“Why Help Matters?”

Ecclesiastes 4:9“TWO are better than one…” (NIV)

Edward Farrell said, “Listening is rare. THERE ARE CERTAIN PEOPLE to whom we feel we can talk because they have such a deep capacity for hearing, not just our words, but hearing us as a person. They enable us to communicate on a level we’ve never reached before. They enable us to be as we’ve never been before. We will never truly know ourselves unless we find people who can listen, who can enable us to emerge, to come out of ourselves, to discover who we are. We cannot discover ourselves by ourselves.”

Note the words: “THERE ARE CERTAIN PEOPLE…who enable us to be as we have never been before.”

THESE ARE THE PEOPLE YOU NEED THE MOST!                        

With that said, consider the following questions to help you discover whether you’ve found your “CERTAIN PEOPLE…” or you NEED to Find Them:

1.    WHO COACHES YOU? What older, wiser, and more experienced brother or sister stands on the sidelines of your life and watches with the big picture in mind? Now keep in mind, coaches don’t run the race for you, THEY SIMPLY SET THE STANDARD FOR THE RACE AND MAKES A JUDGMENT ON YOUR PERFORMANCE! So who does this for you? Who mentors you? Who guides you? Who makes sure you don’t go outside the boundaries? Remember This: “A good coach will make his players see what they CAN BE rather than what they ARE” (Ara Parasheghian). Therefore, find yourself a coach that can see your successful future even in your present failures!

2.    WHO STRETCHES YOUR MIND? Who makes you wince as they expose the many faces of your ignorance; who will not let you get away with spiritual and intellectual superficialityWho makes sure you don’t just play church? Who makes sure you don’t become complacent and lazy? Who makes sure your streams are always flowing (since stagnant water stinks!) Which makes me think of a quote I love that reads: “Too many people confine their exercise to jumping to conclusions, running up bills, stretching the truth, bending over backwards, lying down on the job, side-stepping responsibility and pushing their luck” (Author Unknown) You need someone who will give you a more beneficial exercise plan for your future! You need someone who refuses to let you settle, when they can stretch you to soar!

3.    WHO LISTENS TO AND ENCOURAGES YOUR DREAMS? Dreams are not intellectual propositions that must be proven. They are the work of visionaries; they are out-of-the-box, frequently awful and occasionally good. These are the folks who, when others laugh and say you’re trying to build castles in the air, remind you that God “…calls things that are not as though they were” (Romans 4:17). Another translation says: “…God…gives life to the dead and calls into being things that were not”. These are the people you need! People who make you see the house while in the apartment. People who make you see the church with no license to preach. People who make you see the car with no permit. People who make you see a fruitful marriage while contemplating divorce. These people share your hearts desires with you and even when they seem a little far-fetched, they still believe. Do you have people like that? Another quote I love says: “All men dream but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes to make it possible” (T.E. Lawrence). You need people in your life that will awaken you from daydreaming and push you to make your dreams a reality! If you don’t have encouragers like that now, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? The birth of your dreams are at stake!

4.    WHO PROTECTS YOU? When the Christians in Jerusalem wanted nothing to do with the newly converted Saul of Tarsus, Barnabas acted as his advocateYour voice alone is not enough! You need others to speak up for you. And this doesn’t imply weakness! “You obey the law of Christ when you offer each other a helping hand.” (Galatians 6:2  CEV). You need people in your life that will protect you from critics, gossips, back-biters and liars. People who protect all that you are in God, flaws and all. People who know your mistakes, but also know the price of forgiveness that was paid in Blood on your behalf. Therefore, they won’t sit around idly and let others use your past to abuse your future. In other words, locate your Barnabas who will encourage you, stand up for you, support you and protect you. “The antidote for fifty enemies is just one faithful friend” (Aristotle). You don’t need the Tree to protect you from the heat of the sun, all you need is the Shade of the treeTherefore, find you a Barnabas who you can stand in the shade of when the heat is on, they’ll stand before you and be a friendly protection.

5.    WHO SHARES YOUR TEARS? Mary was close enough to share Jesus’ tears in His most painful, life-draining momentWho’s close enough to you to pick up on the signals (even the silent ones), to sense when fears and tears need to be shared? Yes, there are times when we need a pep talk or a shot in the arm, but there are also times when we need to be encouraged to lie low and realistically process our emotions. Who does that for you? Who cries with you, but has enough discernment and wisdom to know when you’ve cried enough? “Tears are the safety valve of the heart when too much pressure is laid on it” (Albert Smith). Which is why it’s so vital that you learn to surround yourself with people who won’t allow you to hide behind your name, your title, your position, your gifts, your anointing, your skills, your talents, your familiarity or comfortability, your business, your church, your ministry, your image etc. You need people that will say “Let it out!” People who know when to cry with you, for you and those who know when enough is enough and they hand you a tissue and say “Clean it up and get it together!” These are the mentors who send you back to your wife or husband (whether the hurt was on their part or yours)! They do not however entertain you being lustfully messy with someone else because you’re caught up in your feelings. These mentors let you pour out your tears, but they also know how to help you turn off the water works and get a beneficial plan together so you can bounce back! If you haven’t found this mentor yet, locate them fast! And trust me, they’ll be easy to recognize! They’ll be the one who knows how to give you a healthy balance between your break-down and your break-through. They’re the ones that know how to discern when you need a listening ear, and when you need a verbal rebuke. They know when you need a pat on the back, and when you need a swift kick in the behind. They know when to help you resolve a conflict, and when to let that conflict beat you down because it was never your battle to begin with. Whatever you do, find this mentor!

6.    WHO REBUKES YOU? Even with 20/20 vision, one pair of eyes is never enoughYou have blind spotsWe all do. And Satan is always standing by ready to remind you of your good qualities. Why? Because pride is his expertise! And even the devil knows, “First pride, then the crash—the bigger the ego, the harder the fall.” (Proverbs 16:18 MSG). But a true friend exposes and challenges your self-seeking, self-pleasing, and self-dependence, and helps you to restore to God the authority you’ve robbed Him ofWho’s bold enough to do that for you? “Most of us can read the writing on the wall; we just assume it’s addressed to someone else” (Ivern Ball). You need a person that confirms that the writing on the wall is addressed personally to YOU! You need what David had, a NATHAN! Someone that will tell you to your face, “IT WAS YOU”! Someone who doesn’t care if you get mad, or stop speaking to them, someone who cares more about you being in right standing with God than right standing with them. Who does this for you? Who gets right in your face and rebukes your wrong? If no one, you my friend are in grave trouble!

7.    WHO SEEKS GOD WITH YOU? Praying together keeps us honest! Yes it’s only in the honesty of shared prayer that we draw closer to God, and to one another. The Bible says,: “Make this your common practice: “Confess your sins to each other…pray for each other so…you can live together whole and healed. The prayer of a person living right with God is something powerful to be reckoned with…” (James 5:16 MSG). You need someone in your life that is filled with the Word of God, Saturated with a Prayer Life, and Disciplined Enough to Fast Consistently! Someone who daily seeks the Face of God, and will therefore, provoke you to do the same. Someone who makes you want to live holy, live right and live honest (someone who will confront you if you’re not). Someone who helps you come clean with God and others. Someone who helps you be better today than you were yesterday, and better tomorrow than you were today. Who does that for you?  “When you knock, ask to see God – none of the servants” (Henry David Thoreau).  You need people in your life that help you get past seeking clergy collars and simply seek God instead! People who will not let you simply hold hands in a prayer circle, or wail and fall out at the altar, or wait in long lines for someone to lay hands on you. No, you need partners who will say sit and read the Word until the Word speaks back! Keep your eyes focused until you see God! Sit quiet until you hear God’s voice! Surround yourself with those who are not hung up on the Servants but on the Savior! Stick close to those who have little desire for seeking anything outside of seeking God! Do you have someone like that?

8.    WHO PLAYS WITH YOU? Does this sound Unimportant, even CarnalWell it’s NOT! You must never let the seriousness of life override your need for recreation, a word that’s only understood when it’s hyphenated ‘RE-CREATION’. Ever notice how energized we are after some Rest, a walk in the park, a movie, or an evening out? In essence, the stress we endure daily has a way of breaking down and destroying our creativity, therefore we need time to focus on something less time constraining and mind exertingFresh ideas always flow after some playfulness. So don’t get so caught up in schedules and projects that you don’t take time out to enjoy life. “A cheerful heart brings a smile to your face; a sad heart makes it hard to get through the day.” (Proverbs 15:13  MSG). Who makes sure you never miss recess? Human beings need pleasure the way they need vitamins” (Lionel Tiger). Just as recess is a part of a child’s day, make it a part of yours! Include people in your life who challenge you to fly a kite, run a race, go to a museum, a theme park, a picnic.  Surround yourself with people who interrupt your 9-5 with a silly joke or an out of key song that you sing to the top of your lungs, or a hideous dance move that will send your children seeking for help! Play a board game, walk on the beach, play dodge ball, tag, red light green light 1,2,3! LOL! Find someone to jump rope with, hop-scotch, or play jacks! Put your hair in 2 ponytails and tell your kids to go with you to the supermarket! LOL! See, many of you are laughing already and you haven’t even done these things, all you did was read them, and they made you laugh! Imagine how much fun you’ll have when you actually take a break and DO THEM? I remember a really good friend of mine from high school had 2 theme barbecues several years back and one of the themes was you had to come dressed in 1970’s attire! I’m still praying those pictures never make it to Facebook! LOL! Her other barbecue was a pajama theme! Sounds ridiculous, but the fun was unbelievable! Deanna is one of my dearest friends because she always makes me laugh and makes sure that I take a break in life, and actually LIVE! Think about it: After ALL Job went through…what does it say in the closing chapter? “AFTER THIS, JOB LIVED…” (Job 42:16 AMP). YES, BELIEVE IT OR NOT, AFTER ALL THAT JOB EXPERIENCED, THAT OTHER FOLKS WOULD’VE KILLED THEMSELVES OVER…HE ENDURES IT…AND IN THE END…JOB LIVED! In its entirety it reads like this: “AFTER THIS, JOB LIVED 140 YEARS, AND SAW HIS SONS AND HIS SON’S SONS, EVEN TO FOUR GENERATIONS. SO JOB LIVED, AN OLD MAN AND FULL OF DAYS” (Job 42:16-17 AMP) If you don’t have a Deanna like me, find one! She’s the key to many fun-filled days in your life! Someone Who Knows All That You’ve Endured And At The End Of It All, They Make You LIVE! Today, put your name in this Scripture and then LIVE! “After this, _____________ LIVED!” (Thanks Bishop James R. Chambers!)

You need to ask yourself today: “Who Coaches Me?; Who Stretches Me?; Who Listens to and Encourages My Dreams?; Who Protects Me?; Who Shares My Tears?; Who Rebukes Me?; Who Seeks God With Me (and for me)?; Who Plays With Me?” Because all of these components are vital to a healthy and happy you!

In addition, this will cause you to do a thorough search of those in your life, and cause you to make necessary adjustments. You’ll begin to remove negative and pessimistic people. You’ll get rid of critical and judgmental folks. You’ll say goodbye to dream stealers and dream killers. You’ll discard unnecessary people who only pat you on the back and give your overly inflated ego more air. You’ll strike out those who don’t stretch you. You’ll pull away from those who don’t push you, protect you or play with you. You’ll become unsatisfied with those who are seeking people instead of seeking God. You’ll then begin to search for people who mean you well, Body, Soul and Spirit!

Now, That’s What You Call Living A Blessed and Well-Balanced Life!

So, Who Does This For You? Who Helps You? Because it Matters! If you can list them, CELEBRATE THEM, if you don’t have them, FIND THEM!

Much Love, Dr. Shermaine #EnjoyTheRead #BeInspired #BeEncouraged #BeEmpowered #BeChallenged #ShareTheWordFeel free to also join us at: http://www.selfcarewithdrshermaine.blogspot.com Today’s Lesson: “27 Ways to Boost Your Energy, Without Caffeine”

Feel free to join us at: http://www.chefshermainesbiblecafe.home.blog Today’s Chef Special Word: “DIVORCE”


Daily Dose With Dr. Shermaine: https://dailydosewithdrshermaine.wordpress.com

Facebook:  DrShermaine Franklin-Sanders
Instagram: dr_shermaine / chef_drshermaine

LinkedIn:  Linkedin.com/in/dr-shermaine-y-franklin-sanders910019142/
Twitter: Dr_Shermaine
Pinterest: drsys321

“Choose Your PATH and PASSENGERS Carefully!”

Matthew 7:14-15, “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad and easy to travel is the path that leads the way to destruction and eternal loss, and there are many who enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow and difficult to travel is the path that leads the way to [everlasting] life, and there are few who find it.” (AMP)

Personally, I’ve never hitchhiked before, but I’ve seen many hitchhikers along the road and I’ve certainly seen them in movies (especially scary ones). But the one thing that’s almost always certain is, you’ll find them usually holding a sign. And more often than not, the sign is usually crudely lettered, and doesn’t have the name or the license plate of the car they want to ride in. No, but what it normally does have on it is the name of a place they want to go. Believe it or not, but in most places, hitchhiking is a way of life. One woman shared her hitchhiking experience, when she said she asked only one question before she got in a car. She didn’t care about the make of the car, the driver’s IQ, or where the driver was from. She had one question only, “Where are you headed?

You see, hitchhikers have a simple basis for deciding who they will travel with and it’s this: “Is this person going where I want to end up?” And that’s exactly the question we all should have in mind when we’re deciding who we’re going to travel with.

Which is why Proverbs 13:20 is a great admonishment to all of us. It’s God’s counsel concerning the people we hang out with, people we spend time with, make friends with, people we start business ventures with, people we date, people we marry. And it says this: “He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.” Check out a few other translations:

“He who walks [as a companion] with wise men will be wise, But the companions of [conceited, dull-witted] fools [are fools themselves and] will experience harm.” (AMP);

“Walk with wise people and become wise; befriend fools and get in trouble.” (CEB);

“Wise friends make you wise, but you hurt yourself by going around with fools.” (CEV);

“Whoever walks with wise people will be wise, but whoever associates with fools will suffer.” (GWT);

“Keep company with the wise and you will become wise. If you make friends with stupid people, you will be ruined.” (GNT);

“He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the one who walks with fools will be destroyed.” (NLV);

“Become wise by walking with the wise; hang out with fools and watch your life fall to pieces.” (MSG)

I don’t know about you, but after reading all of that, I’m ready to re-exam every friend attached to my life! And my simple response will be to keep the wise and kick to the curb the fools! Why? Because the wrong foolish friends, according to the Bible, will cause you to “experience harm; get in to trouble; hurt yourself; suffer; be ruined; be destroyed and have your life fall to pieces”! Says the Scripture! Now you tell me, are foolish friends really worth all of that? I think NOT!

Furthermore, you tend to become like the people you spend time with. Like a hitchhiker, you end up where the people you are traveling with end up. Which is why God loves us so much that He reinforces this point in 1 Corinthians 15:33. He just simply says, “Do not be misled. “Bad company corrupts good character.” (NIV) Yet another Scripture we need to look at a bit closer:

“Don’t fool yourselves. Bad friends will destroy you.” (CEV);

“Don’t be fooled: “Bad friends will ruin good habits.” (ERV);

“Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.” (ESV);

“Do not let anyone fool you. Bad people can make those who want to live good become bad.” (NLV);

“Don’t be fooled by those who say such things. If you listen to them you will start acting like them.” (TLB)

Once again we’re faced with the challenge of re-examining our friendships. Are we in good or bad company? Because bad friends will “destroy you; ruin your good habits and morals; and will encourage you to do and be just as bad.” Not to mention, if we hang with bad friends “we’ll start to act just like them”! Which brings about the question, that only you can ask and answer: With the friends I have in my life, would I be encouraged or embarrassed to reflect their thoughts, speech, actions, habits and lifestyle? Do I have friends who I would want to emulate? Do I have friends that help me turn my good habits into bad ones, or cause my morals to come up MIA?

Listen, if you’re going to make good decisions about who to travel with at your school, at your workplace, in your social life, in business, at church, or even who you’ll date and marry, you first need to decide what kind of person you want to become; what kind of goals you want to achieve. And I for one certainly hope you want to end up being a positive person, and not a negative one. After all, who needs any more of those? You probably want to end up being caring, not self-centered, encouraging, not tearing people down, living for what really matters instead of just some attractive, meaningless junk.

Decide what kind of person you want to be; what kind of attitudes you want to have. And then look for some people who have the same “destination sign” as you do. Now, when it comes to driving, the purpose of “destination signs” is “to direct travelers to their destinations by the best route.” And before you befriend anyone else, you need to hold up the destination sign of where it is you’re going so others who want you to hop in and take a ride with them will know, you already know your destination and you will not be detoured! People need to know, in advance, where you’re heading, and likewise you need to know, in advance, where they’re heading. And if you find that you’re heading to pleasing God, then you don’t ride with those heading to play with God. If you’re heading to use your talent, you don’t ride with those heading to hide their talent. If you’re heading to be used by God, you don’t ride with those who only want to use God. If you’re heading to a monogamous relationship, you don’t ride with those who already have a backseat full of passengers to play with. If you’re heading to becoming debt-free, you don’t ride with those who have no financial discipline. If you’re heading to becoming physically fit, you don’t ride with those who just left McDonalds, at Applebee’s now, and heading to Red Lobster next.

Are you getting this?

As soon as they pull up, they should already know where you’re heading to because you’ve already clearly displayed your destination sign, in advance! And before you hop in to ride, you need to likewise ask, “where you heading to?” And if you’re heading to holiness, righteousness, godliness, peace, joy, love, happiness, and the like, then you know already you can’t ride with someone who is unholy, unrighteous, ungodly, chaotic, miserable, hateful, and sad!

Note: Why would two people ride in the same car going in two different directions?!

2 Corinthians 6:14-18, “Don’t become partners with those who reject God. How can you make a partnership out of right and wrong? That’s not partnership; that’s war. Is light best friends with dark? Does Christ go strolling with the Devil? Do trust and mistrust hold hands? Who would think of setting up pagan idols in God’s holy Temple? But that is exactly what we are, each of us a temple in whom God lives. God Himself put it this way: “I’ll live in them, move into them; I’ll be their God and they’ll be my people. So leave the corruption and compromise; leave it for good,” says God. “Don’t link up with those who will pollute you. I want you all for Myself. I’ll be a Father to you; you’ll be sons and daughters to Me.” The Word of the Master, God.” (MSG)

I reiterate, why would two people ride in the same car going in two different directions?!

Like it or not, you have to take time to re-exam your friendships. Are you traveling with the right people? Are you heading in the same direction? Do you share the same vision, purpose, aim and goals? Because if not, you could be heading in a direction God never set as your destination! Or building from blueprints that have nothing to do with who you are to become! And what’s the danger of that?

