“Release Those Bags!”


Pastor Sheila shared the following with me: “When my airplane flight is over, it’s not really over. You see, there’s that closing chapter of a trip that you get to spend at baggage claim. At my home airport they have these big carousels where suitcases are dumped out and where they circle until their owners claim them. Now, my bags seem to have a knack for waiting until almost all the other bags are out, for some reason. So I just keep watching those suitcases of all shapes and sizes and conditions appear, and waiting for one I like – no, no, no. I mean, one I recognize! Moving on…I happened to notice there’s always “phantom bags” there as well. They just keep circling and circling and circling. And since the luggage carousel is all I really have to look at, the show gets pretty boring, pretty fast! Hours later you’re still saying yep, there goes that SAME BAGGAGE…AGAIN!”

Keep That Story In Mind!

Probably the most curious question Jesus ever asked is found in John 5:3-9. There was a pool where people went out to get their diseases healed and it says, “Here there was a great number of people and they used to lie there, the blind, the lame, the paralyzed, and there was one who had been an invalid for 38 YEARS. When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that HE HAD BEEN IN THIS CONDITION FOR A LONG TIME he asked him, ‘Do you want to get well?’ ‘Well sir,’ the invalid replied, ‘I have no one to help me to get into the pool when the water is stirred.’That’s when the healing time was. “While I’m trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me.’ Then Jesus said, ‘Get up, pick up your mat and walk.’ At once the man was cured, picked up his mat and he walked.” 

Now, this man has been a victim of paralysis for 38 YEARS and yet Jesus asks him,Do you want to get well?But why ask this question? 

Well, let’s stop for a moment and consider the condition that YOU are in right now. Something that fits the Biblical description that’s given here might read over your current situation the same way: “…In this condition for a long time…” Maybe it’s the pain or the memory of some past hurt or past abuse or past betrayal. It’s haunted you; it’s even held you back for a long time. Or, it could be that you’ve carried feelings of worthlessness for a long time, and they’ve caused you to make some very hurtful choices. It may be some enslaving sin that’s held you down for a long time, but like this man at the healing pool, you’ve been in some way emotionally, or spiritually, or relationally, or mentally paralyzed for a long time. And then along comes Jesus with this strange questionthe one that comes before the healing, “…Do you want to get well?…” Or to put it in airport terms, “Are you finally tired of watching the same old baggage go by again and again?
In a way, those memories and those resentments, those no good feelings, those sins, they are the BAGGAGE in your life and they just keep replaying and replaying and causing more frustration and more damage! 

Why does Jesus ask us if we want to get well? BECAUSE SOMETIMES WE’RE AFRAID TO CHANGE!
We’ve gotten used to playing the victim role! We’ve settled into an identity that revolves around that SAME OLD BAGGAGE! 

Notice the man didn’t just say “Yes.” He responded with a “nobody cares complaint” A “woe is me” whine. Because he’s gotten used to being the guy with the problem, he was stuck in his victim identity, but Jesus acts miraculously and that man walks away carrying what had been carrying him for 38 years! 

And just as Jesus did for him, He wants to do the very same for you! And yes, He’s still got the power to do it! He wants to help you put the pain and paralysis of the past once and for all behind you ONCE AND FOR ALL! To take away the victim card and to replace it with one that says, More than conquerors through Him who loved us.He wants to help you make today the day that you wrap up the past and put it in a book called Volume 1, and leave it on the shelf forever! Today is the beginning of Volume 2, one in which you release the hurt through forgiving the hurter (that’s my word…I’m certain “hurter” is not in the dictionary), you release the sin through aggressive repentance, and you release the worthless feelings by living like the masterpiece God created you to be! That all happens when you come to the cross of Jesus and say,Jesus, I’m Yours. You died to free me from all of this, and today I’m determined to be free!Today is your day to finally do something DIFFERENT and get rid of that SAME OLD BAGGAGE! 

