed to wage war on us and win! God said to BE PREPARED, and the best way to BE prepared is to STAY prepared!

Understand that: “When the devil is called the god of this world, it is not because he made it, but because we serve him with our worldliness.” (Symeon). Remember you are in Spiritual Warfare, you can’t keep allowing your flesh to give the devil a foothold or you’ll never win the war!

Church, you can’t get free with SECULAR ANTICS, only with SPIRITUAL ARTILLERY! With that said, if you want to really get free and stay free, I’ll give you a little hint: “And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, AND THE YOKE SHALL BE DESTROYED BECAUSE OF THE ANOINTING” (Isaiah 10:27).  This might buck up against some folks theology, but you will not get free by running around the church, jumping over pews, singing, dancing, praising, praying, spinning, falling out at the altar, or even worshiping! The Bible says: “…THE YOKE SHALL BE DESTROYED BECAUSE OF THE ANOINTING”! And the Scripture does not say the yoke will be broken, bruised or battered, but DESTROYED! The word ‘Destroy’ means to “put out of existence by severe damage or attack; to completely ruin or spoil. That’s why it’s vital that you locate your anointing and live there! A yoke cannot and will not withstand the presence and power of the anointing! And you’ll always know when you have the right Spirit behind the anointing, because there will always be a RELEASE! The Bible says, “…the Spirit of the LORD entered Samson and gave him great power. The ropes on him weakened like burned strings and fell off his hands!” (Judges 15:14 NCV).  The anointing will destroy anything or anyone trying to bind you to the extent that it will “put out of existence” your yoke of bondage, that it never returns again! Don’t allow the enemy to bind you, and even if he has already, don’t become distressed, depressed, discouraged, dismayed, disheartened or doomed for destruction, simply follow the road-map to release, IT’S FOUND IN THE ANOINTING!

The Bible says: “…He found a fresh jawbone of a donkey, reached out his hand and took it, and killed a thousand men…’” (Judges 15:14-18 NKJV). 

Notice Point #2: SAMSON NEEDED TO SEE WHAT HAD ALREADY BEEN GIVEN TO HIM: It was just the jawbone of a donkey, but with God’s help it was enough to win the day! Unfortunately, however, we spend far too much time focusing on what we DON’T have, that we lessen the value in what we DO possess! We focus on the gifting’s that others have, while down-playing the gifts the Holy Spirit has “willed” and “desired” for us to have. We continuously want what’s in someone else’s hand when what we actually need is placed right in our own!

Instead of complaining at his lot, a contented man is thankful that his condition and circumstances are no worse than they are. Instead of greedily desiring something more than the supply of his present need, he rejoices that God still cares for him. Such an one is “content” with such as he has.”  (Arthur W. Pink).

If the truth be told, many marriages and ministries have been destroyed by the foolish assumption that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, when in actuality, if we simply took the time to nurture, weed and water our own lawn, it would supersede even the fantasy-image we have conjured up of someone else’s yard!

Christian Contentment is that sweet, inward, quiet, gracious frame of spirit, which freely submits to and delights in God’s wise and fatherly disposal in every condition.” (Jeremiah Burroughs).

Many of you may have looked at the jawbone of the donkey and thought, “what am I supposed to do with that?”; “God you didn’t have anything else you could give me?”; “God you gave Saul full armor, you couldn’t give me the same?”; “It’s just a jawbone of a donkey, are you trying to say that’s all I can handle?Or can we really be honest and bring it home and say: “God I can sing just as good as her, why can’t I lead a song?”; “I worked with women longer than she has, why can’t I be over the women’s ministry?”; “I’m nicer than Sister Celery, why can’t I be on the usher board too?And the list could go on and on forever, because we love to complain about all that we don’t have, or better yet, all that we THINK we don’t have.

Discontent is a sin that is its own punishment and makes men torment themselves; it makes the spirit sad, the body sick, and all the enjoyments sour; it is the heaviness of the heart and the rottenness of the bones. It is a sin that is its own parent. It arises not from the condition, but from the mind. As we find Paul contented in a prison, so Ahab discontent in a palace.”  (Matthew Henry).

Saints, learn to be content both with what God gave you, and with what He saw fit NOT to give you! If you truly trust Him, then you’ll rejoice over what He has approved AND what He has Denied!