1 Corinthians 3:9-15, “For we are God’s fellow workers [His servants working together]; you are God’s cultivated field [His garden, His vineyard], God’s building. According to the [remarkable] grace of God which was given to me [to prepare me for my task], like a skillful master builder I laid a foundation, and now another is building on it. But each one must be careful how he builds on it, for no one can lay a foundation other than the one which is [already] laid, which is Jesus Christ. But if anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw,  each one’s work will be clearly shown [for what it is]; for the day [of judgment] will disclose it, because it is to be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality and character and worth of each person’s work.  If any person’s work which he has built [on this foundation, that is, any outcome of his effort] remains [and survives this test], he will receive a reward.  But if any person’s work is burned up [by the test], he will suffer the loss [of his reward]; yet he himself will be saved, but only as [one who has barely escaped] through fire.” (AMP)

Do you really want to take the risk of bad friendships?! Remember, you’re not just working here, but one day there will be an inspection of your work. Do you really want to find out that after a lifetime of building for God, you were using the wrong blueprints all along? Listen: Whether it’s marriage, business or church, you need to make sure that the people you’re traveling with are driving you towards your destiny and not away from it. You need people in your life who are working on the same building and driving in the same direction!

Your selection of friends, associates, romantic prospects may well be one of the most important choices you will ever make because you will probably end up on the same road as they do. If you’re with people who are spiritually careless, or just don’t care, you’ll probably end up there, too. If you’re with people who just simply settle for mediocrity as a Christian, you will live that grey life like they do. But if you are connected with some people who are going in the “make a difference” direction, the “live to help other people” direction, the “live for Jesus” direction, chances are that’s where you’re going to end up – going in the direction where your life can mean the most and matter the most, and count for something lasting.

You can ask any hitchhiker, it really does matter who you decide to travel with. You don’t decide who you’re going to go with on the basis of how cool they are, or how well-connected they are, or how exciting their lifestyle looks – or even how they treat you. You ask that all-important, deciding question about who you’re going to spend your time around, “Where are you headed?”

You only travel with someone who’s going to a destination that you’re not ever going to regret!

Now, something else to keep in mind is this. You can hold your sign up with your intended destination on it, and have someone pull over and offer you a ride. However, sometimes they’ll say, “I’m only going as far as…..so I can get you at least close to where you’re going.” NOPE! Don’t You Dare Settle for Satisfactory! Don’t You Dare Settle For Less! Know where you’re heading in God, and only travel with those heading to that same destination! Far too many people have already settled for getting close, only to find out that they will spend the rest of their lives just like that…they got close… Not where they’re supposed to be, but close; almost there; near; just about; within reach and yet…that’s all they get is close to where they were destined to end up!

Know where God is sending you and don’t settle for traveling with people who will only get you close. In the end, no one wants to hear God say, “you almost made it in”! No, you want Heaven to be your home, you don’t want to find out that you can live somewhere near Heaven as a neighbor! NO! I want to make it all the way IN! And that’s how you have to think about your talents, gifts, skills, ministry, calling, purpose, and life! I don’t want to get within reach only to let it slip through my fingers! And that’s precisely what happens when you travel with people who are not going in your direction!

Therefore, this is your challenge, Re-Exam Your Friendships!

Make sure they’re not just attached, but assigned!

Some people are only around you to get your attention, not give you assistance. Make sure you’re not traveling with people that cause you to break out a map and compass because nothing about the journey looks anything like where God told you to go.

I’ll close with our opening text Matthew 7:14-15, “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad and easy to travel is the path that leads the way to destruction and eternal loss, and there are many who enter through it.  But small is the gate and narrow and difficult to travel is the path that leads the way to [everlasting] life, and there are few who find it.” (AMP)

When traveling this Christian life, you have a choice between the wide and narrow gate. When you choose to travel with ‘wide’ friends, you choose to go down a road that is indeed broad and easy (and of course that’s appealing to many), but that path is also the way to destruction and eternal loss and MANY are on it! That’s the danger of having a crowd of friends all going in the wrong direction, because you choose to travel with them, you end up at the same destination of destruction and eternal loss. And surely you haven’t lived this long to miss Heaven with such a short trip! Saints, you don’t need a car load of people! You need ‘narrow’ friends with a ‘narrow’ mindset. They’re the ones that keep you focused and on the right path because they know just how difficult traveling down the journey can be, especially with so many temptation signs trying to entice you to take a detour from destiny. But ‘narrow’ friends remind you of your everlasting life that you can’t afford to lose! And how many ‘narrow’ friends do you need? The bible reads, “…there are FEW who find it.” And that’s all you need is a few ‘narrow’ focused friends who refuse to get distracted and thrown off track, so they keep you just as focused! They are the ones that remind you what God told you to do and where God told you to go. They don’t go astray and they don’t let you go astray either. ‘Narrow’ friends keep you responsible and accountable. They’re concerned about your salvation remaining intact. They’re concerned that you’re using the gifts God gave you the way God told you. They’re concerned that you take no risks that cost you your life, calling, family, or purpose in God.

There will always be MANY that will want to lead you down the WIDE road; but if you want to see Jesus in peace; follow the FEW who are focused on staying safely on the NARROW road!

People of God, think twice before accepting a friendship ride! You don’t want to travel with anyone who will be detrimental to your destination here on earth or thereafter!

“Keep your head and your heart going in the right direction, and you will not have to worry about your feet.” (Myles Munroe)

“If you don’t change the direction you are going, then you’re likely to end up where you’re heading.” (John C. Maxwell)

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you’ve imagined.” (Henry David Thoreau)

“It’s better to go slowly in the right direction than go speeding off in the wrong direction.” (Simon Sinek)

“Far too many people spend a lifetime headed in the wrong direction. They go not only from the cradle to the cubicle, but then to the casket, without uncovering their greatest talents and potential.” (Tom Roth)

“Rowing harder doesn’t help if the boat is headed in the wrong direction.” (Kenichi Ohmae)

“If you think down, you will go down. If you think up, you will go up. You’ll always travel in the direction of your thinking.” (T.D. Jakes)

“As I get older, I am becoming more selective of who I consider a friend. I find that I would rather have 4 quarters, than 100 pennies.” (Dr. Steve Maraboli)

“Where you are headed is more important than how fast you are going. Rather than always focusing on what’s urgent, learn to focus on what is really important.” (Stephen Covey)

Much Love, Dr. Shermaine #EnjoyTheRead #BeInspired #BeEncouraged #BeEmpowered #BeChallenged #ShareTheWordFeel free to also join us at: http://www.selfcarewithdrshermaine.blogspot.com Today’s Lesson: “21 Reasons You’re Stressed and What to Do About Them?”

Feel free to join us at: http://www.chefshermainesbiblecafe.home.blog Today’s Chef Special Word: “ADVICE”


Daily Dose With Dr. Shermaine: https://dailydosewithdrshermaine.wordpress.com

Facebook:  DrShermaine Franklin-Sanders
Instagram: dr_shermaine / chef_drshermaine

LinkedIn:  Linkedin.com/in/dr-shermaine-y-franklin-sanders910019142/
Twitter: Dr_Shermaine
Pinterest: drsys321

“A GOOD Lesson For BAD Company”

Matthew 26:14-15, “Then Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve apostles, went to the chief priests and asked, “How much will you pay me to get Jesus into your hands?” And THEY GAVE HIM thirty silver coins.” (TLB);

Matthew 27:4, “Judas said, ‘I have sinned. I handed over to you an innocent man to be killed. The Jewish leaders answered, “WE DON’T CARE! THAT’S A PROBLEM FOR YOU, NOT US” (ERV)

My friend Pastor Ian always thinks he looks healthier with a suntan, which means he doesn’t look very healthy most of the time (his words, not mine!). But because he’s so fair-skinned, most of the time his suntans turn out to be more of a sunburn instead. Now, if you pay attention to what the doctors have been telling us in the news, all that exposure to the sun probably makes us less healthy, even if we look (or better yet, temporarily appear) healthier, because it’s increasing the risks of skin cancer. But even without those warnings, I think that hours of trying to get a tan – at least for Pastor Ian – are pretty much a waste of time. Oh, his skin changes color, but I guess it’s what we would call ‘easy come, easy go skin color’. In other words, he picks up the suntan/sunburn very quickly, but the color also fades just as quickly. And in no time, it takes him back to his usual shade of pearly white (again, his words, not mine!). In other words, the color that he gets so easily, fades away just as easily. But when you think about it, there are people like that too.

Let’s read together from Matthew 26, and then from chapter 27 where we read about Judas Iscariot; one of the tragic figures of the Bible and his tragic experience with “friendship, associations and companions”. Chapter 26, verses 14-15 says, “Then Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve apostles, went to the chief priests and asked, “How much will you pay me to get Jesus into your hands?” And they gave him thirty silver coins.” (TLB)

They were pretty quick to accept Judas’ offer don’t you think? No questions, no negotiations, no hesitations. Immediately, they “…gave him thirty silver coins”. Now, I don’t want you to read “religious leaders” and assume they were living right! Listen to Matthew 26:14-15 in the Message Bible, “That is when one of the Twelve, the one named Judas Iscariot, went to the CABAL of high priests…” (MSG). That word “cabal” is defined as “a small group of people who work together secretly; those who plot to overthrow the government; a small group of plotters; a clique, a group who plots and schemes; them that conspire; a theatrical circle; a secret political clique or faction” It was these that “…gave him thirty silver coins”

(Make Sure This Isn’t Descriptive of Your Clique and Companions)

And then we go to chapter 27 after the deed has been done. Notice what happens to these same easy come friends/associates/companions, who quickly and willingly joined Judas in Chapter 26, but sing a whole different tune in 27:3-5, the Bible reads: Judas, the one who had given Jesus to his enemies, saw that they had decided to kill Jesus. Then he was very sorry for what he had done. So he took the thirty silver coins back to the priests and the leaders, saying, ‘I sinned; I handed over to you an innocent man.’ The leaders answered, ‘WHAT IS THAT TO US? THAT’S YOUR PROBLEM, NOT OURS.” So Judas threw the money into the Temple. Then he went off and hanged himself.” (NCV).

Take a moment with me to view their reactions in a few different translations:

“…What is that to us? See to that yourself!” (AMP);

“…What is that to us? That’s your problem” (CEB);

“…We don’t care! That’s a problem for you, not us.” (ERV);

“…What do we care about that?” they answered. “That is your business!” (GNT);

“…What is that to us? That is your own doing.” (NLV);

Do you see the reaction of Judas’ sinful “allies”? They immediately accepted him when he wanted to do sinful things with them. No questions, no negotiations, no hesitations. They immediately joined forces with Judas to do wrong! And I’m sure he felt all warm and accepted (as many of us do when we want to do something – be it right or wrong – and yet, we have company with us!) Not to mention this was profitable for him. Mark 14:10-11, “Judas Iscariot, one of the Twelve, went to the cabal of high priests, determined to betray him. They couldn’t believe their ears, AND PROMISED TO PAY HIM WELL. He started looking for just the right moment to hand him over.” (MSG)

But notice the ending of the story. When he didn’t play by their rules any more, they said, “…that’s your problem, that’s your business, that’s your own thing, none of this has anything to do with us”. But when he went to them with the plan, they immediately joined the plot with a payment. However, now Judas is sorry and wants to back out of the deal.

When he wanted to do wrong, it’s amazing how quickly they didn’t mind joining and funding him! But when he wants to do right, THESE SAME MEN TURNED THEIR BACKS ON HIM! But isn’t that just how it is with sinful friends/associates/companions? Like Pastor Ian’s suntan/sunburn, they’re easy come-easy go! No alliance, no allegiance, no covenant, no commitment, no pact, no agreement, no ‘I got your back’. They simply walked away!

Interesting that they say it’s “…none of our business…” yet they funded Judas project. They said “…that’s YOUR OWN thing…that’s YOUR problem…” but the Scripture says, “…and THEY gave him…”

People of God (especially to our young people), please be aware, that the easiest crowd to be accepted in anywhere is the crowd that’s doing wrong…together. They’ll take you in right away! They will accept you; help you; fund you; but in the end they will desert you! And much like Judas, literally, leave you HANGING! Matthew 27:5, “He threw the money down in the house of God and went outside. Then he went away and killed himself by HANGING from a rope.” (NLV)

Those That Initially Helped Him, in the End, Left Him Hanging!

And do you think for one moment that they felt at least the bare minimum of remorse? Absolutely not! Read what the “Religious Leaders” did next:

Matthew 27:6-10, “The high priests picked up the silver pieces, but then didn’t know what to do with them. “It wouldn’t be right to give this—a payment for murder!—as an offering in the Temple.” They decided to get rid of it by buying the “Potter’s Field” and use it as a burial place for the homeless. That’s how the field got called “Murder Meadow,” a name that has stuck to this day. Then Jeremiah’s words became history: They took the thirty silver pieces, The price of the one priced by some sons of Israel, And they purchased the potter’s field. And so they unwittingly followed the divine instructions to the letter.” (MSG)

The “Religious Leaders” who were okay with doing wrong, and even paying a price for it, now don’t want to use the same “blood money” to give as an offering in the house of God (especially with them being so “religious” and all).

Sidebar: You know I find it funny that when they were outside the temple (church), they had no problems being completely carnal with Judas. HOWEVER, once the “religious leaders” got back inside the temple (church), back into their respective places and positions, they were so “religious” that they didn’t want to offend God with a bloody offering. In a nutshell: They had no problem outside the walls of the church being in sin, but as soon as they put on all their religious leadership regalia, and get back into the pulpit, before the people, in their designated chair, piously positioned to lead, NOW ALL OF A SUDDEN THEY CAN’T DO WRONG! They mastered, like many, how to perform on cue! And so they make the decision to do something “good”. They decide to buy a field, and make it a burial site for the homeless. But by no means should you think they were carrying out a “good deed”; they were simply doing what they did best, appear “religious”. Which reminds us of 2 Timothy 3:5, “holding to a form of [outward] godliness (RELIGION), although they have denied its power [FOR THEIR CONDUCT NULLIFIES THEIR CLAIM OF FAITH]. Avoid such people and keep far away from them.” (AMP)

They weren’t religious, they were simply real good actors! And so are some of your so-called ‘friendships/associates/companions.’

People of God (especially my young people), maybe you’ve drifted into some friendships yourself that are dragging you down right now, because they were easy to get into. After all, who doesn’t want to belong to those who take you as you are. See, people won’t say “yes” to Christ many times because they’re afraid of losing those kind of friends. But if you want to see how committed they are to you, go against what they’re doing. Stop doing the wrong things with them. I think you’ll find if you say to them, “I care about you, but I can’t do what we’ve been doing together any more” you’ll see how fast that you’re “out” with the crowd who took you “in” so quickly! The truth hurts, but the truth is they didn’t care for you in the first place; they cared to have someone else to sin with. You thought you were going to lose some friends, and you found out they weren’t “friends” to lose in the first place.

See, rebellion often requires company! The crowds that don’t like Jesus, want more people with them. They feel better the more people are siding with them and doing what they do. But don’t trust them and don’t turn your back on them, because they’re a fickle bunch. And all that may be tying you together with those friends right now is sort of a sin pact (like Judas had with the “religious leaders”)

Did you notice they didn’t come to him, he went to them? They didn’t think 2 cents about him until he had a 30-piece project that was worth their involvement and investment. And the lesson for us: It’s a mistake to choose easy come, easy go friendships/associates/companions over the Savior who will never turn His back on you even when you’re rebelling against Him. Can you imagine what Jesus must have felt like? Being so faithful, consistent, providing, loving, covering, to Judas, His friend. And yet, His friend Judas was none of those things in return. However, Judas was no different than the crowd Jesus found Himself in. The crowd, like Judas, was fickle. Do you know what the word “fickle” means? Let me define it for you, “to be changeable; especially as regards to one’s loyalties.” It’s Old English Origin literally means “deceitful”. In other words, like the “religious leaders”, they’re with you in the beginning, they’re all for it. Until things change, and so does their loyalty!

With Judas they said, “…that’s your problem, that’s your business, that’s your own thing, none of this has anything to do with us” But in the beginning it says, “…AND THEY GAVE HIM….” Which is much like the crowd Jesus found Himself in previously: Matthew 21:6-9, “The disciples went and did exactly what Jesus told them to do. They led the donkey and colt out, laid some of their clothes on them, and Jesus mounted. Nearly all the people in the crowd threw their garments down on the road, giving him a royal welcome. Others cut branches from the trees and threw them down as a welcome mat. Crowds went ahead and crowds followed, all of them calling out, “Hosanna to David’s son!” “Blessed is he who comes in God’s name!” “Hosanna in highest heaven!” (MSG) Then we travel over to Matthew 27:22-23, “…THEY ALL SAID, ‘CRUCIFY HIM!”…THEY SHOUTED EVEN LOUDER, “CRUCIFY HIM!” (CEB) I told you, fickle people are a deceitful people. As long as things are in their favor, their friendship with you is secure. But I dare you to allow a change that’s not so favorable to them. In an instant you’ll find your Hosanna turns to Crucify!

Not to mention Pilate (yet another leader gone bad), responds much like the “religious leaders” did with Judas (remember they told him, “…that’s your problem, that’s your business, that’s your own thing, none of this has anything to do with us”. Now let’s read Pilate’s leadership response, “Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere and that a riot was starting. So he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd. “I’m innocent of this man’s blood,” he said. “IT’S YOUR PROBLEM.” (Matthew 27:24 CEB). Well, now doesn’t that sound awful familiar?!

Isn’t it amazing how quickly your “In” crowd puts you “Out”?!

Remember 1 Corinthians 15:33: “…don’t fool yourselves…“Bad company ruins good manners.” (MSG). A few other translations word it like this:

“Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good morals.” (AMP);

“Don’t be deceived, bad company corrupts good character.” (CEB);

“Don’t fool yourselves. Bad friends will destroy you.” (CEV);

“Don’t be fooled: “Bad friends will ruin good habits.” (ERV);

“Don’t let anyone deceive you. Associating with bad people will ruin decent people.” (GWT);

“Don’t be fooled by those who say such things. If you listen to them you will start acting like them.” (TLB);

“Do not be misled. “Bad company corrupts good character.” (NIV);

“Do not let anyone fool you. Bad people can make those who want to live good become bad.” (NLV)

Maybe these types of friends have become the major deciding factor in your choices, whether they’re at work, or at school, or dare we even be honest enough to say at church also. Whether they’re people that you’ve connected with on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, Snapchat, Oovoo Periscope and the like. But they’ve become a major deciding factor in what you do or don’t do. Well, as the above Scripture says, “Do not be misled…” And “misled” is defined as “to give the wrong impression to”. And we know for certain that in this day and age everyone is trying to impress anyone! However, don’t you be misled. Pay close attention to what they say, what they mean, where they go, what they do, who they’re around. Listen to their words, and watch their actions, motives and intentions closely. They will reveal to you all you need to hear, see and know, if you will simply pay attention to who they really are, not who they’re showing you to impress you. Don’t let bad company trap you. They will ensnare you and destroy your life. Be independent. Don’t follow the fickle crowd!

Judas had those who joined him in the beginning, and yet deserted him in the end. Make sure these are not the type of friends, alliances, associates, and companions that you’ve connected yourself to. You see, we often talk about Judas (and truth is, he did very well betray his friend Jesus). However, Judas didn’t act alone. The “religious leaders” joined in to help him out.

Let me give you this little piece of advice that I’ve only really come to understand, grasp and live by in the last few years. Real friends are often NOT the ones who cover you, but the ones who carefully expose you. In other words, I’ve grown more from the friendships that didn’t let me get away with doing wrong, than I ever did from the ones who covered up my wrongdoing. Those who had no problems telling me, to my face, you’re wrong; don’t do that; don’t go there; apologize; change; do better etc. Those are real friends. They don’t help you justify your wrong, your sin, your attitude, or your conduct and behavior. They call you on the carpet. And yes, it hurts, and yes it’s tough to be told you need to do better. But I wouldn’t trade those friendships/associates/companions for anything or anyone else in the world.