No more standing there watching it go around and around again! You’ve watched it throughout your teens, your twenties, your thirties, your forties, your fifties, and now you’re approaching the 65 mark, a time when you can retire from work, and Yet, you have yet to retire from looking at this same old baggage!

Whatever he did, whatever she said, LET THE BAGGAGE GO! Forget about how many times they’ve under-estimated you and overlooked you! LET THE BAGGAGE GO! Yes they betrayed you, yes they lied on you, yes they deserted you, BUT NOW IS THE TIME TO LET THE BAGGAGE GO! Mama didn’t support you, and dad didn’t understand you, I get it, BUT NOW IS THE TIME TO LET THE BAGGAGE GO! He vowed to love you till death do you part, and then Diane stepped in the picture, and ten years of marriage just went down the drain. Your anger is Justified, BUT FOR YOUR OWN SANITY AND PEACE OF SOUND MIND, LET THE BAGGAGE GO! She took your kids and the court helped her! Your hurt is Justified, BUT FOR YOUR OWN GOOD NIGHTS SLEEP, AND THE REGULATION OF YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE, LET THE BAGGAGE GO! They laid you off, they fired you, they wouldn’t hire you, OK, BUT LET THE BAGGAGE GO! Whatever happened 20 days, 20 weeks, 20 months, or 20 years ago! LET THE BAGGAGE GO!

Think of it this way: Airplanes are taking off and flying to some of the most beautiful places on earth! You have your ticket in hand and all you have to do is leave the carousel and board the plane! But You Can’t! And You Miss Out All Because You Have Become Accustomed to Watching the Same Baggage Go Around and Around! Never Claimed! Never Picked Up! Just Circling Around and Around! Meanwhile, Paris just passed you by, Rome went on the road without you, London left you, Hawaii left you high and dry, and Aruba abandoned you! All Because You Were Watching the Same Old Baggage Go Around In Circles That Has Been Going Around In Circles For The Last 38 YEARS! 

People of God, enough is enough! Free Yourself and Free Your Future! Great Things Are Awaiting You As Soon As You Stop Waiting Around the Same Old Baggage Carousel! 

In fact, Go Shopping and Buy You A New Set of Luggage! One that No One Has Put Anything Into and Pack It Yourself With Only The Things You Will Need When You Arrive to Your Destined Place In God! 

In honesty, YOU may not be tired of looking at YOUR SAME OLD BAGGAGE yet, but remember there are OTHER PEOPLE at the Baggage Carousel who have been Watching Your Baggage Too! And believe it or not, but as much as your girlfriends and sister-girls and your boys and brothers, love you, WE ARE ALL TIRED OF LOOKING AT YOUR SAME OLD BAGGAGE RESURFACE AGAIN AND AGAIN! So if you won’t do it for YOU, at least be kind enough to do it for US! We’ve been sparing your feelings, but girl/boy, truth is: We really don’t want to hear about Hank and Helen, talk about Tony and Tanisha, fight about Frank and Francine, cry over Chris and Christine or leave Larry and Lorraine….AGAIN!

So what she bought the same dress you bought, so what he didn’t help you, support you, feed you, encourage you, pay for you, stay with you, love you etc…LET IT GO! PACK UP AND SHIP IT OUT! YESTERDAY HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH TOMORROW SO TODAY GET YOURSELF TOGETHER! My brothers and sisters, It’s a New Day, a New Season, and almost a New Year! So buy some New Luggage and Enjoy a New Life!

Now, I know this is gonna sound real harsh but whoever and whatever hurt you, cry you a river, build you a bridge and get over it!

After 38 years of the same old baggage, this is about as sensitive as I intend to get. Tough love is still unconditional love! Listen, it took that man 38 years to get rid of his same old baggage! And not because it couldn’t happen sooner, but because HE DID NOTHING TO MAKE IT HAPPEN SOONER, BUT WAITED FOR OTHERS TO DO IT FOR HIM!

Folks, your Future Is at Stake! Do you really want to spend all of your Present Mad about Your Past?!

