

Proverbs 30:24-28, “Four things are among the SMALLEST on earth, BUT they are extremely wise: Ants as creatures aren’t strong, BUT they store away their food in the summer. Badgers as creatures aren’t powerful, BUT they make their homes in the rocks. Locusts don’t have a king, BUT they march together in ranks. You can catch lizards in your hand, BUT they are in kings’ palaces.” (CEB)

As a kid, and as an adult, I’ve always loved cartoons! And particularly as a tomboy, I loved “The Transformers”, and my favorite was Bumblebee! Bumblebee (one of the Transformers main characters) was SMALL, BUT, eager and brave! You see, Bumblebee acts as a messenger and a spy. And due to his small size, he dares to go where others can’t and won’t. He idolizes the bigger Autobots, especially Optimus Prime and Prowl, and strives to be accepted. He is the most energy efficient and has the best vision of all the Autobots. He can go underwater for reconnaissance and salvage missions. Although physically the weakest Autobot, his stealth more than compensates for this inadequacy. This battle-tested robot was the first autobot to forge an alliance with the humans. He is a very close ally to human Spike Witwicky, often seen as an underdog and not the biggest bot he has more courage than any soldier from Cybertron. As the most trusted lieutenant of Optimus Prime, he’ll do whatever it takes to protect earth and its’ people.

Now, for someone like me who is 5 foot 2 inches, you may understand why I love Bumblebee so much! Yes, he’s SMALL, looks for acceptance from his bigger bots, he’s often seen as the underdog, and has some inadequate moments. BUT, he’s one of the most effective because of what others may deem as his disadvantage, actually works for him. Because he’s so SMALL, he can be the messenger who’s always on a mission, with the sharpest vision, to go undetected in enemy territory, places where others can’t or won’t go! He’s SMALL yes, BUT also brave, eager and stealth! I love that word “stealth”, it has various definitions, but the one I like most states, “intended not to attract attention.” Some of its synonyms are, “behind-the-scenes; hush; private; secret; undercover; confidential; classified; unadvertised; and unexposed”. Can you imagine if we had believers today who could complete their mission and assignment for God, “behind-the-scenes; privately; in a confidential, unexposed, unadvertised manner that doesn’t need to attract attention to itself?” But that’s Bumblebee, completing the mission is the main thing, not becoming the main thing!

Which reminds us a lot of our small friends in Proverbs 30:24-28:

First thing that is addressed is their size, “SMALLEST on earth”. And the word “small” is defined as “lacking in strength; minor in influence, power or rank; operating on a limited scale; little or close to zero in an objectively measurable aspect (as quantity); made up of few or little units; of little consequence; limited in degree; and reduced to a humiliating position.” How would you like to be defined and described in such a manner? Truth is, many of us are defined and described just like that, by varying people, for varying reasons, and many of those have nothing to do with our height, just how people in their opinions view us. Listen to some of its synonyms, “dwarfish; half-pint (actually, I’ve been called that); little; pint-size; shrimpy; subnormal; toylike; undersized; runtish; runty; stunted; inappreciable; little bitty; microscopic; mini; minuscule; teensy-weensy; meager; poor; scant; scarce; deficient inadequate; insufficient; lacking; and wanting.” Well, aren’t we off to a fine start? Doesn’t this just make your confidence shoot through the roof? Okay, so maybe not! But it does bring to mind someone…David. Samuel is sent to anoint the next king, and he comes to Jesse’s boys. Take a listen, “When they arrived, Samuel took one look at Eliab and thought, ‘Here he is! God’s anointed! But God told Samuel, “Looks aren’t everything. Don’t be impressed with his looks and stature. I’ve already eliminated him. God judges persons differently than humans do. Men and women look at the face; God looks into the heart…Jesse presented his seven sons to Samuel. Samuel was blunt with Jesse, ‘God hasn’t chosen any of these.” Then he asked Jesse, ‘Is this it? Are there no more sons?’ ‘Well, yes, THERE’S THE RUNT. But he’s out tending the sheep.’ Samuel ordered Jesse, ‘Go get him. We’re not moving from this spot until he’s here.’ Jesse sent for him. He was brought in, the very picture of health – bright-eyed, good-looking. God said, ‘Up on your feet! Anoint him! This is the one.” Samuel took his flask of oil and anointed him, with his brothers standing around watching. The Spirit of God entered David like a rush of wind, God vitally empowering him for the rest of his life…” (1 Samuel 16:6-13 MSG)