Learn to separate yourself from the “in crowd”. Because it’s better to be on the “out” with people, than “outside” the Will of God for your life.

Real friends don’t tell you it’s “an issue, a struggle, a difficulty, a stronghold”…no they call it what it is, SIN! If you have friends like this, today show your appreciation to them. If you don’t have friends like this, re-exam the company you keep, and make unapologetic changes. Those who mean you well, won’t even start off with you in sin. From the very beginning, they’ll tell you NO! These are goldmines, treasure them! They can literally save your life, so hang on to them, or end up left hanging like Judas!

People of God, why don’t you cultivate friendships where Christ is the glue, not where sin is the glue. Be smarter than Judas. Don’t pin your hopes on people who will permanently let you down as quickly as they temporarily lifted you up!

Don’t let people with no CHARACTER fool you by their PERFORMANCE! Judas Didn’t Act Alone, He Had the Help of “Religious Company”. Exam the Areas in Your Life Where You’re Doing Wrong, and See Who’s There Lending You a Helping Hand…Then Decide Today to LET THAT HAND GO!

Remember: Judas Didn’t Act Alone, But in the End, He Was Left Alone!

Today, Re-exam the Company You Keep, Hang On to Those Who Help, Release Those Who Hurt!

Seek Godly Leaders, Not Religious Leeches!

“Then Samuel said, Do you think all God wants are sacrifices – empty rituals just for show? He wants you to listen to Him! Plain listening is the thing, not staging a lavish religious production…” (1 Samuel 15:22-23 MSG);

“Clean living before God and justice with our neighbors mean far more to God than religious performance.” (Proverbs 21:3 MSG);

“Religious performance by the wicked stinks; it’s even worse when they use it to get ahead.” (Proverbs 21:27 MSG);

“Quit your worship charades. I can’t stand your trivial religious games: Monthly conferences, weekly Sabbaths, special meetings— meetings, meetings, meetings—I can’t stand one more! Meetings for this, meetings for that. I hate them! You’ve worn me out! I’m sick of your religion, religion, religion, while you go right on sinning. When you put on your next prayer-performance, I’ll be looking the other way. No matter how long or loud or often you pray, I’ll not be listening. And do you know why? Because you’ve been tearing people to pieces, and your hands are bloody. Go home and wash up. Clean up your act. Sweep your lives clean of your evil-doings so I don’t have to look at them any longer. Say no to wrong. Learn to do good. Work for justice. Help the down-and-out. Stand up for the homeless. Go to bat for the defenseless.” (Isaiah 1:13-17 MSG);

“I’ve made myself available to those who haven’t bothered to ask. I’m here, ready to be found by those who haven’t bothered to look. I kept saying ‘I’m here, I’m right here’ to a nation that ignored me. I reached out day after day to a people who turned their backs on me, People who make wrong turns, who insist on doing things their own way. They get on my nerves, are rude to my face day after day, Make up their own kitchen religion, a potluck religious stew. They spend the night in tombs to get messages from the dead, Eat forbidden foods and drink a witch’s brew of potions and charms. They say, ‘Keep your distance. Don’t touch me. I’m holier than thou.’ These people gag me. I can’t stand their stench. Look at this! Their sins are all written out— I have the list before me. I’m not putting up with this any longer. I’ll pay them the wages They have coming for their sins. And for the sins of their parents lumped in, a bonus.” God says so. “Because they’ve practiced their blasphemous worship, mocking me at their hillside shrines, I’ll let loose the consequences and pay them in full for their actions.” (Isaiah 65:1-7 MSG);

“I can’t stand your religious meetings. I’m fed up with your conferences and conventions. I want nothing to do with your religion projects, your pretentious slogans and goals. I’m sick of your fund-raising schemes, your public relations and image making. I’ve had all I can take of your noisy ego-music. When was the last time you sang to me? Do you know what I want? I want justice—oceans of it. I want fairness—rivers of it. That’s what I want. That’s all I want.” (Amos 5:21-24 MSG);

“Don’t let yourselves get taken in by religious smooth talk. God gets furious with people who are full of religious sales talk but want nothing to do with him. Don’t even hang around people like that.” (Ephesians 5:6-7 MSG);

“Steer clear of the barking dogs, those religious busybodies, all bark and no bite. All they’re interested in is appearances…” (Philippians 3:2 MSG)

“In life, we never lose friends, we only learn who the true ones are.” (Author Unknown)

“The biggest mistake I have made in my life is letting people stay in my life far longer than they deserved to.” (Author Unknown)

“The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies.” (Author Unknown)

“Bad friends will prevent you from having good friends.” (Author Unknown)

“Everybody isn’t your friend. Just because they hang around you and laugh with you doesn’t mean they’re there for you. Just because they say they got your back, doesn’t mean they won’t stab you in it. People pretend well. Jealousy sometimes doesn’t live far. So know your circle. At the end of the day, real situations expose fake people, so pay attention.” (Author Unknown)

“Rolls Royce and Bentley don’t have commercials. The reason? They know the value of their product brings customers to them. Lesson: When you know your value you don’t have to beg people to like you, or be your mate or to spend time with you, or to love you. Be confident in who you are. Everyone can’t afford the luxury of your friendship.” (Author Unknown)

“Better to have an enemy who slaps you in the face than a friend who stabs you in the back.” (Author Unknown)

“You can’t keep a clean reputation hanging out with messy people.” (Author Unknown)

“It is better to be alone than in bad company.” (George Washington)

“Nothing perhaps affect’s man’s character more than the company he keeps.” (J.C. Ryle)

“Associate yourself with people of good quality, for it is better to be alone than in bad company.” (Booker T. Washington)

“As much as people refuse to believe it, the company you keep does have an impact and influence on your choices.” (Author Unknown)

“When you hang out in the wrong place with the wrong people, you will soon do the wrong things.” (Author Unknown)

“Be careful of the company you keep, some people are just around to try and steal your joy.” (Cheryle Sally)

“When you dance with the devil, the devil doesn’t change. The devil changes you.” (Amanda Hocking)

“Be careful who you open up to. Only a few people actually care, the rest just want to have something to gossip about.” (Author Unknown)

“Be careful who you listen to. Not everyone that speaks into your life has your best interest at heart. Misery loves company. Beware of the frienemies because real friends with real advice are hard to come by.” (Tony A. Gaskins, Jr.)

“Tell me who you walk with, and I’ll tell you who you are.” (Esmeralda Santiago)

“If you surround yourself with clowns don’t be surprised when your life becomes a circus.” (Dr. Steve Maraboli)

“Watch the company you keep because it’s your Insiders that’s giving your status updates to the Outsiders.” (Author Unknown)

“The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best.” (Epictetus)

Photo Credit: Judah Arun

Much Love, Dr. Shermaine #EnjoyTheRead #BeInspired #BeEncouraged #BeEmpowered #BeChallenged #ShareTheWordFeel free to also join us at: http://www.selfcarewithdrshermaine.blogspot.com Today’s Lesson: “What is Adjustment Disorder and Why it Can Feel Hard to Bounce Back From Stressful Events?”

Feel free to join us at: http://www.chefshermainesbiblecafe.home.blog Today’s Chef Special Word: “LIFE”


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“Pretty Container, But Poisonous Content!”


My girlfriend Caroline absolutely loves the country, hiking, and camping! She loves animals of every kind, and always has a story to tell from her adventures. Well, the last time she saw a frog, she was with one of her grandchildren. She loved it when her grandson Jake picked up a little bug-eyed green fellow and held him close so she could get a better look at him. It was one of Kermit’s cousins, you know. Now, Jake didn’t have any second thoughts about picking up a frog. They’re harmless, after all! Well, most of the time – unless that’s if it’s what they call a poisonous dart frog! No worries though, I’m pretty sure we don’t have those, but they’re about one and one-half inches long, and they live in tropical rain forests in Central and South America. And they are the good-lookers of the frog kingdom family. You see, they’re not a boring, plain ol’ green color. They are quite diverse in color, and can come in multiple colors at the same time. The dart frog is extremely brightly colored. He looks very interesting, but he can be carrying enough poison to kill 20,000 mice! Or more important to you and me – enough poison to kill ten people!

Here’s a creature who looks so good and yet kills so dead! Just like sin; maybe the sin that’s been looking pretty good to you lately. So many people have reached out and touched what they should have never touched, and they paid a painful price that they could have never imagined. Sin may appear pretty at times, but it’s pretty poison!

James 1:13-15. “Don’t let anyone under pressure to give in to evil say, “God is trying to trip me up.” God is impervious to evil, and puts evil in no one’s way. The temptation to give in to evil comes from us and only us. We have no one to blame but the leering, seducing flare-up of our own lust. Lust gets pregnant, and has a baby: sin! Sin grows up to adulthood, and becomes a real killer.” (MSG)

Those are some sledgehammer verses! It traces a moral disaster from the first desire for something that’s wrong to the sinful choice to get what looks so good, to its final result. When that “baby” called sin finally is born, what you get is death because sin always kills. It kills families, it kills marriages, it kills character and reputations, and it kills ministries and churches. Sin kills your self-respect, people’s trust in you and even your closeness to the God that you can’t live without.

The story of this attractive killer goes all the way back to the very first humans God ever created, Adam and Eve. With all the beauty of the Garden of Eden available for his enjoyment, God gave Adam this one prohibition: “You must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die.” Satan came to Eve and told her the exact opposite: “You will not surely die.” And “when the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it” (Genesis 2:17; 3:4, 6). And they learned the hard way that no matter how much you think you have to gain from going outside God’s boundaries, you have so much more to lose! They lost Eden, they lost walking with God, they lost intimacy with God, and instead they gained so much pain and even death!

It may be that the same devil is lying to you right now about the sin that looks so good to you. “It won’t hurt,” “Everybody’s doing it,” “Hey, you deserve it,” “You need this,” “Only a little,” “Ah, just this once.” Anything to get you to bite! Anything to get you to take the deadly poison of sin. It looks like you have so much to gain if you’ll just lie a little, cheat a little, flirt a little, try a little, or take just one look. But you have so much to lose! However, you won’t know that until it’s too late, unless you listen to what God says.

Wisdom Nugget: First sin fascinates you, and then it assassinates you!

However, I, in God’s love, have come to you TODAY to wave you away from a choice that will take you where you never wanted to go, it will keep you longer than you ever wanted to stay, and it will cost you more than you ever wanted to pay. Don’t walk away from that sin – RUN away from it! Sin looks so good yet it kills so dead! Much like the pretty, yet POISONOUS dart frog!

Let’s take a look at a few facts about this little terror, and see what Spiritual truths we can gather from their Natural world:

FOR ONE, THE BRIGHTER THE DART FROG IS, THE MORE TOXIC IT IS! And isn’t that a lot like sin? After all, it’s always the APPEARANCE of something that gets us in trouble every time! Our EYES fall in love with what we ‘SEE’, not knowing that what we can ‘SEE’ is just on the Surface! For example, we SEE someone else’s marriage and it LOOKS like it’s absolutely perfect; we SEE someone else’s children and they LOOK ideal; we SEE someone else’s home and we become dissatisfied with the apartment we live in; we SEE what someone else is driving and then we’re mad that we’re still taking the bus; we SEE the job someone else has and all of a sudden we’re ready to change careers; we SEE the position someone holds in church and overnight God has called us to a new office, title and position! But what we don’t know is all that lies underneath the SURFACE of all of that stuff we covet. You see, underneath all that brightly covered stuff, their marriage LOOKS perfect, but he beats her daily; their children LOOK ideal, but their son is in a gang and their daughter is on cocaine; their home LOOKS beautiful, but neither of them can get any sleep at night worrying about making the payments they can’t afford; their car is in a class all by itself, and yet their children have to take out loans because the car loan emptied their college funds; they have a well-paid job, and little do you know they hate it every day because of all the compromising they have to do to maintain it; they sit in a big chair at church, but possess so little character in the comfort of their own home! Be careful of allowing your EYES to LURE you into lusting after ‘SHINY, BRIGHT’ things. You just may discover that it’s nothing more than poison gift wrapped in pretty paper! 2 Corinthians 11:12-15, “And I’m not changing my position on this. I’d die before taking your money. I’m giving nobody grounds for lumping me in with those money-grubbing “preachers,” vaunting themselves as something special. They’re a sorry bunch—pseudo-apostles, lying preachers, crooked workers—POSING as Christ’s agents but sham to the core. And no wonder! SATAN DOES IT ALL THE TIME, DRESSING UP AS A BEAUTIFUL ANGEL OF LIGHT. So it shouldn’t surprise us when his servants MASQUERADE as servants of God. But they’re not getting by with anything. They’ll pay for it in the end.” (MSG)


SECONDLY, THE DART FROG IS SMALL, BUT DEADLY! As believers, we’re quick to jump on those who commit adultery, fornicate, drink, smoke, curse, lie, and steal, but I’m often amazed by how we alter the definition of sin when it comes to our OWN! We like to categorize it and give it a size, when it becomes personal. You see, adultery is a “big sin”, oh but sister girl in the corner slandering her sister in Christ with gossip, now that’s a “little sin.” But the bible does not differentiate! Sin, is Sin, no matter who does it or what kind of sin it is! The dart frog can be as SMALL as a paperclip, and still it is DEADLY! And whether they get caught drunk driving while you’re sowing discord among the brethren, sin is still sin! It is still deadly, no matter how ‘small and insignificant’ you may think it is! Proverbs 6:16-19, “These six things the Lord hates; Indeed, seven are repulsive to Him: A proud look [the attitude that makes one overestimate oneself and discount others], a lying tongue, And hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that creates wicked plans, Feet that run swiftly to evil, A false witness who breathes out lies [even half-truths], And one who spreads discord (rumors) among brothers.” (AMP) But most don’t pay these things any mind, because clearly the “bigger” sins, are adultery and drunkenness! LISTEN, anything that God deems a sin, is a sin! And sin has no size, no category, just the consequence of death! Today, is a great day, to get rid of ALL sin! Just as the ‘little foxes’ spoil the vine, even the sins in your life that you deem ‘little’ will spoil you! Song of Solomon 2:15, “Our vineyards are in blossom; we must catch the LITTLE foxes that DESTROY the vineyards.” (CEV) What You Deem a SMALL SIN Can Bring You BIG DESTRUCTION!  James 3:3-12, “Now if we put bits into the horses’ mouths to make them obey us, we guide their whole body as well.  And look at the ships. Even though they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are still directed by a very SMALL rudder wherever the impulse of the helmsman determines.  In the same sense, the TONGUE is a SMALL part of the body, and yet it boasts of great things. See [by comparison] how great a forest is set on fire by a SMALL spark!  And the tongue is [in a sense] a fire, the very world of injustice and unrighteousness; the tongue is set among our members as that which contaminates the entire body, and sets on fire the course of our life [the cycle of man’s existence], and is itself set on fire by hell (Gehenna).  For every species of beasts and birds, of reptiles and sea creatures, is tamed and has been tamed by the human race.  But no one can tame the human tongue; it is a restless evil [undisciplined, unstable], FULL OF DEADLY POISON.  With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the likeness of God. Out of the same mouth come both blessing and cursing. These things, my brothers, should not be this way [for we have a moral obligation to speak in a manner that reflects our fear of God and profound respect for His precepts].  Does a spring send out from the same opening both fresh and bitter water?  Can a fig tree, my brothers, produce olives, or a grapevine produce figs? Nor can salt water produce fresh.” (AMP)

I REITERATE, WHAT YOU DEEM A SMALL SIN CAN BRING YOU BIG DESTRUCTION! DON’T COMPROMISE YOUR CHARACTER! ALL SATAN NEEDS IS A SMALL OPENING TO GIVE HIM OPPORTUNITY TO OVERCOME YOU! Ephesians 4:27, “Leave no [such] room or foothold for the devil [give no opportunity to him].” (AMPC) A “foothold” is defined as “a place where one can lodge a foot to give secure support while climbing; to secure a position from which further progress may be made.” You may not think a ‘little sin’ can cause much damage, but the Bible disagrees with you! You see, all the devil needs is a foothold, enough room just to get his toes in, and as soon as you allow him that little wiggle room, it will become the place where he can lodge his foot to give him secure support while climbing into your life, making further progress until total takeover and destruction has been accomplished! So…do you still think ‘little’ isn’t such a BIG deal?!

THIRDLY, THE FOOD THE DART FROG EATS IS WHAT MAKES IT POISONOUS! Which is why you have to be so careful about what you DIGEST! The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy, so clearly he’s not digesting anything good! Therefore, nothing to do with sin can be good! I don’t care what it looks like, feels like, or the lies it promises, sin is still a deadly killer! Everything out of the enemy and sin is ugly, damaging, and life threatening. It’s fear, discouragement, jealously, anger, maliciousness. And when you partake of sin, that’s the poison you digest! Stop coming into contact with people, places and things that will kill you! Don’t play around it, don’t flirt around it, don’t go near it, avoid it at all costs! Because nothing from it can ever produce anything good, just further destruction! People of God, Let’s Use the Wisdom of Scripture! Proverbs 4:10-15, “Dear friend, take my advice; it will add years to your life. I’m writing out clear directions to Wisdom Way, I’m drawing a map to Righteous Road. I don’t want you ending up in blind alleys, or wasting time making wrong turns. Hold tight to good advice; don’t relax your grip. Guard it well—your life is at stake! Don’t take Wicked Bypass; don’t so much as set foot on that road. Stay clear of it; give it a wide berth. Make a detour and be on your way.” (MSG) THE MORE WORD YOU DIGEST THE LESS CHANCE YOU HAVE OF SIPPING ON SIN AS YOUR CHOICE SUBSTANCE ABUSE! FOLLOW THE ADMONISHMENT OF THE PSALMIST: “How can a young person live a clean life? By carefully reading the map of Your Word. I’m single-minded in pursuit of You; don’t let me miss the road signs you’ve posted. I’ve banked Your promises in the vault of my heart so I won’t sin myself bankrupt. Be blessed, God; train me in Your ways of wise living. I’ll transfer to my lips all the counsel that comes from Your mouth; I delight far more in what You tell me about living than in gathering a pile of riches. I ponder every morsel of wisdom from You, I attentively watch how You’ve done it. I relish everything You’ve told me of life, I won’t forget a word of it.” (MSG)


FOURTH, AS COLORFUL AS DART FROGS ARE, THEY ALWAYS HAVE BLACK ON THEM TO MAKE THEM EASIER TO CAMOUFLAGE! And that’s just like sin! It can camouflage as something good and fulfilling. But no matter how well it camouflages itself, sin is still sin, and sin still kills! You can dress it up all you like, the poison it possesses still remains intact! The Dart Frog is the Epitome of Hypocrisy…and Unfortunately, So are Many of God’s Children! 2 Timothy 3:5, “holding to a FORM of [OUTWARD] godliness (religion), although they have denied its power [FOR THEIR CONDUCT NULLIFIES THEIR CLAIM OF FAITH]. Avoid such people and keep far away from them.” (AMP). The Message Bible reads like this: “Don’t be naïve. There are difficult times ahead. As the end approaches, people are going to be self-absorbed, money-hungry, self-promoting, stuck-up, profane, contemptuous of parents, crude, coarse, dog-eat-dog, unbending, slanderers, impulsively wild, savage, cynical, treacherous, ruthless, bloated windbags, addicted to lust, and allergic to God. They’ll make a SHOW of religion, but BEHIND THE SCENES they’re animals. Stay clear of these people.” (vss. 1-5 MSG) Which is why today is a good day to re-exam the company you keep! Why? 1 Corinthians 15:30-33, “…But don’t fool yourselves. Don’t let yourselves be POISONED…BAD COMPANY RUINS GOOD MANNERS.” (MSG); Matthew 7:15, “Beware of the false prophets, [teachers] who come to you dressed as sheep [APPEARING GENTLE AND INNOCENT], BUT INWARDLY ARE RAVENOUS WOLVES.” (AMP). Some people are nothing more than pretty containers with poisonous content! A form of godliness; a show of religion; wolves in sheep’s clothing! Nothing more than the appearance of godliness. Therefore, use wisdom when selecting your circle so you don’t end up boxed into a circus full of clowns!