“The very first temptation in the history of mankind was the temptation to be discontent…that is exactly what discontent(ment) is—a questioning of the goodness of God.”  (Jerry Bridges).

You see, too many of us would rather preach to 500 people, who don’t care to hear us in the first place, than sing to 5 people who receive fresh strength for the journey from one simple song. Why? Because the pulpit Appears more prestigious, than the podium on the floor, hidden in the corner, unnoticed by the organ! But as for me, I would rather use what God gave me to bless, strengthen and encourage 5 people than waste my time, energy and life doing something for 500 that produces absolutely no fruit! Whatever God has given you is enough! You don’t have to be like him, you don’t have to look like her, you don’t have to act like them, you don’t need to sit over there, you don’t need that title, you don’t require that position, leave their talents, gifts, and skill-set alone. What God assigned to you is all you need to fulfill YOUR assignment! Stop comparing your equipment to others, and simply use what God has equipped YOU with!

God is most glorified in us, when we are most satisfied in Him.” (John Piper).

Family, Samson’s “…jawbone of a donkey…may seem little, insignificant, unnoticeable, irrelevant, unimportant, useless and unimpressive. But the Bible states: “…He found a fresh jawbone of a donkey, reached out his hand and took it, AND KILLED A THOUSAND MEN… Pay close attention, what God provided for Samson appeared, little, insignificant, unnoticeable, irrelevant, unimportant, useless and unimpressive, but, “…HE REACHED OUT HIS HAND AND TOOK IT…

Listen: If you don’t learn anything else, learn to accept what God has given YOU! Accept what God has made available for your use. Accept the road He’s called you to travel and the path He’s allowed you to cross. Whether it’s your spouse, your children, your job or your church, reach out your hand and take hold of what God has blessed you with!

Think about sports, not everyone is holding the ball at the same time. Only those who need to, do. We may praise the quarterback’s position, but not even he keeps the ball. Everybody on the team has their talents, gifts, and assignments, everybody on the team has their role to play and their position to hold. And if winning is key, then you don’t attempt to take someone else’s spot! We have to learn to work together in the Kingdom if we are to advance the Kingdom. We can’t win trying to beat our own teammates! I can’t play the organ, but so what, I don’t need to. But what I can do is join in the singing and praising and worshiping with everyone else. I don’t usher, I’m an Elder. Usher’s have their role in the church and so do I. Our ushers don’t attempt to preach, and I don’t attempt to take their bulletins and tell people where they can and can’t sit! Respect what your brothers and sisters have been assigned to do in the Kingdom of God. Stay your lane so we don’t all crash on impact and die because someone was trying to move over into a lane not needed for them to travel in order to get to their intended destination. I hope you’re getting this. Samson was successful because he used what was made available to HIM! He did not attempt to grab anyone else’s weapon in his warfare! And neither should you! What God Gave YOU Is Enough!

The contented person experiences the sufficiency of God’s provision for his needs and the sufficiency of God’s grace for his circumstances. He believes God will indeed meet all his material needs and that He will work in all his circumstances for his good. That is why Paul could say, “Godliness with contentment is great gain.” The godly person has found what the greedy or envious or discontented person always searches for but never finds. He has found satisfaction and rest in his soul.” (Jerry Bridges).

Reach out your hand and take hold of your spouse, children, job and church and don’t try to change them, alter them, or compare them to what others have! His grace is sufficient, and so is all that He has given you (and all that He’s kept from you as well)! Stop complaining and comparing and learn to be content with what you have!

Can you imagine if Samson picked up that jawbone and said, ‘I don’t want this, I want a big, shiny, new spear!’ And so he throws away the very thing that was made available to him to win! Do not discard your ‘jawbone’! You see, jawbone’s are easy to dismiss, after all, who wants one? It’s the remains of something that died! It’s a bone with no life, no breathing, no organs! And since just about everything was dust and dirty then (not like our marbled streets, and paved roads) the jawbone would’ve been dusty and dirty too. Not to mention the bible says it was a ‘fresh jawbone of a donkey.’ So it had rotting flesh and blood on it as well. Surely everybody wants to be given that right? Wrong! But regardless to what was left of it, regardless that it’s no longer what it used to be, regardless that it’s bloody, dirty and dusty and a very little use, still it was what Samson needed to use to kill his enemies and win his battle! Likewise, your spouse is more than likely not as small or as young as they used to be. Wrinkles have formed, bags and sags are so disrespectful since they were not invited to be a part of our bodies. They are no longer 21 and ready to take on the world, no they’re 51 and ready to take on the bed for a nap! Yet, they are who God allowed you to marry and build a family and life with. They are who God allowed to be available to help you build that ministry, that church, that business, that school! And although they may not look like they did 20 or 40 years ago, don’t you dare discard your ‘jawbone’ now! They are a part of your life for the long haul! And since you haven’t fought your last battle with the devil, I suggest you hold on to who helped you win the last fight!