Truth is, Behavior like that Distorts Your Perspective and Stops You From Pursuing, Persevering and Possessing Your Promise! Do You Really Want That To Be the Inscription On Your Tombstone?! At the end of your journey do you really want it said that she did nothing because she never got past what was done to her?!

Think about it: Another 2 more years and he would be no better than the Israelites with a 40 year unfruitful journey…and not because of what OTHERS did, but because of their OWN behavior! Yes I said it, stop blaming other folks for your misery! 

Even if they caused it! Pay attention, “Caused” it is past tense! Therefore, Whatever he did, she did, they did, IT’S DONE AND OVER WITH, AND YOU NEED TO BE TOO! If you’re still crying, still depressed, still angry, still stuck…IT’S NOT BECAUSE OF THEM….IT’S BECAUSE OF YOU! Listen, Jesus said do YOU want to be well? The man responds with THEY won’t…In other words, WHO CARES WHAT THEY WON’T DO! NOBODY IS RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR HAPPINESS, YOUR PEACE, YOUR JOY, YOUR LIFE…BUT YOU AND JESUS! Stop waiting for them to say I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it, I wish I could take it back, if I had another chance I would.If I could do things all over again…SUCH TALK IS FUTILE! YOU DON’T NEED ANYBODY TO RECTIFY ANYTHING…YOU SIMPLY NEED TO MOVE ON! 


Now, I know this sounds real rough, but I’m not telling or teaching you from what I’ve read or studied, but from what I’ve had to learn from experience and apply to my own life! You see, if I was still holding on to what the rapist did in 1988, I would have wasted 3 decades of watching the same old baggage over and over again, instead of enjoying my daughter who was the product of that rape, enjoy life and be smart and successful. A daughter who became a salutatorian in high school; on the dean’s list in college and become a phenomenal paralegal at an awesome law firm! If I allowed myself to get stuck in the ‘why me’ mindset from years of enduring domestic abuse, I would have wasted all the years since where I’ve trained to be a domestic violence counselor to help other women get out, long before I did! If I still cried over every drink I’ve had, I would not be able to be someone else’s sponsor today. If I stayed depressed over the 3 failed suicide attempts in my past, I wouldn’t be so excited that I’ve made it to 47 years of life; married 19 years; raise 6 adult children and love 5 grandchildren! Are you hearing me? 

You can’t get stuck in your past if you intend to be productive in your present and fruitful in your future! People of God, don’t live stuck, don’t die stuck!

Here’s something else to consider: People stand around that baggage carousel watching for their baggage because they know what their baggage looks like. You’ve spent enough years looking at your baggage go around and around. Today, claim it. You know it’s yours. And you know what’s in it, because you were responsible for packing it! Everything in that bag is left up to you to claim and unload! Like I said, you packed it, you know what’s in it. Now it’s time to stop making excuses for what’s in there; stop blaming others for what’s in their; stop complaining about what’s in there. Instead, claim it, open it open, and start getting rid of stuff one article at a time! You will not grab your luggage and dump everything out in the nearest garbage. If that were true, it would not have taken 38 YEARS TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT SOMETHING THAT COULD’VE TAKEN 38 MINUTES OR 38 SECONDS! It will take you time to unpack and unload. But you have to start somewhere. Acknowledge the hurt, the pain, the choices, the consequences, the mistakes, the deliberate and willful acts of abuse. Take your life in your own hands and finally make yourself personally accountable for getting better! 

No more circles, no more cycles, no more generational curses, no more carousels!

Change begins FOR you, WITH you, BY you!

Today is the day you unload all the baggage from your past; from your former church; from your last marriage/relationship/friendship; from your last loss; from old habits and addictions; from family issues; from job issues! All of it has to go, and you are the one who is responsible for getting rid of it!