Now, there are so many more facts about the dart frog that could be shared, but I’ll close with this last one:

POISONOUS DART FROGS DO NOT LIVE IN THE WATER AS THEY LACK TOE WEBBING AND ARE POOR SWIMMERS. However, like all frogs they begin life in the water as tadpoles. They live in small pools found in the leaves of bromeliads and other tree dwelling plants until they emerge as tiny frogs. And why is this my favorite fact? Because of Ephesians 5. A portion of it reads like this: “Husbands, love your wives [seek the highest good for her and surround her with a caring, unselfish love], JUST AS CHRIST ALSO LOVED THE CHURCH AND GAVE HIMSELF UP FOR HER,  SO THAT HE MIGHT SANCTIFY THE CHURCH, HAVING CLEANSED HER BY THE WASHING OF WATER WITH THE WORD [OF GOD],  so that [in turn] He might present the church to Himself in glorious splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy [set apart for God] and blameless.  Even so husbands should and are morally obligated to love their own wives as [being in a sense] their own bodies. He who loves his own wife loves himself.” (5:25-28 AMP)


I’ve learned that to keep myself from sin, I need to position myself where the enemy can’t get to me! You see, the dart frog is full of poison and can kill 20,000 mice or ten people, yet it has to be able to get to them first! And if I dare to stay with Christ, and allow Him to sanctify me by washing me with the water of the Word of God (the enemy), that pretty, poisonous dart frog, can’t get to me, BECAUSE IT CAN’T SWIM! Reminds me of Moses and the Red Sea! They went through, while their enemies went under! Or like the unclean spirits that came out of the man and asked Jesus if they could enter the pigs. They were granted their request, and rushed down the steep bank into the sea; and they were drowned [one after the other] in the sea, says the Scripture! How awesome is that! If I keep myself out of the enemies reach, he can’t touch me! But family, that means that we actively do what we must to stay out of harms way! You can’t play with sin and the devil, and then get mad when you get hurt! You can’t play with hell then cry when the heat burns you! A safe place for you is to dwell in the presence of God, in the Word of God, in prayer with God! Allow Him to be the Rivers of Living Water flowing out of you (more water that the enemy can’t swim in!)

People of God, don’t be tricked, or fooled, it (and they) may look real good, and may promise to make you feel even better. However, don’t fall for it! It may be pretty, but it (and they) can be quite poisonous! Stay clean, stay holy, stay drenched in God, and stay alive!

Remember: Just as God has plans for our lives (Jeremiah 29:10-11, “This is God’s Word on the subject…I’ll show up and take care of you as I promised and bring you back home. I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.” MSG); so does Satan have plans for our lives! 2 Corinthians 2:11, “I did this so that Satan would not win anything from us, because we know very well what Satan’s plans are.” (NCV) And what are his plans for our lives? “…TO STEAL AND KILL AND DESTROY!” (John 10:10) Let’s Not Be the Ones Who Supply Him With the Ammunition to Take Us Out! Instead, Let’s Obey Christ’s Orders: Matthew 10:16, “Stay alert. This is hazardous work I’m assigning you. You’re going to be like sheep running through a wolf pack, so don’t call attention to yourselves. Be as cunning as a snake, inoffensive as a dove.” (MSG)

The enemy is playing for keeps, so keep yourselves alert in this hazardous kingdom assignment! Don’t compromise and don’t live contrary to Christ’s commands:

Ephesians 5:11-16, “Don’t waste your time on useless work, mere busywork, the barren pursuits of darkness. Expose these things for the sham they are. It’s a scandal when people waste their lives on things they must do in the darkness where no one will see. Rip the cover off those frauds and see how attractive they look in the light of Christ. Wake up from your sleep, Climb out of your coffins;
Christ will show you the light! So watch your step. Use your head. Make the most of every chance you get. These are desperate times!” (MSG);

Romans 12:1-2, “So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.” (MSG)

Hebrews 12:1-3, “Do you see what this means—all these pioneers who blazed the way, all these veterans cheering us on? It means we’d better get on with it. Strip down, start running—and never quit! No extra spiritual fat, no parasitic sins. Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we’re in. Study how he did it. Because he never lost sight of where he was headed—that exhilarating finish in and with God—he could put up with anything along the way: Cross, shame, whatever. And now he’s there, in the place of honor, right alongside God. When you find yourselves flagging in your faith, go over that story again, item by item, that long litany of hostility he plowed through. That will shoot adrenaline into your souls!” (MSG)

2 Corinthians 6:14-18, “Don’t become partners with those who reject God. How can you make a partnership out of right and wrong? That’s not partnership; that’s war. Is light best friends with dark? Does Christ go strolling with the Devil? Do trust and mistrust hold hands? Who would think of setting up pagan idols in God’s holy Temple? But that is exactly what we are, each of us a temple in whom God lives. God himself put it this way: “I’ll live in them, move into them; I’ll be their God and they’ll be my people. So leave the corruption and compromise; leave it for good,” says God. “Don’t link up with those who will pollute you. I want you all for myself. I’ll be a Father to you; you’ll be sons and daughters to me.”  The Word of the Master, God.” (MSG)

We will not lose our crown, nor silence His ‘well done good and faithful servant!’

Let’s exam our lives saints, and get back to raising the standard bar of a Spirit of Excellence among God’s Children. Let’s not be fooled again by Satan’s Pretty Containers With Poisonous Content, We Have Too Much to Lose! Holiness Will Always Keep Us Safe From What’s Hellish!

Much Love, Dr. Shermaine #EnjoyTheRead #BeInspired #BeEncouraged #BeEmpowered #BeChallenged #ShareTheWord

Feel free to also join us at: http://www.selfcarewithdrshermaine.blogspot.com Today’s Lesson: “The Earliest Signs You’re Drinking Too Much Water”

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“A Shout of Faith”


“Then, when they give one long, loud blast, all the people are to give a mighty SHOUT, and the walls of the city WILL fall down; then move in upon the city from every direction.” (Joshua 6:5 TLB)

Are you fighting a battle you’re afraid you won’t win? Well, truth is, in one form or another we all are. Be it a battle over health, finance, family, employment, school, bills, church, etc…we are all battling some form of attack in hopes that we will be the victors in the outcome. However, a key question we need to ask ourselves is, who are we depending on to gain us the victory in our battles? Is it God or is it Ourselves?

When faced with the combined armies of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir, God told His people Israel, “…Don’t be afraid! Don’t be paralyzed by this mighty army! For the battle is not yours, but God’s!” (2 Chronicles 20:15 TLB). And last I checked, God has NEVER lost a battle! He is in fact the Greatest Warrior I know! Don’t believe it, read Jeremiah 50:21-26, “Go up, O my warriors, against the land of Merathaim and against the people of Pekod. Yes, march against Babylon, the land of rebels, a land that I will judge! Annihilate them, as I have commanded you.  Let there be the shout of battle in the land, a shout of great destruction.  Babylon, the mightiest hammer in all the earth, lies broken and shattered. Babylon is desolate among the nations! O Babylon, I have set a trap for you and you are caught, for you have fought against the Lord. The Lord has opened his armory and brought out weapons to explode his wrath upon his enemies. The terror that befalls Babylon will be the work of the Lord God.  Yes, come against her from distant lands; break open her granaries; knock down her walls and houses into heaps of ruins and utterly destroy her; let nothing be left.” (TLB).

When God Goes Into Battle, Victory Is Guaranteed! So, before you dare to doubt that you are well equipped and well able to win your every battle with God on your side, remember that the Battle is HIS, and HE has NEVER lost, and NEVER will!

God told Joshua, “…See, I HAVE delivered Jericho into your hands…” (Joshua 6:2 NIV). Notice, He didn’t say, “I will soon deliver”; “I hope to deliver”; “Prayerfully I will be able to deliver”; “If all goes well, I will deliver” or “I might deliver”. NO, He said “…I HAVE DELIVERED JERICHO INTO YOUR HANDS…”  One of the definitions of the word “have” means “past tense, already done; already in possession”. And the word “already” is defined as “before the time in question; and as surprisingly soon or early as this.In other words, before Israel even went into battle, before there was ever a question of will they win, and even surprisingly before time, God had Already declared Israel the victor in battle. This wasn’t about hoping and believing and praying that God would do something, it was walking by faith in what God had Already done!

Think about it: It would be foolish for a team to sit on the sidelines stressed, worried and frustrated with their fingers crossed in hopes that they will win the Superbowl, when in fact, they were already declared the winners! It would look silly for them to pace the field waiting to hear what has Already been said! Likewise, it’s just as foolish for believers to stress, fret, worry and panic over what God has Already done!

Matthew 6:30-33, “If God gives such attention to the appearance of wildflowers—most of which are never even seen—don’t you think he’ll attend to you, take pride in you, do his best for you? What I’m trying to do here is to get you to relax, to not be so preoccupied with getting, so you can respond to God’s giving. People who don’t know God and the way he works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how he works. Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don’t worry about missing out. You’ll find all your everyday human concerns will be met. “Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.” (MSG)

Philippians 4:6-9, “Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life. Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies.” (MSG)

Philippians 4:19-20, “You can be sure that God will take care of everything you need, his generosity exceeding even yours in the glory that pours from Jesus. Our God and Father abounds in glory that just pours out into eternity. Yes.” (MSG)

Romans 8:26-28, “Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God’s Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don’t know how or what to pray, it doesn’t matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans. He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God. That’s why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.” (MSG)

Saints, it makes no sense to pray you come out on top, when He’s Already declared you are Already out on top! So, why worry over a victory you’ve Already attained? Why stress over a battle that has Already been won in your favor? Why lose your mind, your sleep, your appetite and even your hair over what the doctor has said when Jesus has said that “By My Stripes You Are ALREADY Healed?” It is unbecoming behavior for a believer to walk in unbelief! So today declare to yourself, God Has Already Done It! I Believe It, I Receive It and It’s Already Mine!

Listen Further: Israel Already had the victory, now they were being called to ACT on it. But the question remained, how? God’s answer? “…SHOUT…”

Joshua told the Israelites, “When you hear them sound a long blast on the trumpets, have the whole army give a loud SHOUT; then the wall of the city will collapse and the army will go up, everyone straight in.” (Joshua 6:5 NIV).

Now no rational person would expect a shout, no matter how loud, to bring down the walls of a big city. After all, the word “Rational” is defined as “based on or in accordance with reason or logic; able to think sensibly or logically; having the capacity to reason.” And reason and logic have as much to do with faith as light has to do with darkness; love has to do with hate; and good has to do with evil! In other words, this battle will not be won by reason and logic, but by faith and obedience! So as ridiculous as it may sound…SHOUT!

You see, this was no Ordinary Shout; it was a Shout of FAITH based on a PROMISE God had made! And why does that make the difference? Because, the Word of God Encourages Us That God Keeps Every Last One of His Promises! He Does Not Go Back On His Word and Surely He Does Not Break His Covenant With His People!

“Understand, therefore, that the Lord your God is the faithful God who for a thousand generations keeps his promises and constantly loves those who love him and who obey his commands.” (Deuteronomy 7:9 TLB);

“And by that same mighty power he has given us all the other rich and wonderful blessings he promised; for instance, the promise to save us from the lust and rottenness all around us, and to give us his own character.” (2 Peter 1:4 TLB);

“God is no mere human! He doesn’t tell lies or change his mind. God always keeps his promises.” (Numbers 23:19 CEV);

“So shall My Word be that goes forth out of My mouth: it shall not return to Me void [without producing any effect, useless], but it shall accomplish that which I please and purpose, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” (Isaiah 55:11 AMP);

“The Lord then said, “You are right, for I’m watching over My Word until it is fulfilled.” (Jeremiah 1:12 CEB)

In other words, when God says Victory is yours, there is absolutely no Opponent strong enough to overturn the Declaration of the Lord over Your Life! Which is why you have no excuse not to walk by faith, believing and trusting God that it is so!

Even though victory looked impossible, when Israel shouted God responded by bringing down the walls and opening the doors to the Promised Land! Hear His Word: “When you hear them sound a long blast on the trumpets, have the whole army give a loud SHOUT; then the wall of the city will collapse and the army will go up, everyone straight in.” (Joshua 6:5 NIV).

With this being reiterated, it’s vital that I give you an added admonishment: Make sure that everyone with you, is with you! This needs to be on one accord! “…HAVE THE WHOLE ARMY GIVE A LOUD SHOUT…” Look at it this way: You don’t need to be on the East “Shouting”; with some on the West “Complaining”; some in the South “Murmuring” and some up North “Whispering Defeat”! This is important because EVERYBODY GOES IN TOGETHER!

Listen: “…then the wall of the city will collapse and THE ARMY WILL GO UP, EVERYONE STRAIGHT IN.”

The last thing you need is to survive the battle, and enter the promise land with a multitude of doubters possessing a defeated attitude! EVERYBODY is going straight in, so make sure you’re not taking the wrong people right IN!

Whether it’s buying a house; a car; starting a business or ministry; beginning school; changing careers; Be Careful to Leave Pessimistic, Negative, Doubting, Fault-Finding, Complaining, Murmuring, Lazy People Behind! Because the reality is, this will not be your first, only, or last battle! Your faith will be stretched again! And there are some people who just barely made it by in this battle, but will be a bigger danger than your enemies in your next attack! It’s not enough to win the battle, but you have to make sure you have the right soldiers!

Listen: You are about to Celebrate Victory, so why would you want to Invite Party-Poopers to the Festivities?!

Take those who walk by faith, who depend on the Lord, who trust God, who believe in the Promises of His Word, those who actively open their mouths in a Shout of Faith knowing that God can’t lie and can’t fail! Take those who see what you see, because they will help you to seize what you see! Take those ready to fight, even if all they’ll have to do is Shout! Take those equipped to go the distance, even on days when the journey doesn’t look so victorious. Take those who don’t get stuck in the bumps along the path. Take those who Shout in advance over Promises fulfilled!

You need soldiers who are obedient, determined, those who know how to take orders (even when they make absolutely no sense). You need those who aren’t afraid to Advance, March, Blow Trumpets, Carry the Ark and Shout! God is giving you a Victory you don’t have to Work for, but that doesn’t mean you get Lazy Soldiers!

Remember the Text: “Then, when they give one long, loud blast, all the people are to give a mighty SHOUT, and the walls of the city WILL fall down; then move in upon the city from every direction.” (Joshua 6:5 TLB)

This is about to be an All-Consuming Victory! You will Defeat the Enemy in Every Direction! So, look around you today and see who you have in your company! You can’t afford blind-spots, and doubters, you can’t afford distracted and easily deterred soldiers! This is about to be an “On Every Side” Victory, make sure the folks you have on your side, are really On Your Side! And certainly make sure you have some noisy folks with you too! There is no such thing as a Silent Shout! Remember, prior to the walls falling, there is a Mighty Shout! Those who sit Sunday after Sunday just warming the pew, without opening their mouths with the fruit of thanksgiving and praise on their lips shouldn’t be on your pew or in your company!

Another note to bear in mind: Joshua had all kinds of people, and yet everyone knew their place and position! He had priests, and everyday people with no titles at all. Some people carried the ark, some shouted, some blew trumpets etc. Make sure you not only have the right people, but that they’re in the right place and position. Truth is we lose a lot of battles because those who were supposed to be blowing the horn were jealous of those carrying the ark, and so they get out of place attempting to accomplish what they were never assigned to do.

In addition, Joshua gave instructions on when to shout, because there was a period of Working in Silence. And if you have people in your company that just have to be seen and heard, you will miss your victory!

AND, Joshua had priests carrying the ark, but he also had Armed Men ready and equipped to do battle! You need your praisers and worshipers, but you are after all, still in battle! Don’t get so heavenly minded that you are no earthly good! Everybody plays a part, so don’t let your story end prematurely because you didn’t give all the characters their proper roles!

AND, they went around seven times! In other words, not every victory comes when you spin around 3 times and then you’re out of it! You need soldiers who are persistent and determined. Those who are tenacious and have stamina. Those who are not easily intimidated by the length of the battle or the level of the attack! You need soldiers who will hang in there till the end!

AND, they still made time to bless Rahab and make sure that all the valuables went to the house of the Lord. Some of us get real mean in battle. Our go through causes us to put others through unnecessarily. Listen, even in the midst of battle there will be people for you to bless and sacrifices to be given to God, don’t miss this!

So, how does it all end?

“So the people shouted when the priests blew with the trumpets: and it came to pass, when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, and the people shouted with a great shout, that the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up into the city, every man straight before him, and they took the city.” (Joshua 6:20).

Everyone played their part, and God took the lead and gave the city to the people who were smart enough to listen and brave enough to act.

And the conclusion of the matter?

“So the Lord was with Joshua; and his fame was noised throughout all the country.” (Joshua 6:27).

It’s amazing what faith and obedience can accomplish!

Today, determine to put yours to the test!

Much Love, Dr. Shermaine #EnjoyTheRead #BeInspired #BeEncouraged #BeEmpowered #BeChallenged #ShareTheWord

Feel free to also join us at: http://www.selfcarewithdrshermaine.blogspot.com Today’s Lesson: “Signs You’re Not Getting Enough Vitamin B6”

Feel free to join us at: http://www.chefshermainesbiblecafe.home.blog Today’s Chef Special Word: “DELIVERED/DELIVERANCE”


Daily Dose With Dr. Shermaine: https://dailydosewithdrshermaine.wordpress.com

Facebook:  DrShermaine Franklin-Sanders
Instagram: dr_sys
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Twitter: Dr_Shermaine
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“Daniel’s Praise Elevator!”