It’s so sad to say, but we’ve become a comfortable circumstantial church of convenience. If we don’t like the circumstances we quit; if it’s not comfortable and convenient, we quit. NO! Believers, that’s not our lot. We value and appreciate what/who God has made available to us to help us and make us better! So don’t be so quick to quit! Don’t throw away your ‘jawbone’, you need it to fight and win!  My dad used to say, ‘don’t chase a shiny penny because you don’t like a crumbled dollar! No matter what either one looks like, their value is still the same.’ And that’s exactly what many of us are doing, casting aside our crumpled dollars for a shiny penny! But you do realize, crumpled or not, the dollar has 99 cents more value over the one shiny penny! Be careful in the decisions you make to discard people! You Have Everything You Need in YOUR Jawbone, Keep It!

Discouragement is dissatisfaction with the past, distaste for the present, and distrust of the future. It is ingratitude for the blessings of yesterday, indifference to the opportunities of today, and insecurity regarding strength for tomorrow. It is unawareness of the presence of beauty, unconcern for the needs of our fellowman, and unbelief in the promises of old. It is impatience with time, immaturity of thought, and impoliteness to God.” (William Ward).

Yes, saints, it was just a “…jawbone of a donkey… but it “…KILLED A THOUSAND MEN…”!

So I admonish you today, be careful about underestimating, overlooking, undervaluing and discrediting what God provided FOR YOU, IT JUST MAY BE THE WEAPON YOU NEED TO KILL YOUR ENEMY! Your spouse, children, job and church may not be all that you thought they should be, or all that you wanted them to be, but if God provided them, YOU BETTER BE GRATEFUL, BECAUSE THEY’RE THE WEAPON YOU NEED TO KILL YOUR ENEMIES! Samson had to see what God had ALREADY provided for him, accept it and use it, and so do you! Why? BECAUSE IT IS ENOUGH!  

You see, Samson used his jawbone to kill a thousand men in chapter 15. But over in chapter 16, he killed more than three thousand! Judges 16:26-30, “Samson said to the young servant who was leading him by the hand, “Place my hands against the pillars that hold up the temple. I want to rest against them.” Now the temple was COMPLETELY FILLED WITH PEOPLE. All the Philistine rulers were there, and there were about 3,000 MEN AND WOMEN on the roof who were watching as Samson amused them. Then Samson prayed to the Lord, “Sovereign Lord, remember me again. O God, please strengthen me just one more time. With one blow let me pay back the Philistines for the loss of my two eyes.”  Then Samson put his hands on the two center pillars that held up the temple. Pushing against them with both hands, he prayed, “Let me die with the Philistines.” And the temple crashed down on the Philistine rulers and all the people. So he killed more people when he died than he had during his entire lifetime.” (NLT)

Samson had to first use that jawbone to kill a thousand before he got to the slaughter of three thousand plus! And sometimes we forget to pay attention to using what has been made available to us in our first battle. You see, if they killed him before the jawbone, he would’ve never gotten the opportunity to slay all of his enemies! Use what God has given you, and use it when He gives it to you and how. There will be more and greater opportunities down the road, but if you don’t handle the little, don’t look for the much!

No more competing and comparing, no more envy and jealousy, no more trying to grab somebody else’s gift (or spouse, yep I said it!) What God has Given YOU is Enough for YOU! Don’t discard your small beginnings and please don’t discard your ‘jawbone’!

Be Warned: “The person with the discontented heart has the attitude that everything he does for God is too much, and everything God does for him is too little.” (Don Kistler).

Be Content With What and Who God Has Made Available for YOU! It is Enough!

Much Love, Dr. Shermaine #EnjoyTheRead #BeInspired #BeEncouraged #BeEmpowered #BeChallenged #ShareTheWord

Feel free to also join us at: http://www.selfcarewithdrshermaine.blogspot.com Today’s Lesson: “Your Damage is NOT Beyond Repair!”