Listen, it’s time for you to soar, and the only way that will happen is if you lighten the load you’re carrying. Stop allowing the weight of the past to weigh down your wings! There is a destiny waiting for you, but you’ll never arrive until you unpack, unload, and get over all that’s behind you, because IT’S BEHIND YOU! What’s coming is better than what’s been, but you have to embrace that!

Yes, You Have to Participate In Your Own Healing and Deliverance!

Lastly, “Bon Voyage” is a French expression and it means: “Bon” (meaning “Good”) and “Voyage” (meaning “Journey”). It’s used to express farewell and good wishes to a departing traveler! Well saints, today is your day to bid a big “Bon Voyage” to Your Past With All Its Baggage! Wish Your Past Goodbye and You and Your Present Enjoy a “Good Journey” Into a Joy-Filled Future!


Carry Luggage Into Your Future as You Soar to Your Destiny; Not the Baggage of the Past That Will Keep Your Flight Too Weighed Down to Take Off! 

“If you pick something up, and it feels too heavy, it isn’t meant for you to carry.” (Author Unknown)

“Keeping baggage from the past will leave no room for happiness in the future.” (Wayne L. Misner)

“The mountains that you’re carrying, you were only meant to climb.” (Author Unknown)

“The journey is inevitable, baggage is optional.” (Author Unknown)

“Letting go of the baggage we carry with us, whether emotional, physical, or mental, is absolutely necessary so we can move forward with our own lives. Let it GO!” (Author Unknown)

“We all have baggage, but there comes a time when you realize it’s time to unpack.” (Author Unknown)

“How many of us walk around being weighed down by the baggage of our journey? You can’t possibly embrace that new relationship, that new companion, that new career, that new friendship, or that new life you want while you’re still holding on to the baggage of the last one. Let Go! And allow yourself to embrace what is waiting for you right at your feet.” (Dr. Steve Maraboli)

“Excess baggage is a symptom of something we are missing on the inside – a fear that we won’t be accepted for what we are, as if ourselves are not enough. We bring too much of our past experience, the clutter of our emotions. These things get in the way and keep us from getting close to others. Then we are left with the task of having to find someone else to carry it, whether it is our luggage or our loneliness.” (Mary Morris)

“You can check your emotional baggage at the curb and aspire to become the gentle warrior or you can carry it on and continue to be the wounded soul.” (David Rappo)

“Don’t let the baggage of your past failures, affect your identity or self-esteem. You are NOT what you did, or how you acted previously. You’re the author of your future; you control your destiny.” (Author Unknown)

“Enjoy life by limiting your emotional baggage to a small carry on.” (Tim Fargo)

“Don’t bring the baggage from your ex-relationship into your next relationship, unless you want it to be a short trip!” (Author Unknown)

“Oh what we could be if we stopped carrying the remains of who we were.” (Tyler Knott Gregson)

“If we throw out the guilt and shame and disappointment we’ve been dragging with us, we will be free to pursue those things that were hidden in the baggage.” (Sharon Hughes)

Much Love, Dr. Shermaine #EnjoyTheRead #BeInspired #BeEncouraged #BeEmpowered #BeChallenged #ShareTheWord

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“You Broke It, You Fix It!”


2 Corinthians 7:9-10, “yet I am glad now, not because you were hurt and made sorry, but because your sorrow led to repentance [and you turned back to God]; for you felt a grief such as God meant you to feel, so that you might not suffer loss in anything on our account. For [godly] sorrow that is in accord with the will of God produces a repentance without regret, leading to salvation; but worldly sorrow [the hopeless sorrow of those who do not believe] produces death.” (AMP).

This is going back quite a few years, but when my daughters were little, I displayed most of their artwork on the refrigerator door. I was usually proud of their creative efforts…usually…that is. However, there was this time in which I was attempting to paint the wood borders of my bedroom, but I had to stop briefly to answer the phone in the living-room. I gave my baby girl one instruction, “Do not touch the paint!” You want to guess what happened? When I returned from my call, little “Miss Rembrandt” was working on a toddler’s masterpiece. Unfortunately, she had chosen my wall for her canvas! There on my bedroom wall were “designs” done with the paint that was intended only for the borders.