Daniel 2:19, “…and then Daniel praised the God of heaven…” (TLB)

Now, if you were to ask my husband or children they would be the first to say I am the biggest kid in the entire house! And truth be told, I unapologetically admit, they’re absolutely right! And one of the things that bring out the kid in me most is riding those glass elevators that are found in some hotels. Now, as a person who is claustrophobic, it sounds crazy that I would love being in this little box. But for some reason, when it’s a glass elevator, I don’t feel quite so restricted or confined because I can see beyond where I am currently. You know how it goes, you get in on the main floor and then you ascend to the top floor, all the time you’re watching the big things in the lobby become the small things in the lobby. And the limited view you had down there, suddenly turns into a panoramic view up here. I mean we’re talking about going from the lobby to the observation deck in a matter of seconds; rising scores of floors in less time than it takes to place some phone calls! For instance at 9:32, you’re down in the lobby or even the basement, but by 9:33, you’re looking out over the entire city – and all because of an elevator! You see, elevators have a funny way of changing your perspective (which is the particular way you view something, the height, width, depth, length and distance of it), your prospective (which is what is expected or likely to happen or be in the future) and even your posture (which is the particular way a body is positioned, the way in which a person holds their body, to look down, to look up and most importantly to look out, over and beyond)! Elevators Change Your Perspective, Your Prospective and Your Posture.

And not that we don’t know it, but the word “elevator” is defined as “a platform or compartment housed in a shaft for raising and lowering people or things.” And in Daniel’s case, his praise elevator raised him up!

But before we get to Daniel, let’s face it, we all have some days when we feel like we’re stuck in the basement, right? The view isn’t very inspiring and neither is the situation we’re in. It’s dark, it’s lonely, it’s gloomy, it’s hard, it’s depressing. We’re low in funds, low in joy, low in peace, low in confidence, low in health, low in marriage, low in singlehood, low in dealing with the battles of raising children, low in dealing with coworkers and even low while sitting in the pew next to our brothers and sisters in Christ, Sunday after Sunday! There are simply some moments in life when we’re held in bondage in the basement, instead of breaking through the ceiling!

Well, the good news is that there is no basement so deep or so gloomy that you have to stay there, because there’s an elevator just waiting to take you up and out!

In essence, it’s the spiritual elevator many of God’s leaders in the Bible knew about – like Daniel, for example. He’s a top advisor to the most powerful man in the world, King Nebuchadnezzar. All of the king’s pagan advisors have been unable to meet his demand, and they tell him they don’t know what his disturbing dream meant. Of course, he’d also asked them to tell him what the dream was. But nobody could do that either. So he sentences them to death – a sentence that applies even to Daniel, even though he wasn’t there! So Daniel is literally staring at being executed for no reason at all! Talk about a dark basement!

However, he doesn’t become weary, he doesn’t panic, he doesn’t freak-out, he doesn’t start crying. So what does he do? Well, as any wise man (or woman) would, he recruits his spiritual brothers!

Daniel 2:16-17, “So Daniel went in to see the king. “Give me a little time,” he said, “and I will tell you the dream and what it means.” Then he went home and told Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, his companions” (TLB).

First things first, he lets the king know, oh it won’t end like this, at least not for me! And sometimes you need to speak to the very person, place or thing that is attempting to snuff out your life, that it won’t go down like that, not today, and not for me! I know what I’m facing is tough, but I refuse to just lay down and die! Just give me a little time, I’m about to put a strategy in place that can’t fail! This is designed to take me down, but I’m coming up and out!

Listen: Don’t you dare just accept situations or attacks for their face value. Hit it head on! Don’t cower, don’t run, don’t give up, don’t get depressed…Strategize! That’s what Daniel did! It was time for a step of faith, not a stumble in fear! 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity or cowardice or fear, but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of sound judgment and personal discipline [abilities that result in a calm, well-balanced mind and self-control].” (AMP). I reiterate, this is a time to take a step of faith, not a stumble in fear!

Daniel responds, ‘Just give me a little time…’ And what does Daniel do in that little time? He gets Reinforcements! However, it’s important to note, that he only called three of them. Sounds a lot like Jesus with His inner circle of Peter, James and John. Which means we really need to be careful when going into spiritual battle (even battles we face in the natural) in making sure that we call for the right troops. We need to make sure that when we call in reinforcements, we call the right people! Proverbs 11:14, “Where there is no [wise, intelligent] guidance, the people fall [and go off course like a ship without a helm], But in the abundance of [wise and godly] counselors there is victory.” (AMP). Know that everybody who says they’re praying for you, are not! Not everyone asking about your situation cares that you get out of it, some just want to make sure you’re still in it! That’s why discernment and wisdom are necessities, not options when you’re gathering troops to go into battle!

Listen: You only need to take those IN, who can help bring you OUT! But how do you know you’ve selected the right people? Let’s continue reading: “They asked the God of heaven to show them His mercy by telling them the secret, so they would not die with the others. And that night in a vision God told Daniel what the king had dreamed.” (vss. 18-19)

Daniel didn’t just call any group of men, he called the ones he knew would immediately intercede! The Bible says, “They asked the God of heaven…” Are those the first people you call? If it’s not, you need to change your strategy if you plan to win! Notice, they don’t hold a long conversation with Daniel, they don’t offer him options or their opinions. They don’t find some other brothers to talk about the mess involving Daniel and the king. No, they go straight into intercession, talking to no one but God! They don’t ask Daniel how he feels about it, they don’t question him at all. He called for them, they came to him, then they went to God! If you don’t have reinforcements like this, find them, today!

Something else to note, the 3 men asked God to show “THEM” His mercy by telling “THEM” the secret. But the answer to what they asked goes like this: “…And that night in a vision GOD TOLD DANIEL what the king had dreamed…” They asked for God to show “THEM” but God told “DANIEL”. Note: You need intercessors that can intercede without jealousy or competition! They could have responded, “God WE came to you in intercession so you would reveal it to US”…but they were just fine with Daniel receiving the answer…ALONE. Some people pose as your teammates, when they’re really your opponents! Choose these people wisely!

People of God, surround yourself with people who will not be so busy competing with you that they can’t help you win. It didn’t matter if it was revealed to Daniel alone, as long as the revelation came, the inner circle was fine! And when it did, listen to Daniel’s response: “…Then Daniel praised the God of heaven…”

Before Daniel even goes to the king, remember, his life as well as the lives of others were already at stake, so if you think anything like me, you may respond with, “Daniel, now may not be the most opportune time to go into a praise break…maybe you should talk to the king first” But, in Daniel’s case, that’s exactly what he did first, he talked to the KING!

See, the problem with us is that we let fear supersede our faith! But even in the midst of having his life at risk, Daniel stops to praise God first! He has a problem, God provides the solution, but before Daniel applies the solution, he praises God first! If that’s not how you’ve handled it in the past, handle it like that in the present and in the future!

Truth is, we have to reach a place of trust, reliance, dependence, and faith in God where our circumstances don’t alter our praise! We need to allow our praise to be the evidence that we trust God’s outcome, before we even come out! We need our situations, trials and struggles to see that we walk by faith, even when that walk takes us through the valley’s of the shadows of death! And so Daniel is our example of celebrating God for Victory before the Battle is even over!

‘Don’t Wait Till the Battle is Over, Shout Now!’

Listen to the rest of the text: “…saying, “Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, for He alone has all wisdom and all power. World events are under His control. He removes kings and sets others on their thrones. He gives wise men their wisdom and scholars their intelligence. He reveals profound mysteries beyond man’s understanding. He knows all hidden things, for He is light, and darkness is no obstacle to Him. I thank and praise You, O God of my fathers, for You have given me wisdom and glowing health, and now even this vision of the king’s dream and the understanding of what it means.” (TLB)

Daniel steps into the spiritual elevator that takes him from the basement of his circumstances to the penthouse of his awesome God! That elevator is called “Praise!” Now, you would think that finally receiving a solution to his problem would make him run to the king, but he had to praise his King first! And people of God, so do you!

In Daniel 2, beginning with verse 19, the Bible declares, “Daniel praised the God of heaven and said: “Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever; wisdom and power are His. He changes the times and seasons and sets up kings and deposes them. He gives wisdom to the wise…He reveals deep and hidden things…and light dwells with Him…”

See, Daniel rises from the basement of a dangerous and impossible situation to the penthouse view from the Throne Room of the Most High God! And everything looks different from there! Please know that as you rise higher on an elevator, what seemed so close and so big and so overwhelming (when you were on the same level as it), starts to shrink in size the higher you go up! The higher you go up, the smaller it gets, the higher you go up the further away from you it gets! Which is why it’s so vital that you learn how to rise from low places! Yes, it hurts, yes it’s confusing, yes it’s aggravating and frustrating, yes it’s caused you some night’s sleep, yes you’ve even worried, fretted and had panic attacks because of it, but that’s only because you stayed on the same level as it for far too long! When life’s attacks come at you and attempt to snuff out your life, start elevating! You don’t stay on the same level as your issues. Leave them right where they are and you shift your perspective, prospective and posture! Walk by faith and not by sight; began singing, dancing, clapping, praising and worshiping God! Sink into the depths of His Word where you will be reminded of His power, providence, sovereignty, provision, promises and protection! Began to speak His Words of Life, no matter the danger of death that is near! Walk like you know He is still the lifter up of your head and that He’s placed your feet like hinds’ feet on high places! Straighten your back and square off your shoulders. Put on the whole armor of God and get ready to do battle and win! Even when your situation and circumstances don’t change, you have to! You never stay on levels beneath the privilege of a Child of God!

Now, one of the secrets of peace in the midst of great stress, of poise when everything is up for grabs, of perspective when you could be flippin’ out – the secret is to start celebrating the kind of God you have! Remember, you enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise, not just with prayer requests. The great prayers of the Bible are like two-thirds about the greatness of God and maybe one-third about the need. When you start telling God the things about Him that you love, the things He’s done that you’re grateful for, that anxiety in your heart starts to ebb and the peace in your heart starts to grow. You realize that the size of the situation and the size of the need don’t change the size of your God at all! The size of your situation will never change the dimensions of your God! What may be too big for you, will never be too big for Him! With Him all things are possible, and they are likewise possible for you too because He’s already told you that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you! So stop listening to the words of your adversary, and start listening to the words of your Advocate! He’s fighting with you and for you, you will not lose! He ALWAYS Causes Us to Triumph!

In the midst of danger, Daniel still paused to take a praise and thank break! And so should you! Daniel could have complained, started to stress out, flip out and worry. Or do like many of us do, and try to design back-up plans just in case God doesn’t show up on our timetable! But no! His very life is in danger, and yet he doesn’t panic, he simply presses pause so he can give God praise!

And how does such a response end for Daniel? Listen to what happens after Daniel praises God, then shares the dream and revelation with the king:

Daniel 2:46-49, “When Daniel finished, King Nebuchadnezzar fell on his face in awe before Daniel. He ordered the offering of sacrifices and burning of incense in Daniel’s honor. He said to Daniel, “Your God is beyond question the God of all gods, the Master of all kings. And he solves all mysteries, I know, because you’ve solved this mystery.” Then the king promoted Daniel to a high position in the kingdom, lavished him with gifts, and made him governor over the entire province of Babylon and the chief in charge of all the Babylonian wise men. At Daniel’s request the king appointed Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to administrative posts throughout Babylon, while Daniel governed from the royal headquarters.” (MSG)

How’s that for taking a praise elevator from the basement to the penthouse?! Everyone in your situation, everything in your situation looks different from God’s penthouse perspective. You’ll see the people differently. You’ll see possibilities you haven’t seen before. You’ll have ideas you haven’t had before. You’ll have the peace that you couldn’t have otherwise.

That is the power of praise – the elevator that takes you from the “basement” of earth-stuff to the “penthouse” of your awesome God! Daniel and his reinforcements, go from having their lives in danger to governing and administrating in the royal headquarters!

Brothers and Sisters, in spite of what you face as a struggle, it’s important that you learn how to put your praise in place so your problem doesn’t knock you out of position, but promotes you in it!

Another added bonus, when you praise God in the midst of your problems, even what came up against you, will eventually bow before you! The Bible says, “When Daniel finished, King Nebuchadnezzar fell on his face in awe before Daniel. He ordered the offering of sacrifices and burning of incense in Daniel’s honor. He said to Daniel, “Your God is beyond question the God of all gods, the Master of all kings…”

Listen: What hurt you will end up honoring you! And what had your back up against the wall, will bow down before you!

Which means, going forward, when you face an uphill battle, fight like Daniel! Seek out the right men (and women) (those with a prayer life that know how to use their mouth to intercede to God as opposed to gossiping to other people); and when God reveals the solution to the problem, don’t panic and run to the problem as if you don’t get to it quick enough, God’s plan will fail. No, when you have enough sense to go to God in the first place, you don’t have to fear anything afterwards. Which is why you can then walk by faith, walk in favor, and walk away from fear! And then watch God do for you as he did for Daniel and even as He did for Joseph (God Will Use the Very Same Plans That Were Meant to Hurt You, to Help You Instead! What Was Meant For Your Evil, Will Be For Your Good!) Before you know it, your problem, turned into a praise, will turn into a position of promotion for you and those attached to you!

People of God, no matter how low life may take you, never allow it to lower your praise! It was the elevator that raised Daniel up, and it’s the same elevator that will do the same for you!

“When You Complain You Remain, When You Praise You Get Raised.” (Joyce Meyer)

Much Love, Dr. Shermaine #EnjoyTheRead #BeInspired #BeEncouraged #BeEmpowered #BeChallenged #ShareTheWord

Feel free to also join us at: http://www.selfcarewithdrshermaine.blogspot.com Today’s Lesson: “The Best and Worst Foods For Your Thyroid”

Feel free to join us at: http://www.chefshermainesbiblecafe.home.blog Today’s Chef Special Word “COVETOUS”

Daily Dose With Dr. Shermaine: https://dailydosewithdrshermaine.wordpress.com
Facebook:  DrShermaine Franklin-Sanders
Instagram: dr_sys
LinkedIn:  Linkedin.com/in/dr-shermaine-y-franklin-sanders910019142/
Twitter: Dr_Shermaine
Pinterest: drsys321
Google: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+DrShermaineYFranklinSanders

“Delegation Empowerment!”

dose (2)

Proverbs 2:6, “For the Lord gives Wisdom; From His mouth come Knowledge and Understanding” (NKJV)

To succeed in life and leadership you must do these three things:

1.       Decide What’s Important: The story’s told of a family who moved to the country to get away from the city. They decided to raise cattle so they bought a ranch. One day a friend visited them and asked what they’d named the new ranch. Dad said, “I wanted to call it The Flying-W, but Mom wanted to call it The Suzy-Q. Our son likes The Bar-J, but our daughter preferred The Lazy-Y. So we compromised and called it The Flying-W, Suzy-Q, Bar-J, Lazy Y Ranch!” The friend asked, “How are your cattle doing?” Dad replied, “We don’t have any. They didn’t survive the branding”! Sounds comical, but truth is Indecision Is Dangerous! Therefore, the first thing you need to do then is Decide! The word “Decide” means “To resolve in the mind as a result of consideration; to settle (as an issue or contest), or to give a judgment concerning a legal case.” It’s Latin Origin “Decidere” means “Determine” from “Caedere” which means “To Cut”. In other words, when you make a Decision it’s similar to cooking beef…you don’t throw the whole cow on the fire! You “Decide” what portion you want, and “Cut” that away and cook that Only! Likewise, make a clear decision about what you want in life, and then cut away time to focus on that Only! After all, it’s better than Dividing up your time among several things that don’t matter to you, only to end up Multiplying your headaches as a result! Thereforedecide what’s important to you! And when it comes to ministry, seek God’s Wisdom; Knowledge and Understanding for Direction and Guidance. Let God tell you what is for your hands alone, and what can be handed to others. Because it’s vital to your obedience that you don’t confuse the two. Numbers 18:5-7, “…The work of the priesthood is my exclusive gift to you; IT CANNOT BE DELEGATED – anyone else who invades the Sanctuary will be executed.” (MSG) You see, there are some assignments that cannot be delegated (no matter what your position, title or authority may be). Remember, everything we do is as unto the Lord, because we are always ultimately working for the Lord. Therefore, you need to decide which things remain with you and which can be given away! In the case of the priesthood, God let them know, this is non-negotiable, delegate it and someone is guaranteed to die! Which lets us know that not all things can be delegated. Therefore, we need God’s direction so we don’t lose our own life and blessings, nor cost someone else theirs! Those things that are non-negotiable become a part of your priority listing. If it can be negotiated and you can (without disobedience) delegate them elsewhere, do so! If not, you’ll find yourself with a full agenda that has no room for God or His blessings on your life. And if you should find that you’re that busy, you’re too busy! Take some time this week to sit down and decide what stays on your to-do-list and what can be reassigned to someone else. You don’t want your busyness to cost you God’s best! Remember the story above, the whole purpose of the ranch was for them to have cattle. But all the cattle died because they couldn’t survive the branding of such a long name from a group of people who didn’t sit down and decide what was best. Don’t kill off your blessings for the same reason.

2.       Prioritize Your Time: Too many of us are like the store owner who got so busy trying to keep the place clean that he forgot to open the front door! Again, it sounds comical, but the reason he was in business was to serve customers and make a profit, not get distracted by secondary things. Therefore, base your life’s decisions on your Priorities! And if you need help figuring out what they are, ask God: “For the Lord gives Wisdom; from His mouth come Knowledge and Understanding”. You don’t want to end up like the store owner, who has a clean store and No Customers…Which Translates No Profit! So, Prioritize What Is Important Then Focus Your Attention On That! And Don’t Get Distracted In the Details Of Things That Don’t Matter! Proverbs 4:23-27, “Keep vigilant watch over your heart; that’s where life starts. Don’t talk out of both sides of your mouth; avoid careless banter, white lies, and gossip. Keep your eyes straight ahead; IGNORE ALL SIDESHOW DISTRACTIONS. Watch your step, and the road will stretch out smooth before you. Look neither right nor left; leave evil in the dust.” (MSG) That word ‘ignore’ is defined as, ‘to intentionally disregard; to fail to consider something as significant.’ That’s the tunnel vision you have to have when it comes to fulfilling your priorities. You need to learn how to intentionally disregard all sideshow distractions and focus on what God assigned your hands to do. When something is designated a priority it means it’s more important than anything else. Therefore, you can’t afford to be distracted from your priority since it’s the most important thing on your agenda! Your priorities need to be carried out by you, but what falls low on the totem pole of the to-do-list, can be delegated to others! Again, I admonish you, do not confuse what is your priority, with the things that are merely options that can be delegated to others.

3.       Learn To Motivate Yourself: Truth is, most times, nobody else will! Think about it: When tragedy struck his life, we read: “…David was greatly distressed, for the people spoke of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and his daughters. But David STRENGTHENED HIMSELF IN THE LORD HIS GOD” (1 Samuel 30:6 NKJV). You need to learn how to do that too. Encourage Yourself! Truth is, life has a way of hitting you below the belt…so you have to learn how to recover and do so quickly! And many days your recovery will be lonesome. But you ever notice when someone has had surgery and they take them into the recovery room, the doctor or nurse will tell you not to stay too long or there’s no point in you staying at all? They’re just going to rest or sleep the rest of the night anyway. Well, when you go through something traumatic and you’re upset because no one is there, take heart, you’re just in recovery! Of course it’s not fun having to be in something or deal with something on your own, but it’s a part of your process of healing and recovering. Don’t fight it. Use that alone time as Quiet Time to get your second wind from having the wind knocked out of you! It’s your time to re-inflate yourself and bounce back, but it’s often best done alone. Jude writes, “But you, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost” (Jude 20). To succeed in life you must learn to encourage yourself, by building up yourself in the faith (which is your foundation) and praying in the Holy Ghost (which is your strength and power)! Yes, it knocked the wind out of you, but the Holy Ghost will breathe on you again and You Will Bounce Back! You cannot be in leadership and always need someone to hold your hand; wipe your tears; fight your battles; pat you on the back; give you kind words of encouragement etc. Motivating yourself and encouraging yourself is a priority that you should never attempt to delegate to anyone else, it is your responsibility alone!