Feel free to join us at: http://www.chefshermainesbiblecafe.home.blog Today’s Chef Special Word “HAND”

Daily Dose With Dr. Shermaine: https://dailydosewithdrshermaine.wordpress.com
Facebook:  DrShermaine Franklin-Sanders
Instagram: dr_sys
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“What YOU Have Is Enough!”


The Bible says: When he came to Lehi, the Philistines came shouting against him. Then the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon him; and the ropes that were on his arms became like flax that is burned with fire, and his bonds broke loose from his hands.  He found a fresh jawbone of a donkey, reached out his hand and took it, and killed a thousand men with it.  Then Samson said: “With the jawbone of a donkey, Heaps upon heaps, With the jawbone of a donkey I have slain a thousand men!” And so it was, when he had finished speaking, that he threw the jawbone from his hand, and called that place Ramath Lehi.” (Judges 15:14-17 NKJV).

Notice Point #1: SAMSON ALLOWED THE ENEMY TO BIND HIM: …We are come down to bind thee…we will bind thee fast…AND THEY BOUND HIM…” (Judges 15:12-13). If the truth be told, much of what we would like to blame on others, WE need to take Accountability and be Honest that WE Alone are to Blame.

It is not only what we do, but also what we do Not do, for which we are Accountable.” (Moliere).

Samson was not shocked, surprised or caught off guard by his enemies! In fact, his enemies even had the audacity to let him know, IN ADVANCE, that they were come for no other reason or purpose than to BIND HIM! The bible says, “…We are come down to BIND thee…we will BIND thee fast…AND THEY BOUND HIM… And sadly enough, the enemy was true to his word!

Now, I already know Samson’s story, but might I ask YOU, “what has you tied up today?” Or better yet, “what have you ALLOWED to tie you up today?” “What/Who have you ALLOWED to bind you, tie you up and hold you back from the work assigned to your hands?And before you answer, know that you can’t say you didn’t know that the enemies purpose was to hinder and harm you, because Jesus gave you a heads up: “The thief’s PURPOSE is to STEAL and KILL and DESTROY…” (John 10:10 NLT). So, since you knew, IN ADVANCE, but the enemy was able to bind you ANYWAY, that only means you entered into battle WILLFULLY UNPREPARED! You did not obey the orders of your Commanding Officer:

“…God is strong, and he wants you strong. So take everything the Master has set out for you, well-made weapons of the best materials. And put them to use so you will be able to stand up to everything the Devil throws your way. This is no afternoon athletic contest that we’ll walk away from and forget about in a couple of hours. This is for keeps, a life-or-death fight to the finish against the Devil and all his angels. BE PREPARED. You’re up against far more than you can handle on your own. Take all the help you can get, every weapon God has issued, so that when it’s all over but the shouting you’ll still be on your feet. Truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation are more than words. Learn how to apply them. You’ll need them throughout your life. God’s Word is an indispensable weapon. In the same way, prayer is essential in this ongoing warfare. Pray hard and long. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Keep your eyes open. Keep each other’s spirits up so that no one falls behind or drops out.” (Ephesians 6:10-18 MSG).

People of God, you have Far Too Much Ammunition to Use to Your Advantage to continuously be bound, held captive, restrained and detained from the work of the Lord! Stop putting up help wanted posters on your life for the enemy to answer! Remember the Word of God admonishes: Leave no [such] room or foothold for the devil [GIVE NO OPPORTUNITY TO HIM].” (Ephesians 4:27 AMP).  Stop Allowing him to turn your life into his career opportunity! Stop offering him room for growth, advancement, increase in pay, vacation, sick, personal and comp time, stop giving him the stocks and bonds in your life that are making him rich and leaving your body, soul and spirit bankrupt! And most of all stop handing him bonuses every time he’s successful at binding you! And all of this is what YOU allow when you keep showing up to battle ill-prepared with no armor or weaponry!

Listen to that text again:

“Don’t provide an opportunity for the devil.” (CEB)

“and don’t give the devil a chance.” (CEV)

“Don’t give the devil a way to defeat you.” (ERV)

“Don’t give the devil any opportunity to work.” (GWT)

The devil is seeking the want ads for employment, stop hiring him! Stop giving him opportunities to keep working to defeat you! Stop extending ‘grace’ to the devil, we give him just as many chances as we ask God to give us! Which is why it’s so vital that you are never without your armor! The devil is always busy, and clearly always employed to wage war on us and win! God said to BE PREPARED, and the best way to BE prepared is to STAY prepared!