Well, there’s that wonderful description again, “RUNT”, after all who wouldn’t want to be defined in such a way? In fact, “Runt” is defined as “an animal unusually small of its kind; the smallest of a litter of pigs; small in stature.” Yep, that sounds as attractive as they come! And yet, I love this story of David, because the very ones that were first choice among people, were not even considered an option with God! He didn’t care what any of them looked like, nor their stature. It was His heart he was looking for, and He found it in the chest of a RUNT! David wasn’t the people’s choice, but he was indeed God’s ONLY choice. And before you start beating up on yourself, or if you’ve already started, you will stop today! Stop worrying about what people think, say or feel about you! Even if you had bald patches, acne, over or under weight, missing teeth, cross-eyes, big ears, small stature with long arms, a limp and a stutter, if you dare to have a heart that beats for God, You are His ONLY Choice no matter how many options present themselves! You may not be in the in-crowd; the inner-circle; or the clique. You may actually live in a one room, take the bus and flip burgers and still I tell you, if you dare to have a heart that beats for God, You are still God’s ONLY Choice! And His Choice Without Any Comparison or Competition! People have popularity contests, Not God! People care about positions, Not God! People care about appearance, Not God! You can be the smallest thing in the back looking after the sheep, and all will go on pause until your presence has arrived upfront! Don’t allow people’s opinions to make you think you are not God’s Best Option! “Opinion” is defined as “a general view, an appraisal formed in the mind of another about a particular matter, a feeling, a sentiment, perception, assumption, presumption, idea, thought, observation, guess hunch, theory, suggestion, angle, outlook, perspective, a point of view that’s not necessarily based on fact or knowledge; and an estimation of quality of worth.” Now, did you find anywhere in that thesis of opinion, anything that states Fact or Truth? Absolutely Not! Know why? Because people’s opinions are not Proof of what is Fact or Truth! It’s nothing more than their estimated guess! Only What God Says, Thinks and Feels Concerning You Matters and Counts as Proof of What is Fact and Truth!

So, today, you will stop viewing yourself through the distorted vision of people who can’t see your true worth and value! Think about it, if David had to base his worth and value on the opinions of Samuel, his brothers, his daddy Jesse, his wife Michal or even Goliath, he would’ve become a human groundhog, and dug himself in a hole never to appear without permission! You are not bound by public opinion!

Now, back to our little friends…

“Four things are among the SMALLEST on earth, BUT they are extremely wise: Ants as creatures aren’t strong, BUT they store away their food in the summer. Badgers as creatures aren’t powerful, BUT they make their homes in the rocks. Locusts don’t have a king, BUT they march together in ranks. You can catch lizards in your hand, BUT they are in kings’ palaces.” (CEB)

Now, grant it, our little friends are the “…the SMALLEST on earth…” However, they are also, “extremely wise…” So wise in fact that the ants aren’t strong, the badgers aren’t powerful, the locust have no king and the lizard is small enough to hold in your own hand! Let’s be honest, nothing about our little friends makes us feel that great! I mean, would you want to be described as not strong; not powerful; having no leader and small enough to squish in someone’s hand?! And yet, even with characteristics such as these, the Bible says the ant is still wise enough to store his food in summer, knowing that winter is coming (he’s not strong, but he’s wise). The badgers aren’t powerful (and yet they have the wisdom to build their homes in rocks, so when they are under attack, if they can’t fight, they can hide well). The locust have no leader, no king, no one to give them direction and order, and yet they march together in ranks (we can’t even get preachers to work together in the pulpit, nor the saints in the pews). And then there’s the lizards, small enough to be found in the palm of a hand, but instead they are wise enough to make their way into king’s palaces. They may not sound like bears, lions and tigers, oh my, but they will not be robbed of what they do possess! SMALL, yes, BUT still they build, they have structure and strategy, they can function without having any one particular ruler in charge, they aren’t slumming it in shacks, they’re in palaces, they know how to work around changing seasons, and yet, we can’t get a group of 5 believers to function to this degree!

As God isn’t moved by public opinion, appearance, stature, or even low self-esteem, neither should you be! Listen to Saul, “Pardon me, sir,” Saul replied. “I’m from the tribe of Benjamin, the SMALLEST in Israel, and my family is the LEAST important of all the families of the tribe! You must have the wrong man!” (1 Samuel 9:21 TLB) Have you ever felt like that? I know I have…and sometimes I still have my moments. God, you do know you’re talking to Shermaine right? You want me to work on what? Be a part of what? With who? God, you do realize I’ve battled addictions, I was molested and raped, I had 2 children out of wedlock, oh by the way, did I mention the multiple suicide attempts, being kept in the psych ward and the abortion? God, you do know I wasn’t raised in church right? You do remember the times I’ve cussed, drank, smoked, partied, fought, and lied? God, you do realize I’ve committed sins today, known, unknown, deliberate, accidental? And you still want me to put on a robe, attach a collar, grab a bible, stand before Your people in a pulpit and preach a gospel about You!? God, you do know you’re talking to Shermaine right?