Now, I know you’re probably asking “what has this all got to do with Delegation?” Well, to be honest, you have to do Your Part First before you can delegate anything to anyone else! Which means you need to Decide what your Priorities are (make a decision);  then schedule your time for what’s Important to you and don’t get deterred or Distracted by minor details; then when you run into Discouragement along the journey (and you will, because we all do), you must learn how to Encourage Yourself in the Lord! In other words, do what YOU have to do FIRST! Then DELEGATE everything else!

Matthew 25:14-18, “It’s also like a man going off on an extended trip. He called his servants together and DELEGATED responsibilities. To one he gave five thousand dollars, to another two thousand, to a third one thousand, depending on their abilities…” (MSG) You are not God, you can’t be everywhere at the same time, doing everything for everybody! God never assigned that task to you! What He has entrusted to your hands to handle, handle it, and nothing more! The rest should be delegated responsibilities to others depending on their abilities. Which also means, as a leader, you need to know those you work with! You need to know their strengths and weaknesses so when it’s time to delegate, you’re not wasting a year trying to figure out who should receive what. In the story, the man was going off on an extended trip. He called his servants together and delegated responsibilities to each according to their ability. But what you should take note of is that he didn’t need to have a meeting with them; he didn’t call for a board or committee decision; he didn’t need to pray, fast and shut in for 40 days and nights to figure out who to delegate what to. He knew his people and what they could and could not handle. As a leader, you need to remember that prior to delegation!

Now to the part of Delegation! You’re going to wear yourself out – and the people, too. This job is too heavy a burden for you to handle all by yourself” (Exodus 18:18 NLT) President Reagan said, “Surround yourself with the best people you can find, delegate authority, and don’t interfere as long as the policy you’ve decided upon is being carried out.Yet in our eagerness to please God we take on responsibilities that are “…too heavy…to handle…by [ourselves]”

For example, Moses was spending every waking minute listening to complaints from long lines of people. Finally his father-in-law said, “You’re going to wear yourself out – and the people too,” and advised him to appoint capable leaders to “help…carry the load, making the task easier for you” (vs. 22). It was a win-win solution; the people got help faster, and Moses became a better efficient effective leader. And what was the solution that brought this to pass? DELEGATION! You see, Moses had his part to play, and others had theirs too! Likewise, you need to prioritize your life in the same manner. Decide What You Need To Do, Then Delegate The Rest…and in the words of President Reagan…”Don’t Interfere”! Micro-managing people is just as wasteful of a time as an unnecessarily overloaded schedule!

One Bible teacher writes, “One of our greatest challenges…is determining what God DOESN’T want us to do! We love God, we love His people, and we see many needs. But sometimes good intentions cause more harm than good…When you become aware of a need, don’t automatically assume God wants YOU to meet it!  The only reason to perform ministry is when God clearly tells you it’s His Will. If you’re overwhelmed…you’re probably doing more than God asked. Therefore, pray about the assignments you take on, so you don’t rob yourself and others of God’s best.

I remember counseling a leader in church that said she was just exhausted! She said I have no time or energy…I just run from one thing to the next! So I asked her what do you do? Well, she gave me an ear-full! She’s the women’s ministry director, the Sunday school superintendent, an ordained Elder, youth leader, choir director, Pastor’s secretary and part of the hospitality and ushers ministries! I asked how large is your church? She said it’s approximately 250 people. I said wait a minute there’s over 250 people in that church from Sunday to Sunday and yet YOU are the ONLY one doing all of this? She said yes, after 10 years of this I guess it’s finally time to ask for some help! I must be real honest with you all, and don’t judge me either, but I could’ve slapped sister-girl silly! I couldn’t think of a prayer, a scripture, or an encouraging word to give her. Everything in my head said just tell her the truth…THE PROBLEM’S NOT THE CHURCH, THE PROBLEM IS YOU! Seriously, who in their right mind would juggle all of that when there is obviously ample help that was never sought out! And then the bells went off! And I realized who she was…she was ME! I remembered wearing more hats than all the hat stores on the east coast combined! And Never Once Asking For Help!  Just aggravated, stressed, miserable in ministry and not happy at all in life in general! But I was Busy…Needed…Helpful…Useful…Important…But Overwhelmed, Overloaded and Struggling!

That’s when the words came to ask her if she could take just one thing on her long To-Do-List and say that’s the one thing I love doing everyday…that’s the one thing I couldn’t live without doing…what would it be? And you would never guess! What she loved the most…Wasn’t Even On Her To-Do-List! You see, the church had a weekly newsletter, and she loved to write! Yet, she never once handed in any of her writings to the newsletter! She said she was always too busy, she never had the time!  Well, after meeting with her and her Pastor, we had an idea (well, technically, I had the idea, the pastor was heartbroken, but he was at least humble enough to accept some helpful input and insight). My suggestion? Pull her out of everything she was doing and put her on the newsletter committee ONLY.
Well, 2 years later she is now the editor and writer of the newsletter, has her own ministry staff and her first book of poetry will be out this Fall! She said something that I hold dear to this day, she said: “I never knew peace was so simple to attain…its simply found in the passion of performing your purpose”.

People of God, that is my prayer for you today! That you stop being busy and start being productive in your purpose!

Jon Walker states: “Imagine if God created you to be the Michelangelo of this age, but you stayed so busy doing all kinds of things – good things – that you never got around to painting and sculpting. You’d end up missing the best because you got distracted chasing the good. What a disappointment…for God…and all the people who would have been blessed if you’d stayed focused on your original purpose.

Saints, Do What YOU Need to Do Then Learn to Delegate the Rest! Release the Burdens God never meant you to carry, and focus on what He called you to do! There’s No Greater Joy and No Greater Peace! Delegation is Not Succumbing to  Weakness, it’s Embracing the Strength of Others to Help Strengthen You!

“The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it.” (Theodore Roosevelt)

“If you delegate tasks, you create followers. If you delegate authority, you create leaders.” (Craig Groeschel)

“If you want your business to grow, delegation will be your salvation.” (Julian Hall)

“Delegating work works, providing the one delegating works, too.” (Robert Half)

“The inability to delegate is one of the biggest problems I see with managers at all levels.” (Eli Broad)

“The first rule of management is delegation. Don’t try to do everything yourself because you can’t.” (Anthea Turner)

“You can do anything, but you can’t do everything.” (David Allen)

“Deciding what NOT to do is as important as deciding what TO DO.” (Jessica Jackley)

Much Love, Dr. Shermaine #EnjoyTheRead #BeInspired #BeEncouraged #BeEmpowered #BeChallenged #ShareTheWord

Feel free to also join us at: http://www.selfcarewithdrshermaine.blogspot.com Today’s Lesson: “20 Reasons For Blood Sugar Upswings”

Feel free to join us at: http://www.chefshermainesbiblecafe.home.blog Today’s Chef Special Word “SELFISH-AMBITION”

Daily Dose With Dr. Shermaine: https://dailydosewithdrshermaine.wordpress.com
Facebook:  DrShermaine Franklin-Sanders
Instagram: dr_sys
LinkedIn:  Linkedin.com/in/dr-shermaine-y-franklin-sanders910019142/
Twitter: Dr_Shermaine
Pinterest: drsys321
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“I’d Rather Be Different, Than Die!”

dose (2)

Numbers 14:24, 26-32, “But My servant Caleb, because he has a DIFFERENT spirit and has followed Me fully, I will bring into the land into which he went, and his DESCENDANTS shall possess it…And the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, How long will this evil congregation murmur against Me? I have heard the complaints the Israelites murmur against Me. Tell them, As I live, says the Lord, what you have said in My hearing I will do to you: Your DEAD BODIES shall fall in this wilderness—of all who were numbered of you, from TWENTY YEARS OLD AND UPWARD, who have murmured against Me, Surely NONE shall come into the land in which I swore to make you dwell, EXCEPT CALEB son of Jephunneh and Joshua son of Nun. But your LITTLE ONES whom you said would be a prey, THEM WILL I BRING IN and they shall know the land which you have despised and rejected. But as for you, your DEAD BODIES shall fall in this wilderness.” (AMP).

Earlier in Numbers 13 Caleb said to Moses: “…Let us go up at once and take possession [of the Promised Land] for we are well able to overcome it” But the men who had gone up with him said, “We are not able to go up against the people, for they are stronger than we” And they gave the children of Israel a bad report of the land which they had spied out…” (Numbers 13:30-33 NKJV).

Notice two attitudes at work:

1…AN ATTITUDE OF DOUBT: Ten of twelve spies came back saying, “It CAN’T be done!” But the majority isn’t necessarily right! Here this, if God promises you something, it’s yours even if you’re in the minority! Don’t let a few foolish, faithless folks who are clothed in fear cause you to forfeit a fruitful future in the land of promise! If it’s only two people out of two-hundred, GO FOR IT ANYHOW! I would rather look silly on the way to obtaining my inheritance, than to look ridiculous walking away from my wealthy place, because of a few fools with a whole lot of Sight, but No Vision, Courage or Tenacity!  The majority report terrified God’s people; which caused them spiritual amnesia. Because, they forgot the last forty years of His Super Natural Provision! But How Is That Even Possible?! How do you forget what the Lord has Already Done?! In other words, how do you panic when you have to go for a physical when God has already healed you in the past? Look at it like this: If nothing is there, You’re Healed! If something is there, He’s Healed You Before, And He’ll Surely Heal You Again! Either Way, How Do You Justify Fear of the Future When He’s Already Fulfilled Promises In Your Past?! Church, Get Your Faith Together! Be People of Courage and Go For It Inspite of the Circumstances, Conditions and even the Company surrounding you! Now, I know that’s a little different than what most people are doing today, but I’d rather be different than die! You see, Fear Will Make You Look Foolish! I’ll Prove It! They were so fearful that they even talked themselves into believing that Egypt (of all places) was actually the land of milk and honey! Listen to what they said: “Is it a small thing that you have brought us up out of a land flowing with milk and honey, to kill us in the wilderness…” (Numbers 16:13 NKJV) Do you know how stupid that sounds? Fools, Egypt was a land of straw and slavery, masters, whips, beatings and bricks, not milk and honey! Never allow your fear of the future to cause you to reconstruct a faulty view of your past! For your greatest blessing is before you, not behind you! And what’s coming will always be better than what’s been! For the Latter house shall be Greater than the Former house! So, what was their problem? They allowed their surroundings to influence them more than what God said! Saints, Don’t Let It Happen To You! Don’t You Ever Allow Intimidation or Imagination To Cause You To Miss Out On God’s Promises For Your Future?! Never Allow What People Say to Alter What God Has Already Said! There Is No Problem That Can Stop the Process of God’s Promises From Coming to Pass In Your Life! I Challenge You to Be Different Than the Doubters! You never want doubt and fear to cause you to say stupid stuff like: “God may have worked miracles in the past, but He doesn’t do it anymore.” Which as a result of this kind of thinking and talking and unbelief, not one of them entered the Promised Land except Joshua and Caleb! So, Which Company Do You Belong To? The ten or the two, the fearful majority or the faithful minority? Think about it: Twelve were sent, and only Two had a good report! Therefore, Your Challenge For The Week Is To Examine The People In Your Circle That Box You In! And When You Locate Them…Break Out The Box! Understand that when you allow people’s distorted thinking to box you in, it will eventually reshape your faith in God! And you’ll find yourself like Israel, going around in the same circles for 40 years going absolutely nowhere! And you know why? Because a box is a coffin, and I’m not ready to die! I Rather Be Different Than Die! Get Out The Box! I know this isn’t the status quo, but like Facebook I have the authority to change my status as often as I want to! Therefore, every day, you  should have a different status! On Monday My Money Is Coming to Me; On Tuesday My Tuition Is Paid In Full; On Wednesday I’m Walking In Wealthy Places of Favor; On Thursday I’m Triumphant Over Every Trick, Trouble and Trial, On Friday My Future Is Fruitful, On Saturday Every Full Scholarship Available Is Hunting Me Down, and On Sunday I’m Shouting Because All Week Long I Broke the Status Quo! Daily Remind Yourself, Get Out the Box! If you have a company of twelve friends and only one has faith, kick the rest to the curb, and drive full force into your fruitful future! Besides, the passenger seat is made for Only One Person anyhow! Therefore, that one person might as well be a person of Faith!  I Warn You: Be Different Or Die!

2…AN ATTITUDE OF FAITH: God said, “But My servant Caleb, because he has a different spirit in him and has followed Me fully, I will bring into the land…and his descendants shall inherit it” Do you realize that the company you keep can even hinder the blessings of your household and your posterity?! Read the text: God said, “…AND HIS DESCENDANTS SHALL INHERIT IT” Now, I can’t speak for anybody else, but as for ME, as a wife, oh I will help my husband exam and exonerate (release) some friends! Why? Because My Inheritance Is At Stake! You see, if he hangs around doubtful, faith-faltering, negative, pessimistic, fearful men, that attitude is contagious! And His Infection Can Kill My Inheritance! The Devil Is A Liar! His Present Inner Circle Will Not Choke Out My Future Blessings! Therefore, You Need to Search the Company You Keep Then Hire, Fire, Promote and Demote Accordingly, for You Alone Are The CEO of Your Life and Future! In this day and time everybody’s trying to fit into a mold! But I need to hear you say, “You Didn’t Make Me, You Can’t Mold Me!” I’ve decided to dare to be different! No, I’m not doing what you doing, and going where you going! Why? Because I’ve got a wealthy future of fulfilled promises STANDING before me, and I won’t allow the company I SIT amongst to rob me and leave me for dead in the wilderness, all because I was too fearful to be different! Boxes are coffins, and I’ve got too much to live for to die now! “I Rather Be Different Than Die!” And if So, Then Get Out The Box!

Church, When God Commands You to Go Forth…GO! You are not spineless, nervous, panic-stricken, fearful, timid, nail-biting, anxiety driven cowards! This is the Generation of Courage! Therefore, Possess the Land, Possess Your Promises, and Bless Your Posterity! And what’s “Posterity”? It means “All Future Generations Of People!” It’s Old French Origin “Posterite”, from Latin “Posterus” Simply Means “Following!” All Future Generations Are Depending On You To Get This Thing Right So That They Are Literally Birthed Into Blessings that Are Already Awaiting Their Arrival! So Don’t Let Them Down! There’s a Fruitful Future Following Behind You, Make Sure You Lead Them Straight Into The Promised Land! However, bear in mind: Anytime there’s a Promise Lingering In Your Future this Great, You Better Believe Folks Will Come From Near and Far to Discourage Your Possession! Especially those who are about to die! Don’t Let Them Do It! God Promised It To You And Your God Cannot Lie! “God is not like people. He tells no lies. He is not like humans. He doesn’t change His mind. When He says something, He does it. When He makes a promise, He keeps it” (Numbers 23:19 GWT). So Let Them Talk While You Walk Into the Land of Promise! Listen: When you made the deliberate decision to be different than the rest, God made a decision to deliberately bless you better than the rest! Unfortunately, however, today people so easily flow with the “norm”; they easily “fit in”; they easily “follow the crowd”; they easily stick with the same ole bunch of knuckleheads doing the same ole stupid knucklehead stuff day in and day out. Romans 12:1-2, “So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. DON’T BECOME SO WELL-ADJUSTED TO YOUR CULTURE THAT YOU FIT INTO IT WITHOUT EVEN THINKING. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. UNLIKE THE CULTURE AROUND YOU, ALWAYS DRAGGING YOU DOWN TO ITS LEVEL OF IMMATURITY, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.” (MSG) Listen: if you’re going to attain this great promise from God than you’re going to have to do something different! And Your Something Different Will Be Something New!” Why? Because It’s A New Day, A New Year, A New Decade, A New Thing And A New Move of God!

 “Behold, I am doing a NEW THING! Now it springs forth; do you not perceive and know it and will you not give heed to it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert?” (Isaiah 43:19 AMP) God says He wants to “…do a NEW THING…” For YOU, so disregard the circumstances and believe the God who cannot lie! “So shall My Word be that goes forth out of My mouth: it shall not return to Me void [without producing any effect, useless], but it shall accomplish that which I please and purpose, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it” (Isaiah 55:11 AMP) So If God Said He’s About To Do Something New For You, You Better Believe It and Get Ready! The 10 spies who thought the same, died the same! They thought the same thing, they died the same way in the same place! But Caleb, who had a different spirit, thought differently, acted differently, Lived and Attained The Promised Land! All because he dared to be different!

I like the word “different” because it means “not the same as anything else; or to produce and perform something new!” “Then said the Lord to me…I am alert and active, watching over My Word to PERFORM IT” (Jeremiah 1:12 AMP) People of God, Get Your Tickets Quick and Arrive Early For the Show Because the Lord Is About to PERFORM His Word In Your Life Today! Are You Ready For It?

Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall SPRING forth…After feeling like you’ve waited forever, Get Ready, God will move Suddenly and Shift You From Egypt to the Promise Land of Exceeding Abundantly Above All That You Could Ever Ask or Think According to the Power at Work In You! Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall SPRING forth… You’re Heading Into The Right Season! It’s Your Season To SPRING Forth! Therefore, Don’t You Dare FALL Back Into the Wrong Crowd! Remember Anything In The Box Is Dead! And I’d Rather Be Different Than Die!

If you’re not ready you’ll miss the next open door or the next great idea that God has RESERVED just for you! And do you know what the word “Reserved” means? It means “To keep for future use” or my personal favorite “To make pre-determined arrangements to be kept for the use of a particular person”. “Reserved” also means “To retain or hold for an individual who has the right or entitlement to something”! It further means “Funds kept available by a bank, company, or government” not to mention, “An area of land set aside for the access of a particular person”! “Reserved” has a Latin Origin “Reservare” which literally means “To Keep Back”! And what does all that mean? Glad you asked! I don’t care how rough it’s been, how bleak it looks or how discouraged you are! The reality is, God Has a New Thing In Reserve Just For You! You are NOT the same as the rest, you will not die stuck in the box, you will not live by the same status quo, You Are Different! And Because You’re Different, There’s a Blessing Reserved and Waiting for Particular YOU and it Includes Funds and Land That Can Only Be Accessed By YOU Because As A Child of the King, It Is Your Right and Entitlement! I don’t care how many died in the wilderness, this is your new day to do something different so you can live and inherit the promises that you are entitled to because of who you are and who you’re attached to! The Bible says, “…since you are Christ’s family, then you are Abraham’s famous “descendant,” HEIRS according to the covenant promises” (Galatians 3:29 AMP) Do you know what an “Heir” is? An “Heir” means “A Person Legally Entitled to the Property or Rank of Another Upon that Person’s Death” It also means “A Person Who Continues the Work of a Predecessor”. I don’t know about you, but I’m certainly determined to continue the work of my Predecessor Abraham! He Was Continually Blessed and that’s My Job Too…To Be Continually Blessed! Listen: Truth Is, Abraham Is Dead! However, His Covenant Promises to His Heirs Is Very Much Alive! And what Covenanted Promises Are We Inheriting? Glad you asked! “And I (God) will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you [with abundant increase of favors] and make your name famous and distinguished, and you will be a blessing [dispensing good to others] And I will bless those who bless you [who confer prosperity or happiness upon you] and curse him who curses or uses insolent language toward you; in you will all the families and kindred of the earth be blessed [and by you they will bless themselves]” (Genesis 12:2-3 AMP)

Is that all the blessing you get? NO! The Bible goes on to say, Then the Lord appeared to Abram and said, I will give this land to your posterity…” (Genesis 12:7 AMP) There’s that word again! And what’s “Posterity”? “To All Future Generations”! Literally meaning  your “Following”! In other words, Every Generation That Follows After You Will Reap The Abrahamic Covenant, Promises, Blessings and Favor! But you got to be different to get it!