Now, believe it or not, I didn’t spank her. Although I was ready to let her have it! As a matter of fact, I didn’t even yell. No, this was one of the many times in which I decided to make my daughter my student and turn her mistake into the day’s lesson. And how did I do that? Simple. I just went and got a bucket of soap and water and a rag and gave my daughter a new instruction, “Clean it up.” Well, my little girl scrubbed and scrubbed, mostly to no avail. But she learned something important that day. We’re responsible for the messes we make. In essence, if you broke it, fix it, if you messed it up, clean it up!

Which leads to our lesson of the day in 2 Corinthians 7:9-10. It’s really about how to clean up the messes we’ve made. It involves that renewing, transforming process the Bible calls Repentance. You might say, “Oh, you mean feeling bad about what I did?” Well, not exactly.

The word “repentance” is defined as “deep sorrow, compunction (‘a feeling of guilt or moral scruple that prevents or follows wrongdoing’. Its Latin origin ‘compungere’ literally means ‘to prick sharply’), or contrition (‘feeling or expressing remorse’) for a past sin, wrongdoing; to regret.However, biblical repentance by definition is a bit more detailed. I love one of its translations “metanoeo” which means “to change one’s mind and purpose, as the result of after knowledge.” Its verb is used to denote “a change of mind and purpose and life, to which remission of sin is promised.” But many of us prefer the translation “metamelomai” which is used of a change of mind, regret or remorse on account of sin, but not necessarily a change of heart.” (Example: Judas – Matthew 27:3, “When Judas, His betrayer, saw that Jesus was condemned, he was gripped with remorse and returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and the elders. Saying, “I have sinned by betraying innocent blood.” They replied, “What is that to us? See to that yourself!” And throwing the pieces of silver into the temple sanctuary, he left; and went away and hanged himself” AMP). He may have changed his mind, but taking his life didn’t change what was already in his heart.Metanoeo” is to change mind, purpose, and life, not take it away. It is to deliberately accept your wrong, admit it and change it for the better. It’s more than saying “I’m sorry”, it’s a complete change of mind, purpose, heart, and life! Don’t take repentance lightly!

Look at verse 9 it says, “Your sorrow led you to repentance.” Feeling sorry is a good start on repentance, but it’s sure not the whole story. Verse 10 says, “Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret. See what this godly sorrow is producing in you: what earnestness, what eagerness to clear yourselves, what indignation, what alarm, what longing, what concern, what readiness to see justice done.You see, these people understood repentance. It’s not just a forgiveness-fix for your guilty feelings. It’s an all-out campaign to fix what your sin messed up. It’s the kind of cleanup that “leaves no regret.” Repentance doesn’t just bring it to an end, but it turns it all the way around. I love the quote “a bend in the road is not the end of the road unless you refuse to turn.” Repentance is more than bowing your head in sorrow and feeling sorry, but in the definition of the Naves Dictionary, it is “to make a complete reversal of ones attitude and values; a complete turning back toward God.” It’s not enough to say I broke it, repentance also fixes it. Repentance sees the bend in the road that leads back to rightness with God and takes it!

Now, my daughter was quick to say she was sorry for what she had done that day, and she was forgiven. But she had to step up to the responsibility for the marks she had made. She had to do what she could to remove those marks. Well, so do you and I with some of the sinful mistakes of our past. It’s so unfortunate today that the church uses and misuses grace, mercy and forgiveness. It is not a band aide you slap over a deep gash! You don’t say “I’m sorry, God forgive me, I’m forgiven, now let’s start over…but this time not get caught”. No, repentance changes you from the inside out. Why are we under the impression that we can do wrong, and God makes it right, only so we can do wrong again…just in a better way?! No! We have a part to play! Listen to Matthew 6, “In prayer there is a CONNECTION between what GOD DOES and WHAT YOU DO. You can’t get forgiveness from God, for instance, without also forgiving others. If you refuse to do YOUR PART, you cut yourself off from GOD’S PART.” (14-15 MSG). Despite what today’s church makes it sound like, all the work doesn’t fall on God’s shoulders. There is a “connection”, there’s “His part and our part”. So just as in forgiveness you have to do your part and God does His, so in repentance you do your part and God does His. He forgives, renews and restores us. But that doesn’t mean we don’t have work to do on our part. Yes, my daughter said sorry, but she also had to get a rag, some soap, a bucket and water and get to cleaning up the mess she made. Why? Because she made it and it was her responsibility to clean it up. Likewise, God didn’t make your mess, you did, so stop expecting Him to clean up what is your responsibility!