You may laugh, and it is indeed quite comical at times, but it’s my truthful conversations with God. There are days when I feel like He’s got amnesia and doesn’t remember who He’s talking to when He sends Me of all people on an assignment about Him and for Him! It’s then that I have my “Saul Selah’s”, I pause and unfortunately think about all my wrongs, habits, addictions, sins, mistakes, failures and the like. I recall where I come from and what I did and still do and again feel compelled to ask, “God, you do know you’re talking to Shermaine right?”

Therefore, please believe me, I know what it feels like to have those moments of inadequacy, insignificance, insufficiency and inability. And it certainly doesn’t help to have people give their uninvited opinions about God’s choice in you. However, I’ve also learned lessons from Zaccheus that have encouraged me over the years, and I hope they encourage you likewise.

Luke 19:1-10, “Then Jesus entered and walked through Jericho. There was a man there, his name Zacchaeus, the head tax man and quite rich. He wanted desperately to see Jesus, but the crowd was in his way—he was a SHORT man and couldn’t see over the crowd. So he ran on ahead and climbed up in a sycamore tree so he could see Jesus when he came by. When Jesus got to the tree, he looked up and said, “Zacchaeus, hurry down. Today is my day to be a guest in your home.” Zacchaeus scrambled out of the tree, hardly believing his good luck, delighted to take Jesus home with him. Everyone who saw the incident was indignant and grumped, “What business does he have getting cozy with this crook?” Zacchaeus just stood there, a little stunned. He stammered apologetically, “Master, I give away half my income to the poor—and if I’m caught cheating, I pay four times the damages.” Jesus said, “Today is salvation day in this home! Here he is: Zacchaeus, son of Abraham! For the Son of Man came to find and restore the lost.” (MSG)

This man wanted to desperately see Jesus, however, he was too SHORT, and couldn’t see over the crowd. He devices a plan to climb a tree, he’s noticed by Jesus, Jesus is to be his guest in his home. And you would think all of this is absolutely phenomenal, until public opinion starts talking out of turn again… ““What business does he have getting cozy with this crook?” There will always be people that have distorted vision when it comes to you. They can see your past crystal clear, your present is blurry, and when it comes to your future, they have a combination of cataract and glaucoma in their natural and spiritual eyes! They can see nothing good, even in the fact that Jesus invited Himself to YOUR house! Now, if you think about it, Jesus had a lot of options, after all, there was a crowd present, and one so large in size that Zacchaeus had to climb in a tree just to see Him! But Jesus CHOSE Zacchaeus over anyone else! He CHOSE a SHORT, rich, tax man, sitting in a tree, over “…EVERYONE WHO SAW THE INCIDENT…” God will Deliberately Choose Underqualified You, Over Someone Else’s Overqualified Ego! They may not like it, but Zacchaeus was deliberately chosen by Jesus to receive salvation and restoration. And likewise, He’s still choosing the underdogs to overachieve! Don’t assume He will pass you by because of public opinion. He may simply be waiting for you to distinguish yourself from the crowd! 

God cares about All of us, the Least, the Last, the Lonely and the Left Out! (Thanks Bishop James R. Chambers). And He’s not in the least bit intimidated or concerned about our misfitted selves: Jacob was a cheater; Peter had a tempter; David had an affair; Noah got drunk; Jonah ran from God; Paul was a murderer; Gideon was insecure; Miriam was a gossip; Martha was a worrier; Thomas was doubtful; Sarai was impatient; Elijah was moody; Moses stuttered; Zacchaeus was short; Abraham was old; Lazarus was dead; Rahab was a prostitute; Timothy had stomach troubles; Isaiah preached naked; Leah had weak eyes; Joseph was abused; Samson was a womanizer; Naomi loss 2 sons and a husband; Job went bankrupt; the Disciples fell asleep in prayer; Judas betrayed Jesus for some change; Saul was mentally unstable; the Samaritan woman had far too many men!