Now, if you think that’s awesome, you ain’t seen nothing yet, because your inheritance continues to increase! The Bible further states: …Abram was extremely rich…” (Genesis 13:2 AMP) In Case You Forgot…Caleb, You Are Abraham’s Heirs! And you have no need to be selfish either, because God isn’t going to just bless YOU, but even your “Posterity” (All Future Generations Following)! Listen, If You’re Smart, You’ll Do Something Different and Follow Me! And what does the Bible say about Abraham and His “Posterity” Nephew Lot? Glad you asked! “Now the land was not able to nourish and support them so they could dwell together, for their possessions were too great for them to live together” (Genesis 13:6 AMP) Can you even wrap your brain around the fact that God will so favor you that you have to move because where you are can no longer hold you?! Saints, Pack Your Stuff and Get Ready For a New Move Of God! But remember, you got to be different to get it!

By now you must certainly be thinking “that has to be it?!Well, once again…, NOPE! Believe it or not, YOUR INHERITANCE GAINS EVEN MORE INTERESTS! The Bible says: The Lord said to Abram…Lift up now your eyes and look from the place where you are, northward and southward and eastward and westward; For all the land which you see I will give to you and to your posterity forever. And I will make your descendants like the dust of the earth, so that if a man could count the dust of the earth, then could your descendants also be counted. Arise, walk through the land, the length of it and the breadth of it, for I will give it to you…” (Genesis 13:14-18 AMP)

Did you pay close attention to the text? Of course you didn’t, because if you did, you would be shouting right NOW!

1…No matter where Abram looked (“…northward…southward…eastward…westward…” God declared “…all the land which you see I will give to you…” Go Ahead…It’s Okay, You Can Shout! And If Anybody Says Anything To You, Just Send Them To Me And I’ll Explain Your Unspeakable Joy! Seriously, Can You Imagine Being So Blessed That No Matter Which Way You Turn You Bump Right Into a Blessing?! Here’s Yet Another Warning Saints: GET READY! Or Should I Say Brace Yourself, Because You’re About To Bump Into A Blessing!

2…Not only will Abram receive a “anywhere you look the land is yours” blessing, but God declares, “…I will give to you and to your posterity forever…” Do You Know How Long Forever Is?! It’s defined as “For All Future Time!” and “Continually Without Ever Ceasing”! In other words, you AND all your future generations following you will Forever…For all the time into the Future of Eternity Be Abundantly Blessed, Continually, Without Ever Ceasing! Now, I’ve heard of a Big Blessing, But Only God Can Give You A Blessing So Big That It Outlives You and All Your Future Generations That Aren’t Even Born Yet! That’s What You Call A Radically, Ridiculous, Make No Kinda Sense, I’ll Never Be Able to Explain It Kind of Blessing! Listen, You Are So Favored By God That Not Even TIME Can Stop Your Blessing! Now That’s What You Call a Crazy Blessing! How Can You Be In Time, And Yet Have a Blessing Outside of Time, At the Same Time! Your Blessings Are Absolutely Ridiculous! Your Blessings Are So Big That They Defy Logic! Don’t Make No Sense No Kinda Way! Let folks know, If You Want the Same, Just Do Something Different! Want What I Got, Then Do What I Did, And All I Did, Was Do Something Different!  Go Ahead, It’s Okay…You Can Run Again I’ll Try To Explain To Folks Who Don’t Quite Understand That You’re Being Bombarded With a Blessing That’s Hitting You From Every Direction and Angle! And Believe It Or Not, But That’s Not All! On Top of that “Your Every Direction I Turn” Blessing Is Also Going to Last FOREVER! “For You, O my God, have told Your servant that You will build for him a house (a blessed posterity); therefore Your servant has found courage and confidence to pray before You. And now, Lord, You are God, and have promised this good thing to Your servant. Therefore may it please You to bless the house (posterity) OF Your servant, that it may continue before You forever; FOR WHAT YOU BLESS, O LORD, IS BLESSED FOREVER!” (1 Chronicles 17:25-27 AMP). From Now On You Need to Wake Up In the Morning With This Declaration On Your Tongue: “I’M BLESSED FOREVER!” Yep, with my purple hair, 10 piercings, 20 tattoos, green lipstick, orange shirt, blue pants, red shoes and rainbow socks! Yep, I’m Still Blessed Forever! Don’t judge me, I might be different, BUT I’M BLESSED FOREVER! I may look different from the norm, but I’m blessed forever, I may talk funny, but I’m blessed forever, my friends may look a little quirky, but I’m blessed forever, I may have come from the wrong side of town, but I’m blessed forever, I may be divorced, I may live in the projects, my brother may be jail and my sister on welfare, but here me when I tell you, I’m blessed forever! Remind Yourself: different is the new norm! Because I’m different, I’m blessed FOREVER! But you can only get this type of blessing when you dare to be different, when you break out the box, when you stand away from the crowd, when you break the status quo, when you move from the murmurers, when you follow God fully, when you trust and believe His promises! You Can’t Get Something Different Doing the Same Thing!

3…Then God tells Abram, “Arise, walk through the land, the length of it and the breadth of it, for I will give it to you…” Can You Imagine a “Anywhere I Place My Foot It’s Mine” Blessing?! That sounds a lot like Deuteronomy 11:22-25, “That’s right. If you diligently keep all this commandment that I command you to obey – love GOD, your God, do what He tells you, stick close to Him – GOD on His part will drive out all these nations that stand in your way. Yes, He’ll drive out nations much bigger and stronger than you. Every square inch on which you place your foot will be yours. Your borders will stretch from the wilderness to the mountains of Lebanon, from the Euphrates River to the Mediterranean Sea. No one will be able to stand in your way. Everywhere you go, GOD-sent fear and trembling will precede you, just as He promised” (MSG). Saints, I Challenge You: “Put Your Foot On It!” No Matter How Long or Wide You Walk…The Land Is Yours…Forever! You Better Go To “Sport’s Authority”, “Models”, “Payless”, “Foot Locker”…Somewhere/Anywhere, And Get You A Good Pair a Sneakers And Get To Stepping! Where? IT DON’T EVEN MATTER! THE LAND, IN ALL IT’S LENGTH, IT’S DEPTH, AND WIDTH…ARE YOURS…FOREVER! NOW RUN TELL YOUR HATERS THAT! God Is Giving Me Mountains, Rivers, Seas and Land…FOREVER! No matter what state, city, town, country, it’s mine forever! Deuteronomy 11:24, says: “Every place whereon the soles of your feet shall tread shall be yours…” The word “sole” is defined as the “underside of a person’s foot”. But more importantly, its secondary definition means “One And Only; Belonging or Restricted to One Person or Group” It’s Latin Origin “Sola” Literally Means “Alone”! If I was preaching this, I would tell you to tell somebody, don’t get mad, but this ones for me, alone! If you want the same, be different! Caleb was blessed for having Abraham as his predecessor, he could claim the Abrahamic Covenant Promises and Blessings, which is why Caleb didn’t care about the giants in the land, the promise from Abraham’s posterity that he is attached to as an heir said, One: “Wherever the soles of your feet shall tread shall be yours” and Two: “…GOD on His part will drive out all these nations that stand in your way. Yes, He’ll drive out nations much bigger and stronger than you.” When You’re Different It Don’t Matter! It don’t matter who comes against you, don’t matter who they are, don’t matter what they said, don’t matter what they do, where they come from, what their size is, or who they bring with them to the fight! Just by being different, I don’t even have to fight. I can sit back relax, and enjoy the ride, because God promised me and my posterity, that He alone will drive out all the nations that stand in my way, and He’ll drive out nations much bigger and stronger than me! But You Got To Be Different To Get It! Knowing the promises that were given to your predecessors in the past, is what keeps you focused as you move forward into your future, even when problems arise!

Saints, don’t be like the doubters and die in the wilderness, when you can simply follow God, be different and live in the Promised Land!

Caleb’s…Your Abrahamic Covenant of Generational Promises, Blessings and Favor are Awaiting You! Don’t Die, Be Different and LIVE!

Much Love, Dr. Shermaine #EnjoyTheRead #BeInspired #BeEncouraged #BeEmpowered #BeChallenged #ShareTheWord

Feel free to also join us at: http://www.selfcarewithdrshermaine.blogspot.com Today’s Lesson: “Better Eating Resolutions”

Feel free to join us at: http://www.chefshermainesbiblecafe.home.blog Today’s Chef Special Word “EXTREAT”

Daily Dose With Dr. Shermaine: https://dailydosewithdrshermaine.wordpress.com
Facebook:  DrShermaine Franklin-Sanders
Instagram: dr_sys
LinkedIn:  Linkedin.com/in/dr-shermaine-y-franklin-sanders910019142/
Twitter: Dr_Shermaine
Pinterest: drsys321
Google: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+DrShermaineYFranklinSanders

“You Can’t Travel With WIDE Friends on a NARROW Road!”


Matthew 7:14-15, “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad and easy to travel is the path that leads the way to destruction and eternal loss, and there are many who enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow and difficult to travel is the path that leads the way to [everlasting] life, and there are few who find it.” (AMP)

Personally, I’ve never hitchhiked before, but I’ve seen many hitchhikers along the road and I’ve certainly seen them in movies (especially scary ones). But the one thing that’s almost always certain is, you’ll find them usually holding a sign. And more often than not, the sign is usually crudely lettered, and doesn’t have the name or the license plate of the car they want to ride in. No, but what it normally does have on it is the name of a place they want to go. Believe it or not, but in most places, hitchhiking is a way of life. One woman shared her hitchhiking experience, when she said she asked only one question before she got in a car. She didn’t care about the make of the car, the driver’s IQ, or where the driver was from. She had one question only, “Where are you headed?

You see, hitchhikers have a simple basis for deciding who they will travel with and it’s this: “Is this person going where I want to end up?And that’s exactly the question we all should have in mind when we’re deciding who we’re going to travel with.

Which is why Proverbs 13:20 is a great admonishment to all of us. It’s God’s counsel concerning the people we hang out with, people we spend time with, make friends with, people we start business ventures with, people we date, people we marry. And it says this: “He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.” Check out a few other translations:

“He who walks [as a companion] with wise men will be wise, But the companions of [conceited, dull-witted] fools [are fools themselves and] will experience harm.” (AMP);

“Walk with wise people and become wise; befriend fools and get in trouble.” (CEB);

“Wise friends make you wise, but you hurt yourself by going around with fools.” (CEV);

“Whoever walks with wise people will be wise, but whoever associates with fools will suffer.” (GWT);

“Keep company with the wise and you will become wise. If you make friends with stupid people, you will be ruined.” (GNT);

“He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the one who walks with fools will be destroyed.” (NLV);

“Become wise by walking with the wise; hang out with fools and watch your life fall to pieces.” (MSG)

I don’t know about you, but after reading all of that, I’m ready to re-exam every friend attached to my life! And my simple response will be to keep the wise and kick to the curb the fools! Why? Because the wrong foolish friends, according to the Bible, will cause you to “experience harm; get in to trouble; hurt yourself; suffer; be ruined; be destroyed and have your life fall to pieces”! Says the Scripture! Now you tell me, are foolish friends really worth all of that? I think NOT!

Furthermore, you tend to become like the people you spend time with. Like a hitchhiker, you end up where the people you are traveling with end up. Which is why God loves us so much that He reinforces this point in 1 Corinthians 15:33. He just simply says, “Do not be misled. “Bad company corrupts good character.” (NIV) Yet another Scripture we need to look at a bit closer:

“Don’t fool yourselves. Bad friends will destroy you.” (CEV);

“Don’t be fooled: “Bad friends will ruin good habits.” (ERV);

“Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.” (ESV);

“Do not let anyone fool you. Bad people can make those who want to live good become bad.” (NLV);

“Don’t be fooled by those who say such things. If you listen to them you will start acting like them.” (TLB)

Once again we’re faced with the challenge of re-examining our friendships. Are we in good or bad company? Because bad friends will “destroy you; ruin your good habits and morals; and will encourage you to do and be just as bad.” Not to mention, if we hang with bad friends “we’ll start to act just like them”! Which brings about the question, that only you can ask and answer: With the friends I have in my life, would I be encouraged or embarrassed to reflect their thoughts, speech, actions, habits and lifestyle? Do I have friends who I would want to emulate? Do I have friends that help me turn my good habits into bad ones, or cause my morals to come up MIA?

Listen, if you’re going to make good decisions about who to travel with at your school, at your workplace, in your social life, in business, at church, or even who you’ll date and marry, you first need to decide what kind of person you want to become; what kind of goals you want to achieve. And I for one certainly hope you want to end up being a positive person, and not a negative one. After all, who needs any more of those? You probably want to end up being caring, not self-centered, encouraging, not tearing people down, living for what really matters instead of just some attractive, meaningless junk.

Decide what kind of person you want to be; what kind of attitudes you want to have. And then look for some people who have the same “destination sign” as you do. Now, when it comes to driving, the purpose of “destination signs” is “to direct travelers to their destinations by the best route.And before you befriend anyone else, you need to hold up the destination sign of where it is you’re going so others who want you to hop in and take a ride with them will know, you already know your destination and you will not be detoured! People need to know, in advance, where you’re heading, and likewise you need to know, in advance, where they’re heading. And if you find that you’re heading to pleasing God, then you don’t ride with those heading to play with God. If you’re heading to use your talent, you don’t ride with those heading to hide their talent. If you’re heading to be used by God, you don’t ride with those who only want to use God. If you’re heading to a monogamous relationship, you don’t ride with those who already have a backseat full of passengers to play with. If you’re heading to becoming debt-free, you don’t ride with those who have no financial discipline. If you’re heading to becoming physically fit, you don’t ride with those who just left McDonalds, at Applebee’s now, and heading to Red Lobster next.

Are you getting this?

As soon as they pull up, they should already know where you’re heading to because you’ve already clearly displayed your destination sign, in advance! And before you hop in to ride, you need to likewise ask, “where you heading to?” And if you’re heading to holiness, righteousness, godliness, peace, joy, love, happiness, and the like, then you know already you can’t ride with someone who is unholy, unrighteous, ungodly, chaotic, miserable, hateful, and sad!

Note: Why would two people ride in the same car going in two different directions?!

2 Corinthians 6:14-18, “Don’t become partners with those who reject God. How can you make a partnership out of right and wrong? That’s not partnership; that’s war. Is light best friends with dark? Does Christ go strolling with the Devil? Do trust and mistrust hold hands? Who would think of setting up pagan idols in God’s holy Temple? But that is exactly what we are, each of us a temple in whom God lives. God Himself put it this way: “I’ll live in them, move into them; I’ll be their God and they’ll be my people. So leave the corruption and compromise; leave it for good,” says God. “Don’t link up with those who will pollute you. I want you all for Myself. I’ll be a Father to you; you’ll be sons and daughters to Me.” The Word of the Master, God.” (MSG)

I reiterate, why would two people ride in the same car going in two different directions?!

Like it or not, you have to take time to re-exam your friendships. Are you traveling with the right people? Are you heading in the same direction? Do you share the same vision, purpose, aim and goals? Because if not, you could be heading in a direction God never set as your destination! Or building from blueprints that have nothing to do with who you are to become! And what’s the danger of that?

1 Corinthians 3:9-15, “For we are God’s fellow workers [His servants working together]; you are God’s cultivated field [His garden, His vineyard], God’s building. According to the [remarkable] grace of God which was given to me [to prepare me for my task], like a skillful master builder I laid a foundation, and now another is building on it. But each one must be careful how he builds on it, for no one can lay a foundation other than the one which is [already] laid, which is Jesus Christ. But if anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw,  each one’s work will be clearly shown [for what it is]; for the day [of judgment] will disclose it, because it is to be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality and character and worth of each person’s work.  If any person’s work which he has built [on this foundation, that is, any outcome of his effort] remains [and survives this test], he will receive a reward.  But if any person’s work is burned up [by the test], he will suffer the loss [of his reward]; yet he himself will be saved, but only as [one who has barely escaped] through fire.” (AMP)

Do you really want to take the risk of bad friendships?! Remember, you’re not just working here, but one day there will be an inspection of your work. Do you really want to find out that after a lifetime of building for God, you were using the wrong blueprints all along? Listen: Whether it’s marriage, business or church, you need to make sure that the people you’re traveling with are driving you towards your destiny and not away from it. You need people in your life who are working on the same building and driving in the same direction!

Your selection of friends, associates, romantic prospects may well be one of the most important choices you will ever make because you will probably end up on the same road as they do. If you’re with people who are spiritually careless, or just don’t care, you’ll probably end up there, too. If you’re with people who just simply settle for mediocrity as a Christian, you will live that grey life like they do. But if you are connected with some people who are going in the “make a difference” direction, the “live to help other people” direction, the “live for Jesus” direction, chances are that’s where you’re going to end up – going in the direction where your life can mean the most and matter the most, and count for something lasting.

You can ask any hitchhiker, it really does matter who you decide to travel with. You don’t decide who you’re going to go with on the basis of how cool they are, or how well-connected they are, or how exciting their lifestyle looks – or even how they treat you. You ask that all-important, deciding question about who you’re going to spend your time around, “Where are you headed?”

You only travel with someone who’s going to a destination that you’re not ever going to regret!

Now, something else to keep in mind is this. You can hold your sign up with your intended destination on it, and have someone pull over and offer you a ride. However, sometimes they’ll say, “I’m only going as far as…..so I can get you at least close to where you’re going.” NOPE! Don’t You Dare Settle for Satisfactory! Don’t You Dare Settle For Less! Know where you’re heading in God, and only travel with those heading to that same destination! Far too many people have already settled for getting close, only to find out that they will spend the rest of their lives just like that…they got close… Not where they’re supposed to be, but close; almost there; near; just about; within reach and yet…that’s all they get is close to where they were destined to end up!

Know where God is sending you and don’t settle for traveling with people who will only get you close. In the end, no one wants to hear God say, “you almost made it in”! No, you want Heaven to be your home, you don’t want to find out that you can live somewhere near Heaven as a neighbor! NO! I want to make it all the way IN! And that’s how you have to think about your talents, gifts, skills, ministry, calling, purpose, and life! I don’t want to get within reach only to let it slip through my fingers! And that’s precisely what happens when you travel with people who are not going in your direction!

Therefore, this is your challenge, Re-Exam Your Friendships!

Make sure they’re not just attached, but assigned!

Some people are only around you to get your attention, not give you assistance. Make sure you’re not traveling with people that cause you to break out a map and compass because nothing about the journey looks anything like where God told you to go.