Understand that: “When the devil is called the god of this world, it is not because he made it, but because we serve him with our worldliness.” (Symeon). Remember you are in Spiritual Warfare, you can’t keep allowing your flesh to give the devil a foothold or you’ll never win the war!

Church, you can’t get free with SECULAR ANTICS, only with SPIRITUAL ARTILLERY! With that said, if you want to really get free and stay free, I’ll give you a little hint: “And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, AND THE YOKE SHALL BE DESTROYED BECAUSE OF THE ANOINTING” (Isaiah 10:27).  This might buck up against some folks theology, but you will not get free by running around the church, jumping over pews, singing, dancing, praising, praying, spinning, falling out at the altar, or even worshiping! The Bible says: “…THE YOKE SHALL BE DESTROYED BECAUSE OF THE ANOINTING”! And the Scripture does not say the yoke will be broken, bruised or battered, but DESTROYED! The word ‘Destroy’ means to “put out of existence by severe damage or attack; to completely ruin or spoil. That’s why it’s vital that you locate your anointing and live there! A yoke cannot and will not withstand the presence and power of the anointing! And you’ll always know when you have the right Spirit behind the anointing, because there will always be a RELEASE! The Bible says, “…the Spirit of the LORD entered Samson and gave him great power. The ropes on him weakened like burned strings and fell off his hands!” (Judges 15:14 NCV).  The anointing will destroy anything or anyone trying to bind you to the extent that it will “put out of existence” your yoke of bondage, that it never returns again! Don’t allow the enemy to bind you, and even if he has already, don’t become distressed, depressed, discouraged, dismayed, disheartened or doomed for destruction, simply follow the road-map to release, IT’S FOUND IN THE ANOINTING!

The Bible says: “…He found a fresh jawbone of a donkey, reached out his hand and took it, and killed a thousand men…’” (Judges 15:14-18 NKJV). 

Notice Point #2: SAMSON NEEDED TO SEE WHAT HAD ALREADY BEEN GIVEN TO HIM: It was just the jawbone of a donkey, but with God’s help it was enough to win the day! Unfortunately, however, we spend far too much time focusing on what we DON’T have, that we lessen the value in what we DO possess! We focus on the gifting’s that others have, while down-playing the gifts the Holy Spirit has “willed” and “desired” for us to have. We continuously want what’s in someone else’s hand when what we actually need is placed right in our own!

Instead of complaining at his lot, a contented man is thankful that his condition and circumstances are no worse than they are. Instead of greedily desiring something more than the supply of his present need, he rejoices that God still cares for him. Such an one is “content” with such as he has.”  (Arthur W. Pink).

If the truth be told, many marriages and ministries have been destroyed by the foolish assumption that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, when in actuality, if we simply took the time to nurture, weed and water our own lawn, it would supersede even the fantasy-image we have conjured up of someone else’s yard!

Christian Contentment is that sweet, inward, quiet, gracious frame of spirit, which freely submits to and delights in God’s wise and fatherly disposal in every condition.” (Jeremiah Burroughs).

Many of you may have looked at the jawbone of the donkey and thought, “what am I supposed to do with that?”; “God you didn’t have anything else you could give me?”; “God you gave Saul full armor, you couldn’t give me the same?”; “It’s just a jawbone of a donkey, are you trying to say that’s all I can handle?Or can we really be honest and bring it home and say: “God I can sing just as good as her, why can’t I lead a song?”; “I worked with women longer than she has, why can’t I be over the women’s ministry?”; “I’m nicer than Sister Celery, why can’t I be on the usher board too?And the list could go on and on forever, because we love to complain about all that we don’t have, or better yet, all that we THINK we don’t have.

Discontent is a sin that is its own punishment and makes men torment themselves; it makes the spirit sad, the body sick, and all the enjoyments sour; it is the heaviness of the heart and the rottenness of the bones. It is a sin that is its own parent. It arises not from the condition, but from the mind. As we find Paul contented in a prison, so Ahab discontent in a palace.”  (Matthew Henry).

Saints, learn to be content both with what God gave you, and with what He saw fit NOT to give you! If you truly trust Him, then you’ll rejoice over what He has approved AND what He has Denied!