For instance, if you’ve wronged anyone, would you obey the Spirit’s prompting to go back and make it right? If you took something, would you repay what you took? If you helped someone else sin by what you did, would you go back and tell them you’re sorry? Even if they don’t realize it was wrong, will you make right what your lying or your gossip or your anger did to someone?

When you make every effort to fix what your sin may have damaged, you complete the spiritual circle of repentance, restoration and healing. Now, this will require a special grace and a special courage from the Lord. But if He’s telling you to do this, He will give you everything you need to obey Him. The Lord who has forgiven that sin may now be pointing to a mess we made and lovingly saying, “Clean it up.

By making things right you can really close a chapter. You can actually say a firm goodbye to the sin of the past, and maybe really feel that great forgiveness that Jesus has already given you.

Today is a good day to get clean! Today is a good day to be made whole! You’ve walked around fractured and fragmented long enough, and so have the people you’ve hurt along the way. Take time today to self-exam and see the people in which you’ve damaged and ask God for the tools to help you make repairs. Too often families are destroyed, friendships are lost, opportunities are never recovered, churches are split and lives are severely injured, all because we don’t do our part. Maturity means I know I can go to God and repent and be forgiven and restored. But maturity in its fullness also means going to the person I hurt, acknowledging the pain I caused, admitting my wrong, humbly asking for their forgiveness, and changing ME so that I never cause this or any other like injury to them or anyone else again.

If a toddler can get some water, soap and a rag and make a sincere effort to clean up what she messed up, what do you think God expects of us as adults? Just a small effort may mend the marriage, restore the friendship, bring unity back to the church, and peace to your own mind. Take responsibility and own up to your own accountability and bring forth fruits of repentance, you never know the tremendous harvest that you’ll gather from sowing such seeds.

2 Corinthians 7:8-10, “I know I distressed you greatly with my letter. Although I felt awful at the time, I don’t feel at all bad now that I see how it turned out. The letter upset you, but only for a while. Now I’m glad—not that you were upset, but that you were jarred into turning things around. You let the distress bring you to God, not drive you from him. The result was all gain, no loss. Distress that drives us to God does that. It turns us around. It gets us back in the way of salvation. We never regret that kind of pain. But those who let distress drive them away from God are full of regrets, end up on a deathbed of regrets.” (MSG)

And maybe that’s where you are right now. You’re misunderstanding all the distress in your life because you keep ascribing it all to the Devil, but what if it’s God?! Remember what the Word of God said, “Distress that drives us to God does that. It turns us around. It gets us back in the way of salvation.” And there is no way in the world that Satan wants to send us a distress that would cause us to turn from Sin and back to Salvation! Maybe that pain, that struggle, that hurt, that betrayal, that lay off, that abandonment and rejection were all tools God allowed to distress you enough that it sent you running back to the God that sin had you running from! Perspective is always key! And distress is not always the devil! Genesis 50:20, “Joseph replied, “Don’t be afraid. Do I act for God? Don’t you see, you planned evil against me but God used those same plans for my good, as you see all around you right now—life for many people…” (MSG) Yes, God can still use evil and turn it around for your good! Distress doesn’t always come to hurt you, sometimes it comes to help you! Just look at Joseph’s brothers, their evil plans not only worked for Joseph’s good, but life for many people! And your distress will work for you the same way! You see when you allow that distress to drive you back to God and salvation, and you remedy the friendships and relationships you damaged, it gives life for many people! So many people are holding on to what you said and what you did that they’re still burdened over it even after all this time. But when you make wrongs right, you’ll be amazed how much lighter a person’s load becomes, for both you and them! And isn’t that what you want? To repent, release and return back to God?! Then do so, Today! You can make good come out of bad, remember, you serve a God who makes results like that happen everyday!