And still, God used every last one of them! And with all your issues, He has yet to unsubscribe! In fact, He renews day by day! You are no exception, no matter where you come from, where you are, what you did, who you did it with, how many times you’ve repented, God still loves you! Even in those moments when you feel small, inadequate, insufficient, insignificant, or unimportant. God sees you when you see nothing good in yourself!

Genesis 16:13 says, “The Lord talked to Hagar. She began to use a new name for God. She said to Him, “You are ‘God Who Sees Me.’” She said this because she thought,’ “I see that even in this place God sees me and cares for me!” (ERV)

Believe it or not, as SMALL as you think you are, God still sees you and cares about you! Hagar at the moment wasn’t in a good place, but even she was able to say, “…even in this place God sees me and cares for me”. No matter where you are in life in this moment in time, God sees you and cares for you. Others may overlook you, under-estimate you, devalue you, but to God, you mean much! And the next time you don’t think so, remember the price His Son paid Just for You! Remember the Gifts in 1 Corinthians 12, where even the ones deemed the least, the lowly and the insignificant, were actually among the most prized and valued! And so are you! Like my friend Bumblebee, you may lack in some areas, after all, we ALL do, no matter how perfect we attempt to appear! Yet, God can still use you; God has need of you; you are important and visible to God. Don’t short-change yourself! You are still His disciple, His Son, His Daughter, His Temple, His Love, His Craftsmanship, His Workmanship. And above All, You were Worth Saving, Healing, Delivering, Redeeming, Justifying, and even Worth a Round-Trip Ticket For Jesus to Come Again, Just For You! Sounds like you’re pretty significant to me!

You’ve spent enough time talking down to yourself; talking yourself out of stuff, even the very things God desires you to do; you’ve looked in the mirror and picked yourself apart over and over again. You talked about dropping out of school, losing the car, the house and the spouse, you’ve talked enough about not being good enough. You’ve taunted and provoked yourself to bitterness. Today, Enough is Enough! You are Valuable, Important, Significant and Necessary! There’s a place in the Kingdom that no one can take because it’s yours! Own your worth! And even if you’re a little short-stack like me, God still sees you. You never go unnoticed by Him! Every moment of your life, even before your life began, has been visible in the eyes of God, and valuable to the heart of God.

Psalm 139, “God, investigate my life; get all the facts firsthand. I’m an open book to You; even from a distance, You know what I’m thinking. You know when I leave and when I get back; I’M NEVER OUT OF YOUR SIGHT. You know everything I’m going to say before I start the first sentence. I look behind me and YOU’RE THERE, then up ahead and YOU’RE THERE, TOO—Your reassuring presence, coming and going. This is too much, too wonderful—I can’t take it all in! Is there anyplace I can go to avoid Your Spirit? TO BE OUT OF YOUR SIGHT? If I climb to the sky, YOU’RE THERE! If I go underground, YOU’RE THERE! If I flew on morning’s wings to the far western horizon, YOU’D FIND ME IN A MINUTE—You’re already there waiting! Then I said to myself, “OH, HE EVEN SEES ME IN THE DARK! At night I’m immersed in the light!” It’s a fact: darkness isn’t dark to You; night and day, darkness and light, they’re all the same to You. Oh yes, You shaped me first inside, then out; You formed me in my mother’s womb. I thank You, High God—You’re breathtaking! Body and soul, I am marvelously made! I worship in adoration—what a creation! You know me inside and out, You know every bone in my body; You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something. Like an open book, YOU WATCHED ME grow from conception to birth; ALL THE STAGES OF MY LIFE were spread out before You, The days of my life all prepared BEFORE I’D EVEN LIVED ONE DAY. Your thoughts—how rare, how beautiful! God, I’ll never comprehend them! I couldn’t even begin to count them—any more than I could count the sand of the sea. Oh, let me rise in the morning and live always with You!…” (MSG)

Little itty-bitty you are so significant to God that He Always Sees You! He raises and lowers the sun, moon and stars, rotates the earth, sets boundaries for waters, seas, and oceans, He keeps His breath in every being and His air filling the atmosphere always…and still…it’s YOU He Keeps a Watchful Eye On Always! Remember that the next time you feel you’re too small to be significant!

One of my favorite quotes says, “If you think you’re too small to have an impact, try going to bed with a mosquito.” (Anita Roddick) 🙂

Be Encouraged Today, You May Be Small…BUT…You Are Still Significant!

Much Love, Dr. Shermaine #EnjoyTheRead #BeInspired #BeEncouraged #BeEmpowered #BeChallenged #ShareTheWord

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