“The very first temptation in the history of mankind was the temptation to be discontent…that is exactly what discontent(ment) is—a questioning of the goodness of God.”  (Jerry Bridges).

You see, too many of us would rather preach to 500 people, who don’t care to hear us in the first place, than sing to 5 people who receive fresh strength for the journey from one simple song. Why? Because the pulpit Appears more prestigious, than the podium on the floor, hidden in the corner, unnoticed by the organ! But as for me, I would rather use what God gave me to bless, strengthen and encourage 5 people than waste my time, energy and life doing something for 500 that produces absolutely no fruit! Whatever God has given you is enough! You don’t have to be like him, you don’t have to look like her, you don’t have to act like them, you don’t need to sit over there, you don’t need that title, you don’t require that position, leave their talents, gifts, and skill-set alone. What God assigned to you is all you need to fulfill YOUR assignment! Stop comparing your equipment to others, and simply use what God has equipped YOU with!

God is most glorified in us, when we are most satisfied in Him.” (John Piper).

Family, Samson’s “…jawbone of a donkey…may seem little, insignificant, unnoticeable, irrelevant, unimportant, useless and unimpressive. But the Bible states: “…He found a fresh jawbone of a donkey, reached out his hand and took it, AND KILLED A THOUSAND MEN… Pay close attention, what God provided for Samson appeared, little, insignificant, unnoticeable, irrelevant, unimportant, useless and unimpressive, but, “…HE REACHED OUT HIS HAND AND TOOK IT…

Listen: If you don’t learn anything else, learn to accept what God has given YOU! Accept what God has made available for your use. Accept the road He’s called you to travel and the path He’s allowed you to cross. Whether it’s your spouse, your children, your job or your church, reach out your hand and take hold of what God has blessed you with! Think about sports, not everyone is holding the ball at the same time. Only those who need to, do. We may praise the quarterback’s position, but not even he keeps the ball. Everybody on the team has their talents, gifts, and assignments, everybody on the team has their role to play and their position to hold. And if winning is key, then you don’t attempt to take someone else’s spot! We have to learn to work together in the Kingdom if we are to advance the Kingdom. We can’t win trying to beat our own teammates! I can’t play the organ, but so what, I don’t need to. But what I can do is join in the singing and praising and worshiping with everyone else. I don’t usher, I’m an Elder. Usher’s have their role in the church and so do I. Our ushers don’t attempt to preach, and I don’t attempt to take their bulletins and tell people where they can and can’t sit! Respect what your brothers and sisters have been assigned to do in the Kingdom of God. Stay your lane so we don’t all crash on impact and die because someone was trying to move over into a lane not needed for them to travel in order to get to their intended destination. I hope you’re getting this. Samson was successful because he used what was made available to HIM! He did not attempt to grab anyone else’s weapon in his warfare! And neither should you! What God Gave YOU Is Enough!

The contented person experiences the sufficiency of God’s provision for his needs and the sufficiency of God’s grace for his circumstances. He believes God will indeed meet all his material needs and that He will work in all his circumstances for his good. That is why Paul could say, “Godliness with contentment is great gain.” The godly person has found what the greedy or envious or discontented person always searches for but never finds. He has found satisfaction and rest in his soul.” (Jerry Bridges).

Reach out your hand and take hold of your spouse, children, job and church and don’t try to change them, alter them, or compare them to what others have! His grace is sufficient, and so is all that He has given you (and all that He’s kept from you as well)! Stop complaining and comparing and learn to be content with what you have! Can you imagine if Samson picked up that jawbone and said, ‘I don’t want this, I want a big, shiny, new spear!’ And so he throws away the very thing that was made available to him to win! Do not discard your ‘jawbone’! You see, jawbone’s are easy to dismiss, after all, who wants one? It’s the remains of something that died! It’s a bone with no life, no breathing, no organs! And since just about everything was dust and dirty then (not like our marbled streets, and paved roads) the jawbone would’ve been dusty and dirty too. Not to mention the bible says it was a ‘fresh jawbone of a donkey.’ So it had rotting flesh and blood on it as well. Surely everybody wants to be given that right? Wrong! But regardless to what was left of it, regardless that it’s no longer what it used to be, regardless that it’s bloody, dirty and dusty and a very little use, still it was what Samson needed to use to kill his enemies and win his battle! Likewise, your spouse is more than likely not as small or as young as they used to be. Wrinkles have formed, bags and sags are so disrespectful since they were not invited to be a part of our bodies. They are no longer 21 and ready to take on the world, no they’re 51 and ready to take on the bed for a nap! Yet, they are who God allowed you to marry and build a family and life with. They are who God allowed to be available to help you build that ministry, that church, that business, that school! And although they may not look like they did 20 or 40 years ago, don’t you dare discard your ‘jawbone’ now! They are a part of your life for the long haul! And since you haven’t fought your last battle with the devil, I suggest you hold on to who helped you win the last fight!