Romans 8:26-28, “Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God’s Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don’t know how or what to pray, it doesn’t matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans. He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God. That’s why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.” (MSG)

God is still working on every detail in your life, the bad and the good! Now it’s time you also put your hands to work on turning that bad into something good! As long as you’re still alive and breathing you have the opportunity to make amends, so make them! Repent and Make the Turn That Will Turn Your Life Completely Around and Get You Back On the Narrow Road to Righteousness (after all, you’ve been on the wide road that leads to destruction long enough)!

No matter the wrong, today, make it right. Be the bigger and more mature person. No grudges, no bitterness, no regrets, no hate, no unforgiveness, no resentment. It’s time to become better! And better starts with you! So no more blaming, no more pointing fingers, no more excuses, no more accusing! Today, take personal accountability for your life and get it back on the right track. Remember, in the end, God will not call others in for a reckoning of your life, He’s only going to call you. Make sure you have something good to answer Him when He does call!

Today, let repentance be the tool you use to repair your life, integrity, character, relationships, etc. Use this tool to build your life into the blueprint God has already shown you in His Word!

Church, the trumpet hasn’t sounded yet, so whoever you need to get it right with, including God, get it right! Today! Repentance Leads to Sweet Relief and Release!

“Never Ruin an Apology With an Excuse.” (Kimberly Johnson)

“Apologizing does not always mean that you’re wrong and the other person is right. It just means that you value your relationship more than your ego.” (Author Unknown)

“Sorry is not enough, sometimes you actually have to change.” (Author Unknown)

“Repentance is like antiseptic. You pour antiseptic onto a wound and, at first it stings. Then it heals.” (Timothy Keller)

“Repentance may be old-fashioned, but it is not outdated so long as there is sin.” (J.C. Macaulay)

“It’s bad when you fail morally. It’s worse when you don’t repent.” (Luis Palau)

“God has a pencil with an eraser on it and He has promised us that He will use it if we will repent and change our ways. He has said that if we would forsake our evil and thoroughly make up our minds against it, then He would wash it out of His mind and just forget the whole thing. Of course, He expects that we will wash it out of our minds also.” (Sterling W. Sill)

“True repentance hates the sin, and not merely the penalty; and it hates the sin most of all because it has discovered and felt God’s love.” (W.M. Taylor)

“Genuine repentance must bear the seal of a corrected life.” (Lewis F. Korns)

“There is no repentance in the grave.” (JC Ryle)

“Repentance is the act of exchanging the lie that holds us captive for the truth that sets us free.” (Lisa Bevere)

“The most beautiful blessing we have been given is the chance to repent.”

“There is no eraser for your mistakes, but there is repentance.”

“Repentance is a process and not something that happens at one particular moment. It requires consistency.” (Francisco J. Vinas)

“Therefore, confess your sins to one another [your false steps, your offenses], and pray for one another, that you may be healed and restored. The heartfelt and persistent prayer of a righteous man (believer) can accomplish much [when put into action and made effective by God—it is dynamic and can have tremendous power].” (James 5:16 AMP);

“Pay attention and always be on guard [looking out for one another]! If your brother sins and disregards God’s precepts, solemnly warn him; and if he repents and changes, forgive him.” (Luke 17:3 AMP)

Romans 12:1-2, “So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.” (MSG)

Much Love, Dr. Shermaine #EnjoyTheRead #BeInspired #BeEncouraged #BeEmpowered #BeChallenged #BeDelivered
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