I’ll close with our opening text Matthew 7:14-15, “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad and easy to travel is the path that leads the way to destruction and eternal loss, and there are many who enter through it.  But small is the gate and narrow and difficult to travel is the path that leads the way to [everlasting] life, and there are few who find it.” (AMP)

When traveling this Christian life, you have a choice between the wide and narrow gate. When you choose to travel with ‘wide’ friends, you choose to go down a road that is indeed broad and easy (and of course that’s appealing to many), but that path is also the way to destruction and eternal loss and MANY are on it! That’s the danger of having a crowd of friends all going in the wrong direction, because you choose to travel with them, you end up at the same destination of destruction and eternal loss. And surely you haven’t lived this long to miss Heaven with such a short trip! Saints, you don’t need a car load of people! You need ‘narrow’ friends with a ‘narrow’ mindset. They’re the ones that keep you focused and on the right path because they know just how difficult traveling down the journey can be, especially with so many temptation signs trying to entice you to take a detour from destiny. But ‘narrow’ friends remind you of your everlasting life that you can’t afford to lose! And how many ‘narrow’ friends do you need? The bible reads, “…there are FEW who find it.” And that’s all you need is a few ‘narrow’ focused friends who refuse to get distracted and thrown off track, so they keep you just as focused! They are the ones that remind you what God told you to do and where God told you to go. They don’t go astray and they don’t let you go astray either. ‘Narrow’ friends keep you responsible and accountable. They’re concerned about your salvation remaining intact. They’re concerned that you’re using the gifts God gave you the way God told you. They’re concerned that you take no risks that cost you your life, calling, family, or purpose in God.

There will always be MANY that will want to lead you down the WIDE road; but if you want to see Jesus in peace; follow the FEW who are focused on staying safely on the NARROW road!

People of God, think twice before accepting a friendship ride! You don’t want to travel with anyone who will be detrimental to your destination here on earth or thereafter!

“Keep your head and your heart going in the right direction, and you will not have to worry about your feet.” (Myles Munroe)

“If you don’t change the direction you are going, then you’re likely to end up where you’re heading.” (John C. Maxwell)

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you’ve imagined.” (Henry David Thoreau)

“It’s better to go slowly in the right direction than go speeding off in the wrong direction.” (Simon Sinek)

“Far too many people spend a lifetime headed in the wrong direction. They go not only from the cradle to the cubicle, but then to the casket, without uncovering their greatest talents and potential.” (Tom Roth)

“Rowing harder doesn’t help if the boat is headed in the wrong direction.” (Kenichi Ohmae)

“If you think down, you will go down. If you think up, you will go up. You’ll always travel in the direction of your thinking.” (T.D. Jakes)

“As I get older, I am becoming more selective of who I consider a friend. I find that I would rather have 4 quarters, than 100 pennies.” (Dr. Steve Maraboli)

“Where you are headed is more important than how fast you are going. Rather than always focusing on what’s urgent, learn to focus on what is really important.” (Stephen Covey)

Much Love, Dr. Shermaine #EnjoyTheRead #BeInspired #BeEncouraged #BeEmpowered #BeChallenged #ShareTheWord

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“Only Fools Refuse God’s Wisdom!”


Joshua 9:14-15, “So the men [of Israel] took some of their own provisions [and offered them in friendship], and [FOOLISHLY] did not ask for the counsel of the Lord. Joshua made peace with them and made a covenant (treaty) with them, to let them live; and the leaders of the congregation [of Israel] swore an oath to them.” (AMP)

It was an amusing billboard actually; a cartoon drawing of a wide-eyed, bewildered-looking squirrel, holding a broken cable in his paws. The sign that came with it simply read, “Call before you dig”, and gave a toll-free phone number. Well, I’ve come to discover that many utility workers have this problem and have it quite often. You see, squirrels start digging into the wires and they cut right into the utility workers power lines and cables. Lines which could very easily be gas lines, phone lines, or cables. And in the process, the happy diggers make a big mess for the utility company and their customers. A mess that could have easily been avoided had they asked about the dangers before they started digging. Now, squirrels may not know any better, but sadly neither do most people!

Which is why it really is a good idea to check with the people ‘in the know’ before you just start plowing ahead! It’s our failure to check with the Person who’s really ‘in the know’ that explains many of our costly mistakes, that have caused some of the biggest messes in our lives, and in the lives of all those connected to us!

Warning: People CONNECTED to You are EFFECTED by You…For Good or Bad!

Consider the example in Joshua 9:14-15. The Jews have been winning one victory after another over the Canaanites as they took possession of the Promised Land that God was giving them. Now, they are about to come upon Gibeon, one of the royal cities of Canaan. The Gibeonites have heard about the fall of the other cities the Jews have gone against. They know they’re going down next unless they can trick God’s people somehow into making a peace treaty with them, which seems unlikely in light of the fact that God’s Orders are to remove every tribe from the land and Not to coexist with them!

But the Gibeonites are shrewd. They sent a delegation to see Joshua, with donkeys loaded with cracked wineskins and worn-out sacks. They wore patched sandals and old clothes, and they carried dry and moldy bread with them. The whole scam was to make it LOOK LIKE they were from far away and that they had come on a long journey. Here’s how Joshua and his men decided what to do with these Gibeonites, The Bible says, “The Israelites sampled their provisions (so they made sure the bread was really dry and moldy) BUT THEY DID NOT INQUIRE OF THE LORD. Then Joshua made a treaty of peace with them to let them live, and the leaders of the assembly ratified it by oath.” (NIV)

Do you know, within days, the Jews learned that the Gibeonites weren’t from far away; in fact, they were from close by. But because they had been tricked into this treaty, they could not, by honor, remove them as God had originally commanded. As a result, the hands of the Jews were tied for years to come, and the treaty actually sparked a major battle with other armies. How did this mess happen? Well, in a nutshell, they didn’t call before they dug, much like the squirrels! They decided on the basis of what SEEMED right to them, but they made the fatal mistake so many of us have made so many times before –THEY DIDN’T CHECK WITH HEAVEN…THEY DIDN’T CHECK WITH GOD! And so they blew it! And so do we!

Listen to the text in varying translation:


“The men of Israel wanted to know if these men were telling the truth. So they TASTED the bread – BUT THEY DID NOT ASK THE LORD WHAT THEY SHOULD DO.” (ERV);

“The Israelites ACCEPTED some food from them, BUT DID NOT CONSULT THE LORD ABOUT IT.” (GNT);

“Joshua and the other leaders finally believed them. THEY DID NOT BOTHER TO ASK THE LORD BUT WENT AHEAD AND SIGNED A PEACE TREATY…” (TLB);

“So the Israelites EXAMINED their food, BUT THEY DID NOT CONSULT THE LORD.” (NLT);

“The men of Israel LOOKED them over and ACCEPTED the EVIDENCE. BUT THEY DIDN’T ASK GOD ABOUT IT.” (MSG);


Now, this is where many of us mess up and get messy! Like the Israelites, we’ll try it; take some; taste it; sample it; exam it, believe it, and even eventually accept it…but what we fail to do is to ask God what to do about it and with it! The Israelites (like many of us) were cautious, they checked out what was presented to them, however, the final decision was not theirs to make (and not ours either)!

“The Israelites took some of their supplies, BUT THEY DIDN’T ASK FOR ANY DECISION FROM THE LORD.” (CEB)

And can we be honest? We Get in the Worst Predicaments Because We Forget God Knows Best!

The decision was the Lord’s to make! They were to consult Him. And even with the decisions He allows us to be a part of, we are still to consult the Lord! And it’s not because they didn’t know any better, so they don’t even have that as a justifiable excuse and neither do we!

James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom [TO GUIDE HIM THROUGH A DECISION OR CIRCUMSTANCE], he is to ask of [our benevolent] God, who gives to everyone generously and without rebuke or blame, and it will be given to him.” (AMP)

When God Himself is telling you to use His Wisdom, only a Fool would refuse!

God is there to Help, not to Hinder us! But He’s not rudely forcing Himself on us either! But He’s laid out for us the safest way to travel if only we’d adhere to it! Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in and rely confidently on the Lord with all your heart AND DO NOT RELY ON YOUR OWN INSIGHT OR UNDERSTANDING. IN ALL YOUR WAYS know and acknowledge and recognize Him, and HE will make your paths straight and smooth [REMOVING OBSTACLES THAT BLOCK YOUR WAY].” (AMP) Do you realize just how smooth this journey of ours could be if only we’d humble ourselves enough to follow His lead? We wouldn’t even have to worry about the bumps in the road along the way because He promises to “…remove obstacles that block our way.” But no, we insist on doing things our own way! And what is the result of that decision?

Proverbs 16:25, “There’s a way that looks harmless enough; look again – it leads straight to hell.” (MSG) Surely that’s the destination you were hoping to reach, right?

Don’t you see, we’re much like the Israelites, as soon as something (or someone) APPEARS to be alright; APPEARS to check out; APPEARS to be on the up-and-up, we jump head long into a mess with eyes wide open! All we know is that it “…LOOKS HARMLESS ENOUGH…” but so does she (until you get married to her and her $100,000.00 debt); so does he (until his perfect tall, dark and handsome exposes you to an STD); so does that church (but little do you know they’re only concerned with the prosperity of your pockets and not the prosperity of your soul); so does that business (until you find out the under-handed methods they use to keep it afloat)! What am I saying? Ask God Before You Decide It or They Are Really the Answer You Were Looking For! This could literally save your very life!

Think of all the divorces that could have been avoided had the individuals sought the Lord FIRST! When our children messed up, imagine how quickly they could have cleaned up, if we FIRST helped them God’s way instead of ours! The many soul ties that would never have tangled up your peace of mind if only you’d sought the Lord’s decision in the matter, FIRST! How many broken hearts that would not have needed years to mend, if only we sought the Lord FIRST. Many of us would not have to start over (for the 97th time, just this week) if only we’d sought the Lord FIRST! So much unnecessary pain, so many unnecessary complications and difficulties and conflicts, and all because of our failure to seek God’s direction FIRST!  And in this day and time of read your horoscope; find your inner-self; reach for a higher power; let them read your palm; check out the tarot cards; let the soothsayers soothe you; (You Need to Know to Seek God FIRST!)

Isaiah 8:19-22, “When people tell you, “Try out the fortunetellers. Consult the spiritualists. Why not tap into the spirit-world, get in touch with the dead?” Tell them, “NO, WE’RE GOING TO STUDY THE SCRIPTURES.” People who try the other ways get nowhere – a dead end! Frustrated and famished, they try one thing after another. When nothing works out they get angry, cursing first this god and then that one, looking this way and that, up, down, and sideways – and seeing nothing, a blank wall, an empty hole. They end up in the dark with nothing.” (MSG)

And why would anyone want to waste time on such Foolishness when you have direct access to the Wisdom of God? That’s Who you seek…FIRST! When you’re wondering which direction and what to do, seek God FIRST! Jeremiah 33:3, “This is God’s Message, the God who made earth, made it livable and lasting, known everywhere as God: “Call to Me and I will answer you. I’ll tell you marvelous and wondrous things that you could never figure out on your own.” (MSG) With that as your best option, how could you chose anything different? You do not have to figure out life on your own (and thank God, because clearly WE are not good at decision making on our own)! And who cares, since we can simply call to our Father and He will answer His children with marvelous things that we don’t have to keep digging to find on our own!

Isaiah 65:24, “I will answer them before they even call to Me. While they are still talking to Me about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers!” (TLB) Why try to figure out something God has already figured out? All you have to do is ask Him for the answer!

However, truth is, we neglect to check with God for many reasons. We’re in too big of a hurry, we’re feeling pressured by other people, we compromise for the sake of convenience, or we just plain know how we want it to be and we stubbornly blaze ahead with our own will. Sometimes, we may even be doing God’s thing, but it’s not God’s time or it’s not God’s way. Which is why it’s so vital that we “lean not on our own understanding,” which can only see part of the picture. When you consult with the Lord, you’re getting direction from the only One who can see the whole picture. That’s why counsel before decisions is so important! Proverbs 15:22, “Refuse good advice and watch your plans fail; take good counsel and watch them succeed.” (MSG)

Listen, in 2 Chronicles 18:4, King Jehoshaphat gave King Ahab this advice before he went running off into battle: “…FIRST, seek the counsel of the Lord.” (NIV) Here’s a few additional translations:

“…Please inquire FIRST for the Word of the Lord.” (AMP);

“…Inquire FIRST, I pray you, for the Word of the Lord today.” (AMPC);

“…FIRST, let’s see what the Lord has to say.” (CEB);

“But FIRST let’s ask the Lord what to do.” (CEV);

“But FIRST let’s ask the Lord for advice.” (ERV);

“…“But FIRST, find out what the Lord’s Word is in this matter.” (GWT);

“…But FIRST let’s consult the Lord.” (GNT);

“…However, let’s check with the Lord FIRST.” (TLB);


“…But FIRST we should ask if this is the Lord’s Will.” (NCV);

Are you starting to see the clear picture now? There’s a plan in place, however, Jehoshaphat (the wise leader) says, FIRST, let’s inquire of the Lord; let’s see what the Word of the Lord is for today; let’s see what He has to say; let’s ask Him what we should do; let’s ask for His advice; let’s find out what He has to say about this particular matter; let’s consult Him; let’s see if this is even His Will; BEFORE WE DO ANYTHING…LET’S ASK GOD TO GUIDE US! Yet, even with all of that admonishment, in the end, King Ahab didn’t, and because he didn’t, he died in that battle!

Do I dare ask how much money you would not have lost if you sought God FIRST? How much of your integrity, dignity and character would still be intact if you sought the Lord FIRST? How many mistakes and missteps could you have avoided if only you asked if this or they were in His Will for your life? Maybe you wouldn’t have lost the job, the house, the car, the career, the ministry or church, if only you would have asked God for His Guidance, before deciding to Go Your Own Way…Only to Have Crashed Over the Cliff Where He Already Had Warning Signs in Place!

And LEADERS, this is dangerous for us as well, listen to the text again in closing: “JOSHUA AND THE OTHER LEADERS finally believed them. They did not bother to ask the Lord but went ahead and signed a peace treaty…” (TLB);

Leadership Means We’re Responsible For Everyone On Board, Whether We Sail Safely, or Sink Fatally. Which is why we (above all people) ought to use the Wisdom God has made available to us to lead people according to His Word, Way and Will…and NOT That of Our Own! Because in the end, these LEADERS made a decision (WITHOUT GOD) that affected the WHOLE CONGREGATION. And if we dare make the wrong decision, the Body of Christ, as a whole, is damaged. Because you can’t hurt your pinky and the rest of your hand not know what happened. And in the Body of Christ, whatever we do in the Body, affects the whole body. So let’s start today by asking the Lord to lead and guide us in the way we should go, not in the way we want to go. Let’s ask the Lord for His decision, His Word, His Will, His Way, and His Timing.

Why? Because we can avoid a lot of problems and a lot of pain if only we’ll instinctively check with God FIRST. Let’s stop being like squirrels on power lines, digging in and causing disruption to everyone and everything. Let’s decide today to stop making messy decisions!

I share this because we’ve entered another New Year. We have much indeed to be grateful for. However, this is also the time and season when everyone wants to be something new, try something new, go somewhere new. And nothing is wrong with New, when it’s the Lord’s doing: Isaiah 43:18-21, “This is what God says…Forget about what’s happened; don’t keep going over old history. Be alert, be present. I’M ABOUT TO DO SOMETHING BRAND-NEW. It’s bursting out! Don’t you see it?” (MSG) God doesn’t need your New Years’ Resolutions! If something is to be New, let Him do it instead of you attempting to experiment with it! Let God change it; alter it; move it; or send it…not you trying to make things (you want, but may not need) to happen!

This year, make one resolution only…SEEK GOD FIRST! Don’t go grabbing shovels and seeking new land, and start digging where God never intended you to. Wait! Seek His Counsel, whether it’s for marriage; a relationship; a friendship; a job offer; a school choice; a career move; leaving or starting a church; or going to the store to make a purchase…Wait On the Lords’ Timing and Direction and You’ll Never Be Steered Off Course!

Think about it, haven’t we already made the foolish mistake of making decisions without the Lord’s consult and wisdom? And as bad as those choices and consequences turned out to be…do you really want a New Year, with the same Old You, making all the same old errors…again? Of course not. So this year, if it’s the Last thing you do…SEEK THE LORD FIRST…Before You Start Digging and Deciding!

Matthew 6:30-33, “If God gives such attention to the appearance of wildflowers—most of which are never even seen—don’t you think he’ll attend to you, take pride in you, do his best for you? What I’m trying to do here is to get you to relax, to not be so preoccupied with getting, so you can respond to God’s giving. People who don’t know God and the way he works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how he works. Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don’t worry about missing out. You’ll find all your everyday human concerns will be met.” (MSG)

Psalm 37:23-24, “The steps of a [good] man are directed and established by the Lord when He delights in his way [and He busies Himself with his every step]. Though he falls, he shall not be utterly cast down, for the Lord grasps his hand in support and upholds him.” (AMPC)


Psalm 14:1, “The [spiritually ignorant] fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.”
They are corrupt, they have committed repulsive and unspeakable deeds; There is no one who does good.” (AMP)

Romans 1:22, “Claiming to be wise, they became fools,” (AMP)

Proverbs 18:2, “A [closed-minded] fool does not delight in understanding, But only in revealing his personal opinions [unwittingly displaying his self-indulgence and his stupidity].” (AMP)

Proverbs 9:8, “Do not correct a scoffer [who foolishly ridicules and takes no responsibility for his error] or he will hate you; Correct a wise man [who learns from his error], and he will love you.” (AMP)

Proverbs 26:4, “Do not answer [nor pretend to agree with the frivolous comments of] a [closed-minded] fool according to his folly, Otherwise you, even you, will be like him.” (AMP)

Proverbs 1:7, “The [reverent] fear of the Lord [that is, worshiping Him and regarding Him as truly awesome] is the beginning and the preeminent part of knowledge [its starting point and its essence]; But arrogant fools despise [skillful and godly] wisdom and instruction and self-discipline.” (AMP)

Proverbs 29:11, “A [shortsighted] fool always loses his temper and displays his anger, But a wise man [uses self-control and] holds it back.” (AMP)

Proverbs 13:20, “He who walks [as a companion] with wise men will be wise,
But the companions of [conceited, dull-witted] fools [are fools themselves and] will experience harm.” (AMP)

Proverbs 12:16, “The [arrogant] fool’s anger is quickly known [because he lacks self-control and common sense], But a prudent man ignores an insult.” (AMP)

Proverbs 12:18, “There is one who speaks rashly like the thrusts of a sword,
But the tongue of the wise brings healing.” (AMP)

Ecclesiastes 7:9, “Do not be eager in your heart to be angry, For anger dwells in the heart of fools.” (AMP)

Ephesians 5:15-16, “Therefore see that you walk carefully [living life with honor, purpose, and courage; shunning those who tolerate and enable evil], not as the unwise, but as wise [sensible, intelligent, discerning people], making the very most of your time [on earth, recognizing and taking advantage of each opportunity and using it with wisdom and diligence], because the days are [filled with] evil.” (AMP)

Much Love, Dr. Shermaine #EnjoyTheRead #BeInspired #BeEncouraged #BeEmpowered #BeChallenged #ShareTheWord

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