It’s so sad to say, but we’ve become a comfortable circumstantial church of convenience. If we don’t like the circumstances we quit; if it’s not comfortable and convenient, we quit. NO! Believers, that’s not our lot. We value and appreciate what/who God has made available to us to help us and make us better! So don’t be so quick to quit! Don’t throw away your ‘jawbone’, you need it to fight and win!  My dad used to say, ‘don’t chase a shiny penny because you don’t like a crumbled dollar! No matter what either one looks like, their value is still the same.’ And that’s exactly what many of us are doing, casting aside our crumpled dollars for a shiny penny! But you do realize, crumpled or not, the dollar has 99 cents more value over the one shiny penny! Be careful in the decisions you make to discard people! You Have Everything You Need in YOUR Jawbone, Keep It!

Discouragement is dissatisfaction with the past, distaste for the present, and distrust of the future. It is ingratitude for the blessings of yesterday, indifference to the opportunities of today, and insecurity regarding strength for tomorrow. It is unawareness of the presence of beauty, unconcern for the needs of our fellowman, and unbelief in the promises of old. It is impatience with time, immaturity of thought, and impoliteness to God.” (William Ward).

Yes, saints, it was just a “…jawbone of donkey… but it “…KILLED A THOUSAND MEN…”!

So I admonish you today, be careful about underestimating, overlooking, undervaluing and discrediting what God provided FOR YOU, IT JUST MAY BE THE WEAPON YOU NEED TO KILL YOUR ENEMY! Your spouse, children, job and church may not be all that you thought they should be, or all that you wanted them to be, but if God provided them, YOU BETTER BE GRATEFUL, BECAUSE THEY’RE THE WEAPON YOU NEED TO KILL YOUR ENEMIES! Samson had to see what God had ALREADY provided for him, accept it and use it, and so do you! Why? BECAUSE IT IS ENOUGH!  

You see, Samson used his jawbone to kill a thousand men in chapter 15. But over in chapter 16, he killed more than three thousand! Judges 16:26-30, “Samson said to the young servant who was leading him by the hand, “Place my hands against the pillars that hold up the temple. I want to rest against them.” Now the temple was COMPLETELY FILLED WITH PEOPLE. All the Philistine rulers were there, and there were about 3,000 MEN AND WOMEN on the roof who were watching as Samson amused them. Then Samson prayed to the Lord, “Sovereign Lord, remember me again. O God, please strengthen me just one more time. With one blow let me pay back the Philistines for the loss of my two eyes.”  Then Samson put his hands on the two center pillars that held up the temple. Pushing against them with both hands, he prayed, “Let me die with the Philistines.” And the temple crashed down on the Philistine rulers and all the people. So he killed more people when he died than he had during his entire lifetime.” (NLT)

Samson had to first use that jawbone to kill a thousand before he got to the slaughter of three thousand plus! And sometimes we forget to pay attention to using what has been made available to us in our first battle. You see, if they killed him before the jawbone, he would’ve never gotten the opportunity to slay all of his enemies! Use what God has given you, and use it when He gives it to you and how. There will be more and greater opportunities down the road, but if you don’t handle the little, don’t look for the much!

No more competing and comparing, no more envy and jealousy, no more trying to grab somebody else’s gift (or spouse, yep I said it!) What God has Given YOU is Enough for YOU! Don’t discard your small beginnings and please don’t discard your ‘jawbone’!

Be Warned: “The person with the discontented heart has the attitude that everything he does for God is too much, and everything God does for him is too little.” (Don Kistler).

Be Content With What and Who God Has Made Available for YOU! It is Enough!

Much Love, Dr. Shermaine #EnjoyTheRead #BeInspired #BeEncouraged #BeEmpowered #BeChallenged #BeContent
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